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Tag: Offenbach
2 stories found
Rundgang 2018, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
smow | 17.07.2018

#campustour 2018: Rundgang, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, Germany

Whereas Frankfurt can, and very loudly does, claim to the birthplace of the German poet, playwright, scientist, statesman, etc, etc, etc Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, nearby Offenbach was not only the birthplace of his almost wife and long, long time love Lili Schönemann, but it was in the, then, relative, calm of Offenbach that Goethe's affections for Lili evolved and grew; "Lili was the first person I deeply and truly loved, and maybe she was the last", an octogenarian Goethe is reported as

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118 by Sebastian Herkner for Thonet, as seen at IMM Cologne 2018
Designer | 29.01.2018

IMM Cologne 2018 Compact: 118 by Sebastian Herkner for Thonet

It's probably fair to say that no object at IMM Cologne 2018 confused us quite as much as the new 118 chair by Sebastian Herkner for Thonet. Not in bad way. Just in a confused way. We know, we know, what sort of being gets confused by chairs. Us. Regularly. It's why our lives' are such a mess. 118 by Sebastian Herkner for Thonet, as seen at IMM Cologne 2018 The quadratic wooden side chair is one of the true archetypes of chair design. Arguably tracing its history back to the Klismos of

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