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Enzo Mari

Enzo Mari (* 1932 in Novara/Italy) studied literature and art at "Accademia di Brera" in Milano and where he became preoccupied with the psychology of visual perception. Taking theory into practice NMAri started working as freelance designer and member of the design group "Nuove Tendenze". In addition to various lecturer assignments, Mari served for three years as chairman of the Italian Design Society (ADI) and published books on the design aesthetic. Enzo Mari has worked with numerous companies including Olivetti, Le Creuset, Artemide and Kartell for whom Mari designed his Alta Tensione coat stand.

More about 'Enzo Mari' in our journal

smow Blog Design Calendar: January 10th 1875 – Happy Birthday Louise Brigham!

...In which context, amongst the many comparisons of Brigham's work with the work of later practitioners one of the most common, and most visually obvious, is Enzo Mari's 1974 Autoprogettazione project... Enzo Mari in Hans Ulrich Obrist, The Conversation Series 15: Enzo Mari, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne, 2008 page 38 Mari also speaks of the importance of "concrete needs – that is, the facility of using it, solidness, elegance, low cost" (page 37) which also fits in very, very nicely with Louise Brigham...

Enzo Mari curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist with Francesca Giacomelli at the Triennale Milano, Milan

..."I don't know what design is", opined once the Italian designer Enzo Mari... With the exhibition Enzo Mari curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist with Francesca Giacomelli the Triennale Milano present an opportunity to approach an understanding of that which in the course of those considerations, and his 60+ year career, Enzo Mari has variously understood both design to be, and what it could, should, must, be...

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2020

...40, 80333 Munich on Tuesday October 13th and runs until Sunday January 10th "Enzo Mari Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist" at the Triennale Milano, Milan, Italy In context of the 1972 MoMA New York exhibition Italy: The New Domestic Landscape a dozen Italian designers/collectives were asked to contribute an installation for the Environments section, or rather 11 were, the exhibition catalogue noting of the 12th, "knowing Mr... He consented and produced the following essay…"2 An essay which, once again, confirmed that, and simplifying to the point inaccuracy, Enzo Mari is very much a designer for whom design isn't about developing products to satisfy the insatiable appetite of commerce, but about developing frameworks and tools for individual and collective social and cultural enhancement and development...

Enzo Mari. Me and the Farmer. Reprise.

...In a New York Times piece by Alice Rawsthorn1 we read that Enzo Mari once said that he wanted to make things that factory workers would like to produce... In his UdK Berlin talk, Enzo Mari touched on a similar vein describing, in the course of various monologues, the drudgery of badly paid workers in factories producing goods that no one finds attractive and the majority of which are in any case destined to become waste...

Enzo Mari. Me and the Farmer.

...On Monday September 5th the Universität der Künste Berlin designtransfer centre hosted a talk with the Italian designer, design critic, design linguist and, somewhat paradoxically, design disdainer, Enzo Mari... A sprightly 79 years old, Enzo Mari initially studied literature and came to design more by necessity than desire...

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