Thomas Maitz
Thomas Maitz
Thomas Maitz was born in Feldbach, Austria, in 1972 and is a trained carpenter and engineer. In 2000, he completed the Meisterclass for carpentry and interior design at the Ortweinschule in Graz. Before establishing Perludi, where he still functions as managing director, designer, and creative director, he worked as a project and creative director at the Tischlerei Prödl. In 2001, he founded Formreform, an Office/Exhibition space in Graz, and also worked as a freelance consultant for furniture construction and interior architecture from 2000-2007. In 2007, he founded Perludi, where the wishes and suggestions of his three own children always flowed into new product ideas and innovations: "My children are my greatest motivation and inspiration, and at the same time they are also my biggest critics," says Maitz. Every part of Perludi combines joy and playability, such as MAXintheBOX, a cube consisting of two easily separable components, which can be used in many different ways, such as a stool or table.

Designer Thomas Maitz