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Tavolo XZ3 Round
Tom & Jerry - The Wild Bunch
Tempo Clock
Tavolo XZ3 Oval
Tuffy - The Wild Bunch
Seggiolina Pop
Bell Chair Set
Butch - The Wild Bunch
First Table
360° Container
Bombo Stool
Baguette Outdoor
Steelwood Chair
Substance Chair
Cuckoo - The Wild Bunch
Substance Armchair
Central Outdoor
Little Flare
360° Chair
Air-Table Outdoor
Happy Bird
First Table Outdoor
First Chair

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Founded in 1976 by Eugenio Perazza in the industrial northeast of Italy Magis stands today for international design "made in Italy". All products of the Italian manufacturer are made on site, which not only ensures the quality but emphasizes the cultural and craft roots of the company. In addition to innovative chairs and dining room furniture such as the Chair_One or the Tavolo XZ3 dining table, Magis also develop and produce clever everyday accessories, modern garden furniture and the children's furniture collection Me Too.

Baguette Outdoor and Chair_One from Magis

Magis furniture is both developed by the in-house design department and in collaboration with renowned designers such as Jasper Morrison, Steffano Giovannoni or Konstantin Grcic and goes through a long process of development before final production is achieved. A well-known and often copied Magis classic is the Bombo Stool, which is just as home in the residential as in the catering sector. Numerous Magis designs have been recognized with international prizes, including the Federal Republic of Germany's Design Award and the Compasso d'Oro Award, and Magis is represented in several major museums worldwide, including the MoMA, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Centre Pompidou.

Garden furniture from Magis

In addition to home accessories such as the Cu-Clock or the Tempo Clock, dining chairs and tables, children's furniture and office furniture such as the 360° Container by Konstantin Grcic, Magis offers numerous garden furniture. Characteristic here is the practical Folding Air Chair by Jasper Morrison, which can also be used on small balconies and can be stowed away when not in use. The Magis garden chairs Flux and Vigna impress with their unconventional look, while Central Outdoor is the classic bistro table. A real all-rounder is the Magis chair Chair_One, which can be used both indoors and outdoors and is both stackable and fire-resistant. Magis garden furniture is made of sturdy materials such as plastic or metal and thus proves to be particularly durable and easy to clean.

Magis Vigna garden chair

Magis Baguette Outdoor

Magis Tuffy

Magis First table

Magis Vigna

Dodo rocking bird from Magis

The Me Too Collection from Magis

During a lengthy search for a suitable table for his granddaughter, Magis founder Eugenio Perazza came up with the idea of selling a series of children's furniture himself: the Me Too Collection. Whereby the plan wasn't to adapt existing design furniture to children; but children's furniture should be designed specifically to meet the needs of the youngest, with whom it would also romp, frolic and play creatively. Together with numerous renowned designers such as Eero Aarnio, Oiva Toikka and Javier Mariscal, the Me Too Collection was developed, and which in addition to Magis children's furniture such as the chairs Alma and Seggiolina Pop also includes playful creations such as the toy dog Puppy or the rocking bird Dodo. The Magis children's furniture collection is made of robust materials, is easy to clean and sometimes even suitable for playing in the garden.

Tom & Jerry - The Wild Bunch from Magis

Magis furniture and the protection of the forests for future generations

Magis furniture combines a wide variety of materials in order to unite their properties in innovative interior design which reinterpret classic themes. But the brand is also aware of its responsibility for the environment and fulfils it by not only developing products them with a timeless design, but thanks to high-quality workmanship, durable and responsible materials intended to be be used, and loved, for generations.

Sustainable production at Magis

A family company, Magis follows important values ​​such as respect, honesty and loyalty, which play an important role for the company in terms of both people and the corporate context. Joint development and mutual responsibility is a basic principle of the corporate culture and is reflected in the partnership-based relationships with employees and suppliers. Based in Veneto, Northern Italy, the company sees itself as a regional company with high-quality production on site, but which also works in a global context.

Magis is committed to the longevity of its products and strives for exactly the opposite of the so-called throwaway society. Magis is therefore also characterized by its search for alternatives to conventional plastics and experiments with jute, hemp, recycled plastic, recyclable and even biodegradable plastics. Magis wooden furniture is FSC-certified - an important commitment to responsible design, especially to protect forests for future generations.

smow sells exclusively originals from licensed manufacturers and is an official trading partner of Magis.

More about 'Magis' in our journal

#officetour Milestones – A chair "just high enough that one can sit half-standing"

...And Konstantin Grcic's 360° stool for Magis, that contemporary re-interpretation of Nelson and Probst's work... And in many regards it is only really in the 21st century that the perch, the half-standing sitting solution has become established in offices, arguably, being popularly revived through works such as, for example, Plint by Kersti Sandin and Lars Bülow for Materia from 2001, or Konstantin Grcic's aforementioned 360° stool for Magis from 2009...

The Historia Supellexalis: "G" for Grcic

...And an itch his attempts to soothe saw Konstantin the Grcic travel to lands as diverse as, and amongst a great many others, the troubled northern Italian dominion of Montina where on several occasions he thought he'd conquered it, not least through the geometrically self-confident, Cramer, a sobered up, almost repentantly so, Postmodernist character, or with Scolaro & Allievo a work that elegantly and effortlessly combines the careful nurturing of that which exists with the material and formal reduction enabled by contemporary realities, that are so important to the ways Grcic, yet despite such joyous moments, the itch remained; to the wilds of Bavaria where Freiherr Clas Sicon empowered him to create Chaos by way of deconstructing the act of sitting and thereby denying the itch its nutrition, and although successful, the itch remained; to the Principato di Magis where he cast a chair in aluminium as if it was a leather football, and in doing so thought this Chair must be the One, and it was, but the itch remained; to the Parisian community of Kreo, where he cut from Bluestone objects on which you can sit, but needn't, and if you do, then as you wish, thereby approaching a dissolution of the concept of the chair, but the itch remained; to the commonwealth of Vitra where following a smooth Landen Konstantin's journey began with a Waver, and while that experience may have put others off, the ways of Grcic coupled with the Vitronians innate, calm, unhurried, long-term view, saw Konstantin not only slowly turn that initial Waver into a Citizen of the Vitra commonwealth, but also extend the functionalities of Scolaro & Allievo to create a combined Stool-Tool, a work in which the development of Konstantin's Grcic, Konstantin's evolution of Grcic, through the course of his many journeys was satisfyingly and exuberantly expressed... Even the extreme satisfaction of a Brut of a cast-iron sofa for the Principato di Magis couldn't relieve it...

Design on Air at the CID – centre d'innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu, Hornu

...Similarly, Formed by Air considers objects filled with air to create stable, functional forms, albeit through processes a little more involved than "standard" inflation and including projects as diverse as Jasper Morrison's gas injection moulded Air Chair for Magis, Oskar Zieta's FIDU steel inflation process as exemplified through the Plopp stool and Rondo mirror or Marcel Wanders' Sparkling Chair/Still Chair for Magis, a work which also stands as a reminder that the inspiration air provides a designer may not be enough to blow away other considerations: Wanders' original plan was to have a chair crafted, in effect, from PET bottles inflated by high pressure gas... To assure the durability of the object, presumably with safety concerns in mind, Magis however opted for thicker plastic and no gas...

V&A Museum London: British Design 1948-2012. Innovation in the Modern Age

...Barber Osgerby currently work with Vitra, Magis, ClassiCon, flos...

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