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Knax Shoe Rack
Knax Lite
Knax Lodret
Hanx Coat Hangers, Set of 6
Knax Zjup
Hanx Hat Shelf
Knax Wall Stand
Bee Hive Table

Harrit & Sørensen A/S

Copenhagen design studio Harrit & Sørensen A/S was founded in 1991 by Thomas Harrit and Nicolai Sørensen and offers its services worldwide and in various fields. In addition to medical equipment, toys, furniture design and industrial design for agriculture, the Knax wardrobe of 1993, which has been consistently and internationally successful, has also proved to be the studio's most important calling card. From the first coat rack, a whole collection has developed in addition to accessories such as the Hanx coat hanger, and all produced by the Danish manufacturer LoCa. For their work, Harrit & Sørensen have received numerous prizes, including the Danish Design Prize and the Danish Product Award in 2011.