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String System Coat Rack, Version 1 (W 80cm), Black

by Kajsa & Nisse Strinning, 1949 — from 642,00 €
String String System Coat Rack

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String System Coat Rack Version 1 (W 80cm)|Black

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642,00 € *
Available within 4-6 weeks
(standard delivery time)
3 % advance payment discount*: 622,74 € (Save 19,26 €)

The practical String system coat rack is part of the 1949 designed String system by Kajsa and Nisse Strinning. Framed by filigree wall panels, it perfectly adorns every corridor, while at the same time ensuring order. The String System coat rack is available in a large and a small version and in a variety of colours. It is one of innumerable configurations which can be realised with the String shelving system, and which can be flexibly extended and changed as required.


Product type Coat rack
Dimensions Version 1: H 155 x W 80 x D 30 cm
Version 2: H 155 x W 140 x D 30 cm

Material Version 1: Steel, painted

Version 2: Steel, painted / Ash veneer, Black (Black version), all further versions Metal, painted / MDF, painted
Function & properties The preconfigured String system coat rack can be flexibly expanded and altered.
The String shelving system can be configured individually. Shelves and components can be added to the side panels as required.

Simply design your individual indoor or outdoor String shelving system in the String configurator and purchase directly online from smow. Open the String configurator now!
Delivery includes Version 1:
4 String System Wall Panel , 50x30 cm
1 String System Metal Shelf, Edge deep, 78x30 cm
2 String System Shoe Shelf, 78x30 cm
5 String System Hooks
1 String System Rod, 78 cm

Version 2:
6 String System Wall Panel , 50x30 cm
1 String System Metal Shelf, Kante hoch, 78x30cm
1 String System Metal Shelf, Kante niedrig, 58x30 cm
2 String System Shoe Shelf, 78x30 cm
2 String System Shoe Shelf, 58x30 cm
5 String System Hooks
1 String System Rod, 78 cm

Care A soft, damp cloth is recommended for cleaning your String units
Sustainability The dimensions of the String system have remained unchanged since 1949, as such each unit, regardless of age can be easily modified and extended as required.
Warranty 24 months
Product family All String products

Popular versions

String System Coat Rack, Version 1 (W 80cm), Black
String System Coat Rack, Version 1 (W 80cm), White
String System Coat Rack, Version 2 (W 140cm), White
String System Coat Rack, Version 2 (W 140cm), Black

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