"Form should not be finite but should be amorphous, so that the experience within is loose, meandering and multiple" - Balkrishna Doshi1 With the exhibition Architecture for the People the Vitra Design Museum explore Indian architect Balkrishna Doshi's understanding of, belief in and approach to realising the amorphous, the social, the humane, in architecture. Balkrishna Doshi. Architecture for the People, Vitra Design Museum An Indian architect who has built exclusively in India,
read moreAccording to US gonzo journalist, Hunter S Thompson, "the human animal needs a Good Reason to get out of bed on a wretched morning in February." 1 May we humbly suggest....... "Die Neue Heimat (1950–1982). A Social Democratic Utopia and Its Buildings" at the Architekturmuseum der TU München, Munich, Germany An exhibition about German high-rise housing estates with the subtitle "A Social Democratic Utopia and Its Buildings" could lead one to the conclusion it was about East Germany. Wrong!
read moreIf Jean-Claude Juncker gets his way October 2018 could see the clocks of Europe turned back an hour for the final time. And thereby bringing to an end the long tradition of local newspapers publishing bi-annual articles documenting the curious tales and legends of town clocks, stories from the Schwarzwald on the largest and smallest cuckoo clocks, and photographs of horologists surrounded by the 350+ clocks and watches they need to reset. For our part, we'll miss them. It will also mean you
read moreVictor Papanek's contention that "There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them", remains one of the most pertinent considerations on the design profession, because it succinctly underscores that in what they do designers directly and indirectly impact not only the user/consumer of that which they design, but also on all those involved in the production, distribution and disposal of that which they design. And thereby, directly and indirectly, on our
read moreAccording to Germanic lore, "ein guter Septemberregen kommt nie ungelegen", a good rain in September is never inopportune. This year arguably more so than ever. Similarly a good architecture and design exhibition in September is never inopportune. And, and keeping with rain metaphors, while we can all remember what rain is, September 2018, sees a proper downpour of new architecture and design exhibitions. A downpour that is particularly opportune. Following July's drought and its meagre 4
read moreWriting to his friend Heinrich Köselitz in August 1881 Friedrich Nietzsche remarked, "My dear friend! The August sun hangs over us, the year drifts by, it is quieter and more peaceful on the mountains and in the forests. On my horizon thoughts have arisen, the likes of which I have never known...." We like to imagine that those thoughts arose through his having visited an architecture and/or design exhibition. Were he still with us, we'd suggest he visited the following vista extending
read moreNightclubs and discos are not only about entertainment and sensory overload, but also provide a society with means of expression and reflection. With the exhibition Night Fever. Designing Club Culture 1960 - Today the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein explore five decades of club culture. Night Fever. Designing Club Culture 1960 - Today, Vitra Design Museum One of our worst ever disco experience's was in Weil am Rhein. And we weren't even there. It was a couple of years ago, we were in
read moreWith the exhibition Hans J. Wegner: Designing Danish Modern the Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot explores the oeuvre of one of the Grand Doyens, and arguably one of the most widely misconstrued protagonists, of 20th century Danish design. Hans J. Wegner: Designing Danish Modern, Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot "If only you could design just one good chair in your life . . . But you simply cannot”1 opined Hans J. Wegner in 1952: and as if to prove his point designed over 500. And while not all
read moreArguably because Passover/Easter is early this year, every, but every, museum is opening a major exhibition in the course of March 2018, in preparation for the unofficial start of the tourist season in April. A situation which leaves us with the daunting possibility of creating 5 such Top 5 lists. And still having some exhibitions left over. Faced with a similar situation back in November 2017 we referred to the abundance of options which lay before us as being akin to "gardens mottled with
read moreThe September architecture and design exhibition recommendations are arguably the cruellest to write: the fact that the majority of the exhibitions end in the depths of the European winter meaning that as we sit here hoping that summer keeps going just a little, little, longer.... we're forced to think about winter jackets and gloves. And so before things get that far, best get out there and visit an exhibition!! Our five recommendations for September 2017 feature new exhibitions in Weil am
read moreOur picks from the new architecture and design exhibitions opening in February 2017, featuring showcases in Weil am Rhein, Falkenberg, 's-Hertogenbosch, Berlin and Groningen. 5 New Design Exhibitions for February 2017 "Good morrow, Benedick. Why, what's the matter, That you have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?", enquires Don Pedro of Benedick in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Shakespeare gives the impression that Benedick's mood is somehow related to
read moreWith the opening of the Vitra Schaudepot the Vitra Campus has not only grown by a further building, but the Vitra Design Museum has realised a long held dream, that of an exhibition space in which to present their collection in its full extent; or at least in a much fuller extent than has currently been possible. Vitra Schaudepot by Herzog & de Meuron The Vitra Design Museum collection traces its origins back to 1981 when the then Vitra CEO Rolf Fehlbaum began buying historic examples of
