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Elephant Tube
Aplomb Outdoor
Bertoia Chair
Planet Table Lamp
646 Leggera Chair
Trix Outdoor
1 Fauteuil dossier basculant
Degree Side Table
Le Soleil Sospensione LED
Dudet Chair
Thin-K Dining Table
10 Table en tube, Grand Modèle
Hill House 1 Chair
6 Table tube d’avion
Red and Blue Chair
Vine Light Tavolo
A.I. Console
905 Chair
2 Fauteuil Grand Confort, petit modèle, trois places
Cab 413
First Chair
Tabouret Méribel Stool
A.I. Stool Recycled
Boiacca Wood Dining table
Utrecht Armchair
2 Ottomane

More about 'Italian design' in our journal

Storie. Il Design Italiano @ Triennale Design Museum, Milan

...Established in 2007 the Triennale Design Museum reorganises its permanent exhibition on an annual basis, each reorganisation changing the focus of the presentation to illuminate another perspective on Italian design: since 2007's inaugural The Seven Obsessions of Italian Design the Triennale Design Museum has presented exhibitions as varied as Italian Design Beyond the Crisis Autarky, Austerity, Autonomy, W... Complimenting the chronological tale are five detailed explorations of specific sub-plots within the story of 20th century design in Italy: Politics, which explores the political and social contexts in which the Milan Triennale has occurred, from the fascism of the 1933 event over the Radicals of the 60s and onto the globalisation of more recent years, and the inevitable consequences for the event; Geography, which highlights the various Italian regions and their manufacturers; Economics with its focus on the bottom line(s); Technology, which explores how Italian designers and manufactures have responded to changing technological realities of the 20th century, for all telecommunications, but also materials; and Communication, which highlights the importance of Italian architecture and design magazines, authors and photographers in disseminating Italian design to a national and global audience...

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