Peter Keler
One of the most programmatic designs from the Bauhaus school is the so-called Bauhaus-cradle by the designer, artist and architect Peter Keler, which today is produced by the furniture manufacturer Tecta. This design is programmatic insofar as Peter Keler directly transferred Wassily Kandinsky's colour theory to the design. The theory has since become the trademark of the Bauhaus. This included the colour-shape mapping red, yellow, blue to square, triangle, circle. Peter Keler himself had studied at the Bauhaus in Weimar, including in the mural department under Oskar Schlemmer and Wassily Kandinsky, and in addition to colour design, which was his special interest, was also active as a painter and carpenter. Following Bauhaus's move to Dessau, Peter Keler remained in Weimar before moving to Dresden in 1927, where he worked as a freelance artist. In 1937 he moved to Berlin, where post-War he was appointed to the staff at the reopened College of Architecture and Fine Arts and tried there to re-start the Bauhaus tradition. From 1965 Peter Keler devoted himself increasingly to painting. He died in 1982 in Weimar.

Furniture designer & Bauhaus architect Peter Keler