read more"All in the wild March morning I heard the angels call, It was when the moon was setting, and the dark was over all; The trees began to whisper, and the wind began to roll, And in the wild March morning I heard them call: "Stop romanticising and visit a design exhibition!!!!" (The May Queen by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. With apologies) Were Alfred, Lord Tennyson around in March 2016, here’s five new design exhibitions we could recommend..... Alexander Girard. A Designer's Universe at the Vitra
read moreMarch is a month for caution. Yes, the sun shines. Yes, the days are getting longer Yes, one can smell spring in the air. But March has a temper. Meteorologically March is fickle with a hang to petulance and so it takes bravery and fortitude to expose oneself to March's harsh, unforgiving vagaries. Snowdrops risk it. And often regret it. The following five museums have also taken that risk.... and we feel should be rewarded and applauded for their bravery. "Making Africa: A Continent of
read moreMuch as the hardest move in yoga is unrolling your yoga mat, so to is the most challenging facet about most design and architecture exhibitions actually getting round to visiting them. Especially when it involves going out into February's cold air. The following five however seem well worth the effort. If unrolling your yoga mat is worth the effort is of course another question. And not one we have any intention of ever trying to find an answer to.................... Architecture of
read moreThe inescapable chill in the morning air and the deep-seated boredom in the eyes of school aged children can only mean that summer is, ever so slowly, coming to an end. And just as spring beckons life to return in the natural world, so to does autumn herald a revival of activity in the unnatural world of museums and galleries. Consequently, whereas in August we only managed to find three architecture and design exhibitions to recommend, for September we have seven! A Magnificent Seven who
read moreAny self-respecting modern conurbation needs a moniker. An evocative tag line on which to hang its city marketing strategy and attract tourists. Paris is of course the City of Love, Rome the Eternal City, Prague the City of a Hundred Spires while Edinburgh, whether advisable or not, regails as simply Auld Reekie. In 1998 the southern German town of Weil am Rhein re-christened itself "City of Chairs" If we're honest the reason why escapes us, for aside from Vitra there is, as far as we are
read moreBack in 2011 we took umbrage at the fence surrounding the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein and so, taking up Ronald Regan's mantle, issued a challenge to Vitra's Chairman Emeritus Rolf Fehlbaum "Mr Fehlbaum! Tear down this wall" we demanded, "Or at least move it a little. Please" And Rolf Fehlbaum listened. And has indeed moved it a little. Thank you!1 However, being a much more enlightened man than us, Rolf Fehlbaum thought further and not only took the opportunity thus created to invite
read moreParallel to the exhibition Konstantin Grcic - Panorama, the Vitra Design Museum is revisiting perhaps the daddy of all explorations of our possible futures, Verner Panton's 1970 Visiona 2 exhibition. Lacking a three story Rhine cruiser on which to present the complete exhibition, the Vitra Design Museum are instead presenting a recreation of the fabled Fantasy Landscape installation from Visiona 2 in the Vitra Design Museum gallery. A recreation which one can enter and so experience with all
read moreThe North wind doth blow and we shall have snow, And what will poor robin do then, poor thing? He'll sit in a barn and keep himself warm And hide his head under his wing, poor thing. Or, and much more sensibly, take himself off and visit one of the new design exhibitions opening during March. And so not only keep himself warm but also informed, entertained and inspired. Our selection from the new, robin friendly, openings in March features an homage to East German concrete architecture in
read moreIt is almost certainly more by chance than design, but in the week that Verner Panton would have celebrated his 88th birthday the Vitra Design Museum Gallery opened an exhibition devoted to his inimitable Visiona 2 exhibition from 1970. Presented as part of the warm up to the forthcoming "Panorama" exhibition from and by Konstantin Grcic, "Visiona 1970: Revisiting the Future" explores the background to and realisation of the Visiona 2 showcase, including an accessible, usable, sitonable
read moreAside from the ability to accurately focus light, Richard Sapper had a further motivation in designing his Tizio lamp: "Another problem was that I am a very disorganised person. On my desk there is no space to place a lamp, or at best one is forced to place it on the very edge, the rest of the table being covered with things that I probably don't need, but which I can only store on my desk. In such a situation one needs a lamp with a long boom arm. To effortlessly move such a lamp one has the
read moreWith the winter solstice behind us and the days growing noticeably longer, the Vitra Design Museum exhibition Lightopia draws slowly towards its natural end. But before the lights finally go out on March 9th there are still a few genuine highlights in the Fringe programme to be enjoyed, including on Thursday January 23rd a talk with and about the Milan based designer Richard Sapper. Born in Munich in 1932 Richard Sapper has worked with and for companies as varied as Daimler-Benz, Kartell,
read moreWhen we spoke to Marc Zehntner and Mateo Kries, the joint heads of the Vitra Design Museum, they told us that they hoped to make the institution "... a much more vibrant location that doesn’t just present exhibitions exploring the most important design themes and topics but much more asks question of the visitors and so becomes more of an experience." The fringe programme to the current Vitra Design Museum exhibition Lightopia wonderfully demonstrates just what they meant, featuring as it does
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