"Man schnitzte das Holz nicht mehr, man spann nicht mehr, man webte nicht mehr die gute Leinwand wie früher"1, 'No-one carved wood, no-one spun, no-one wove the good linen as before', lamented Henry van de Velde in 1898 the English society of the second half of the 19th century that stood proxy for large parts of Europe as industrialisation became the established norm in ever more arenas, continuing, 'the machine, which turns imbecilically around itself and moves thanks to the pestilential
read moreAs the, then, still plain Walter Scott, so nearly opined in 1806: "November's sky is chill and drear, November's leaf is red and sear: Late, gazing down the steepy linn That hems our little garden in, I thought, what an excellent month to visit an architecture or design exhibition."1 Our five retreats from the chill and drear of November 2024 can be found in Chemnitz, Brussels, Winterthur, Krefeld and New York....... "Reform of Life" at the Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz, Chemnitz, Germany
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