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Tag: Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin
2 stories found
Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1968)
Architecture | 17.03.2025

Architecture & Design Titbits: Where Rum Becomes Art -The Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

The (hi)story of architecture and design is a rich, vibrant, complex smörgåsbord, albeit one that for decades has been popularly reduced to a simplified, formalised, ultra-processed ready meal. Something to re-heat and consume without enjoyment. A most unhappy, and unhealthy, state of affairs we feel it is our duty to respond to by serving you up some titbits and morsels from that original smörgåsbord, not so that you can go around showing off on social media, please don't, but by way of

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David Chipperfield Sticks and Stones an Intervention Installation view
Architecture | 01.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: David Chipperfield. Sticks and Stones at the Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin

In our 5 New Design Exhibitions for October 2014 post we noted the revolutionary construction techniques Ludwig Mies van der Rohe employed in his Villa Tugendhat Brno and Barcelona Expo Pavilion projects from 1929-30; in both cases the roof being fully supported by the outer walls thus freeing the interior walls of their load carrying function and as such allowing for a more open room division. At that time a genuinely new idea. Over thirty years after realising these works Mies van der Rohe in

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