Ulf Möller
Ulf Möller was born in Kassel in 1969 and studied architecture and urban development at the TH Darmstadt. While still studying he established his own studio from where he realised various design-oriented buildings. In 1998, he joined the architectural office Cotelles Möller + Partner in Kassel, which is concerned with residential and industrial buildings, and in 2005, he took over the office and has since then focused on architecture, interior architecture, renovation, and design. From an active playground in Darmstadt over a futuristic single-family house in Tokyo to the conversion of a brewery into an adventure world with cinema and tasting, Möllers office always has something different in the repertoire. Beyond architecture, in 2010, Ulf Möller designed the LUM series of luminaires for Thonet.

Designer Ulf Möller