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HiLow 3
HiLow 2

Peter J. Lassen & Joakim Lassen

After gathering experience in furniture design, Peter J. Lassen founded his own company Montana in 1982: the simple, functional furniture he realised has now achieved classic status. His son Joakim, an engineer by trade, joined Montana in 2009 when his former company merged with his father's company. Since then, Lassen Junior is managing director of the Danish furniture company. Until the death of Peter J. Lassen in August 2019, the father-son team was jointly responsible for marketing at Montana and actively helped shape product development; specifically the electronically height-adjustable Montana HiLow desk and the Multi table series, which Peter J. Lassen and Joakim Lassen developed together for Montana. Joakim Lassen now continues the company in the second generation as Managing Director and Director Design & Communication in the spirit of his father.

Peter J. Lassen

Joakim Lassen