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More about 'Thonet' in our journal

Stühle zum (Be)Sitzen, a smow Pop-up at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig

...A brief tour through the recent (hi)story of chair design, or certainly western European chair design, that opens with Michael Thonet's 1859 Chair 14, the contemporary Thonet Chair 214, a... , but a work that also redefined chair production: Thonet's warm bentwood process negating the need for skilled carpenters, relying instead on a workforce of highly trained but otherwise unskilled labour, and thereby, essentially, marking the dawn of industrialised furniture production...

Bauhaus and National Socialism at Klassik Stiftung Weimar

...In addition the furniture chapter presents, and as one of very, very few works and creatives on show not directly associated with the Bauhauses, and thus an object whose presence is initially very confusing, a Thonet KS 46 by, strongly attributed to, Anton Lorenz, a steel tube cantilever chair that we first became acquainted with in a photo on show at Power Space Violence... A Thonet KS 46 steel tube cantilever chair of which an example, not the one on show in Weimar, but a Thonet KS 46, was part of the furnishing at Berchtesgaden, Hitler's famed and fabled mountain retreat...

The Historia Supellexalis: "T" for Thonet

...Thonet A Michael; A Twist; A Portfolio of Patents According to the Felsbilder of the Nymphs of Loreley, that most important of sources of information of the earliest (hi)story of the contemporary Rheinland, the Thonet arose in the community of Boppard, a community framed on the one side by a series of swinging aqueous curves as the Rhein meanders its way slowly through the metamorphic rock of the Rhenish Massif, and on the other by a range of peaks of that Massif on whose flowing curving sides innumerable wild vines sweep and curve vertically and horizontally... And thus a Boppard that for a great many centuries was essentially cut off from the surrounding communities, and where the Thonet lived a quiet existence fishing, bee-keeping and building chairs defined by their sweeping, curving, swinging, meandering frames whose origins no-one could explain but which had been constructed in Boppard for as long as anyone could remember...

Bentwood and Beyond. Thonet and Modern Furniture Design @ the MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna

...One such being inarguably Michael Thonet... Thonet and Modern Furniture Design the MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst Vienna navigate the history of that tributary and explore its legacy and contemporary relevance, and relationship, to the course of furniture design...

Chemnitz Creative: Offspring @ GALERIE Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg

..." The evidence to back up Jochen Voigt's claim can be seen in objects such as, amongst others, Randolf Schott's S 1200 secretary and S 95 conference chair for Thonet, Rüdiger Schaack's Allright cantilever chair and Swing Up office chair for Sedus or Jo Zarth's product and corporate design work for the German razor and shaving accessory manufacturer Mühle...

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