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Setago Portable
Formakami Pendant Lamp
Formakami table lamp

Jaime Hayon

One of the highly acclaimed designers of our time is Jaime Hayon. Born in Madrid in 1973, Hayon owes his success to his "Mediterranean Digital Baroque" style, which was also the name of a design exhibition featuring works by Hayon in London. Hayon's product designs and works of art of the most varied kind commute between reduction and opulence, always celebrate new materials and colors and do not shrink from decadence and kitsch. This does not mean that Hayon does not understand his craft, but rather that he plays with fixed ideas of good design and creates astounding interrelations of various styles and epochs. Whether the Formakami Pendant Lamp in the style of Japanese paper lamps or the noble Fritz Hansen Armchair Ro - again a reminiscence to the British wing chair - Hayon's designs are produced by leading furniture manufacturers, and create a distinctive ambience with class and elegance.

Designer Jaime Hayon