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smow Kempten
Kaufbeurer Straße 91
87437 Kempten (Allgäu)

+49 831 540 747 12

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Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm
Sat 10 am - 2 pm
S 333 Sledge
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More about 'Thonet', 'Kempten' in our journal

Mehr als echt (More than real) by Jun Yang at Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau

...The result is a collection of some 80 chairs at various locations throughout the Dessau Bauhaus building and in the foyer of the Bauhaus Museum Dessau; some 80 chairs composing a juxtaposition of licenced works through Knoll, Thonet and Tecta, including the B3 'Wassily' club chair by Marcel Breuer, the S533 R by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe or the D4 by Marcel Breuer, of plagiarisms of those licensed works, and also of alternative interpretations of those licensed works by furniture retail chains such as Ikea or XXXLutz and designers such as Jasper Morrison... The latter a question also posed by the inclusion in Mehr als echt (More than real) of the S 43 cantilever chair by Mart Stam through Thonet, a work without question of importance in context of the (hi)story of furniture and of Functionalist Modernism, but a work, as with all works of Stam, that has as much to do with Bauhaus as this blog...

Stühle zum (Be)Sitzen, a smow Pop-up at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig

...A brief tour through the recent (hi)story of chair design, or certainly western European chair design, that opens with Michael Thonet's 1859 Chair 14, the contemporary Thonet Chair 214, a... , but a work that also redefined chair production: Thonet's warm bentwood process negating the need for skilled carpenters, relying instead on a workforce of highly trained but otherwise unskilled labour, and thereby, essentially, marking the dawn of industrialised furniture production...

Bauhaus and National Socialism at Klassik Stiftung Weimar

...In addition the furniture chapter presents, and as one of very, very few works and creatives on show not directly associated with the Bauhauses, and thus an object whose presence is initially very confusing, a Thonet KS 46 by, strongly attributed to, Anton Lorenz, a steel tube cantilever chair that we first became acquainted with in a photo on show at Power Space Violence... A Thonet KS 46 steel tube cantilever chair of which an example, not the one on show in Weimar, but a Thonet KS 46, was part of the furnishing at Berchtesgaden, Hitler's famed and fabled mountain retreat...

smow Song Contest 2022

...Kempten - Dedication of the Anna Schwegelin Fountain: Oh Bondage, Up Yours - X-ray Spex Long believed to have been the last witch executed in the lands of the contemporary Germany, a belief largely debunked by the discovery in the 1990s of a record of her death in Kempten prison in 1781, some 6 years after her believed execution in the city, Anna Schwegelin is without question one of the last women convicted of being a witch, and persecuted for being a witch, in the lands of the contemporary Germany... If an initiative which needed a very long breath: on June 27th 2002 the Anna-Schwegelin-Brunnen was dedicated on Kempten's Residenzplatz, in front of the District Court, the end of a 17 year campaign which, again as best we can ascertain, was fought against much resistance from the authorities and political leadership in Kempten who, apparently, understood little need for a memorial, a monument, for Anna Schwegelin...

smow Song Contest 2021

...Kempten, Höhenegg, 915m: Grateful Dead - Friend of the Devil Situated in Mariaberg in south-western Kempten, and offering views over both Kempten and the Alps, the path to Höhenegg takes you past the so-called Mulzer-Föhre, a solitary Scots Pine - and solitary Scots do - planted in memory of Max Ritter von Mulzer, one of the most successful, i...

smow Song Contest 2019

...Kempten - Helene Nonné: Georges Brassens - Les Sabots d'Hélène Kempten and Bauhaus don't have the closest of associations, even Bauhaus and Allgäu caused the selection committee a few headaches; however, for a few post-War years Helene Nonné lived in Wangen im Allgäu...

smow Song Contest 2018

...Kempten/Quiberon, Brittany: Bertrand Belin - Hypernuít Formally the twin with Quiberon was arranged in 1971 by the village of Sankt Mang, before being taken on by Kempten following Sankt Mang's assimilation in the course of the 1972 local government reorganisation; and although both Sankt Mang/Kempten and Quiberon can boast a Celtic origin there is otherwise very little that links the Breton peninsula community with the one at the foot of the Allgäuer Alpen... Given Sankt Mang/Kempten/Quiberon's Celtic heritage there was an obvious temptation to select a Breton roots artist, and the responsible committee got stupidly overexcited when they discovered the band Ar Re Yaouank, established by two brothers from Quimper...

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