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smow Freiburg
Leo-Wohleb-Straße 6/8
79098 Freiburg

+49 761 217 110 80

Opening times:
Mon-Fri 10 am - 6 pm
Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Tagedieb Stacking bed

More about 'Beds' in our journal

Lost Furniture Design Classics: The Panton Bed

"The placing of foam mattresses, spring mattresses, and the like, on bed frames made of wood or metal is familiar", notes a July 1966 patent application, and it was. However, it continues, "bed frames of this type are heavy, continually take up one and the...

Radio smow: A Beds Playlist.......

...Procrustean Beds - Obstacles An instrumental, but the title of the Danish three piece's 2010 track brings us to one of the more unpleasant beds in Greek mythology; not that we can imagine the beds of Greek antiquity were particularly comfortable to begin with, but that belonging to the Attican smith Procrustes stands as an especially uncomfortable representative of the genre, for, as we learn from Diodorus of Sicily, Procrustes "compelled the travellers who passed by to lie down upon a bed, and if any were too long for the bed he cut off the parts of their body which protruded, while in the case of such as were too short for it he stretched their legs"2 Which not only wouldn't get him that many ★★★★★ reviews, but means the Procrustean Bed exists as the perfect analogy for structures which deform, contort and simplify a policy or objective to make it fit; for imposing uniformity upon complex systems; for processes where the means are misused to ensure a preconceived end is reached; of what Keith M...

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