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S 32 / S 32 N Cantilever Chair
S 64 / S 64 N Cantilever Chair
S 32 V / S 64 V Pure Materials Special Edition Cantilever Chair
S 43 Classic Cantilever Chair
S 64 V Dark Melange Cantilever Chair
S 32 V / S 64 V Pure Materials Cantilever Chair
Set B 9
S 285/1 - S 285/2
B 9d/1
B 9
S 32 V Dark Melange Cantilever Chair
S 64 Swivel Chair
S 43 F Classic Cantilever Chair
B 9 Glass
118 High Gloss Chair
Set B 97 Glass
B 117
B 108
S 32 N / S 64 N Pure Materials Cantilever Chair
MR 515/516/517
B 97 Glass
Set B 97
B 9 Pure Materials
B 97
Set B 9 a + b
S 285/0
B 10
S 35 L Cantilever Chair
S 43 Swivel Chair
S 35 LH Ottoman
S 32 L Cantilever Chair
S 33 / S 34 Cantilever Chair
S 533 Cantilever Chair
S 285
S 32 PV / S 64 PV Pure Materials Cantilever Chair
Set B 9 Glass
B 22

Thonet and Bauhaus

In the years following the First World War, architecture developed a strong tendency away from its previous bourgeois ideals towards a clear, sober functionality. One of the most important roles in this context was undoubtedly played by Walter Gropius who in 1919 founded Bauhaus as a college for advancing the artistic basis of industry, trade and craft. In terms of content, the Bauhaus architects were representatives of the "New Objectivity" and largely oriented themselves on Michael Thonet's principle of reducing form and material to the essentials: something seen especially in regards of the then innovative material steel tube, a material with which was much experimented and designed, and a material which was experienced a real boom thanks to Thonet's developments of the late 1920s.

The Design Classic Thonet S 32

Bauhaus in Dessau

Thonet cantilever

Marcel Breuer was one of the first to fully explore the potential of the innovative new material, designing some classics of tubular steel seating including the cantilever chair S 32/S 32 N, which is still produced by Thonet and is one of the undisputed classics in design history. In addition to Breuer's designs there are also numerous tubular steel design classics by Mart Stam, Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the product portfolio of the furniture manufacturer from the German community of Frankenberg (Eder).

Download the brochure on the history of Thonet and the Bauhaus here:

Download the brochure on Thonet's most important tubular steel classics here:

100 Years of Bauhaus

2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of Bauhaus. To mark this historic event a series of celebrations are planned within the framework of the jubilee program "100 years of Bauhaus" under the motto "Re-considering the world". Together with regional and international partners the Bauhaus Association invites you to discover the lasting impact of the art school across a wide range of social and cultural contexts.

More about 'Bauhaus' in our journal

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for August 2024

...Textile Universes Kunstmuseum Thun promise to initiate just such a loosening and bending through a presentation that not only aims to elucidate that Johannes Itten was more than colour, painting, the Weimar Vorkurs or the troubling world view of Mazdaznan, and that he was also very much textiles, nor only help assist Gunta Stölzl's post-Bauhaus biography and manifold work and experimentation in Switzerland to take its place alongside, and in context of, her popularly known Bauhaus era work and biography, but for all allow Stölzl and Itten to once again pick up the dialogue and discourse they undertook and led over many decades, starting in Weimar and continuing in Switzerland, and which was important in the development of the positions, approaches and works of both...

Lucia Moholy: Exposures at Kunsthalle Praha

...2 A journey that includes stops in, for example, and amongst others, Weimar where Lucia and László moved in 1923 in context of László's appointment to the teaching staff at Bauhaus Weimar, and where, and as discussed from Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, early dabblings in photography, and early considerations that photography could, possibly, be a medium to which she, potentially, was particularly well suited, developed - sorry!... but we've got it out the way now, needn't return to it - developed into a profession, arguably a passion; a passion and a profession which, again arguably, was her primary creative occupation at first Bauhaus Weimar and subsequently at Bauhaus Dessau, be that in terms of photographing the works of students and the workshops, or in terms of photographing the buildings, for all those in Dessau, photos of buildings and works that, again as discussed from The Image of Modernity, for all that they are documentations of the buildings and works, and, certainly in terms of the works are today often the only version still in existence, the only surviving record, only documentation, they are also very much photographs that define and understand photography as more than just direct reproduction, as more than a still life or a landscape à la painting...

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2024 "Lucia Moholy: Exposures" at Kunsthalle Praha, Czech Republic As noted from the Bröhan Museum, Berlin's, exhibition Lucia Moholy – The Image of Modernity, Moholy is not only an instructive example of how, why, so many inter-War female creatives slipped into an unjust anonymity, nor only an informative individual in context of how Bauhaus as an institution functioned on a daily basis, both during its existences and following its ultimate demise, but for all Lucia Moholy is an instructive and informative and interesting creative who should play a much more prominent role in contemporary dialogues and discourses than she currently does... brussels "Bauhaus and National Socialism" at Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Germany As oft noted in these dispatches, perhaps most directly in context of the Stadtmuseum Weimar's exhibition Mathilde von Freytag-Loringhoven...

Bauhaus Imaginista @ the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

...Although Bauhaus did undeniably exist, sometimes we could all be forgiven for believing we had collectively imagined it... While today the popular image of Bauhaus is so ideal, represents such a utopia and eutopia, it has that tangible feeling of intangibility, of unreality, of something imaginary...

smow blog Design Calendar: March 27th 1886 – Happy Birthday Ludwig Mies van der Rohe!

...What words can one find to honour the birthday of the German architect, designer and ex-Bauhaus Director Ludwig Mies van der Rohe?...

All 'Bauhaus' Posts