...Knoll A Wilhelm; A Walter; A Willy; A Hans; A Florence; A Lineage Although research into its ancestry is still very much ongoing, the wild Knoll, Knoll furniturus, is popularly believed to have originated in the region of the contemporary Stuttgart; what is certain is that it was in the contemporary Stuttgart that Knoll furniturus was first domesticated as Knoll wilhelmus, a Knoll typified by its leathery character and whose most successful cultivation was unquestionably in conjunction with a leather furniture factory in the contemporary Stuttgart; and a leathery Knoll, a leather furniture factory, whose many admirers included the royal Württemberg court, the, then, rulers of the lands comprising the contemporary Stuttgart... And thus a new form of leather upholstery, a development of the leather upholsterer's craft, very much in keeping with developing ideals and principles of furniture in the Stuttgart of that age...