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Eiermann 2 Table Frame
Eiermann Table
Table Top for Eiermann Table Frames
Eiermann 3 Trestle (Set of 2)
Eiermann 1 Table Frame
Height Extension (1 Set) for Eiermann Table Frames
Eiermann 2 Dining Table
Eiermann Table - Limited Edition
Special Edition
Eiermann 1 Conference Table
High Desk Milla
Children's Table Eiermann
Flip side table
Levelling Feet for Eiermann 3 Trestle
Ludwig Table

More about 'tables' in our journal

Radio smow: A Tables Playlist…….

...The Table - The Beautiful South "This table has four sturdy legs", The Beautiful South inform us, and you think, yeah standard table (ooh-oooh), an impression reinforced as we're informed it is an object which over the years has been sat upon (ooh-oooh), wined upon (ooh-oooh), dined upon (ooh-oooh), treated like a bed (ooh-oooh) and spat upon (ooh-oooh), although honestly who spits on tables... But can tables change, can tables turn (ooh-oooh)...

Passagen Cologne 2015: Zu Tisch bei smow Köln - ASCO Tables

...Following on from the success of smow Cologne's Passagen Design Week début in 2014 with the USM Haller exhibition Facetten, 2015 sees a presentation of tables from the German manufacturer ASCO... Established in 1998 with the aim of developing tables which radiate a timeless elegance, the ASCO collection combines table tops in a range of hardwoods with bases constructed from wood, metal or concrete to produce objects that are as domesticated as they are rustic and individual as they are universally accessible...

(smow) Interview: Albertine Baronius

...As the name implies 2tables combines two tables in one object - with the top/lid raised it can be used as a desk, lower the top/lid one not only hides all evidence of work, but gains a homely wooden table - and all packaged in a delightfully formed and elegantly crafted object which is endowed with the sort of attention to detail that separates genuine design from the run of the mill tat that is often presented as design...

smow design spring: aufgetischt

...As observant readers may have noticed, during our visit to the ICFF we did spend quite a lot of time complaining about the lack of tables in the press room... Magis had of course delivered tables for the press room...

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