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Tag: Munich
58 stories found
5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for March 2025

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for March 2025

The month of March takes its name from the Roman month of Martius which in turn takes its name from the Roman God of War, Mārs. As does the planet Mars which a small group of individuals appear phenomenally keen to get to as quickly as possible. Ideally quicker. If that is because they suspect the presence of rare earths, are looking for new regions to fight over by way of honouring Mārs, or simply read far too many comics as children and believe it is the unavoidable fate of humans to visit

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2024

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2024

Despite what you may have have been led to believe, Oktoberfest isn't in October. Or is barely in October. It's primarily in September, ends on the first Sunday in October. Meaning in 2024 it's all over on the 6th of October. Leaving you the rest of the month to over-consume in reasonably-priced architecture and design museums rather than over-consuming in over-priced beer tents. Our five locations for a party of the spirit, intellect, soul and for improving your understanding of the world

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The Room for Focussed Activity, as seen at The Biophilic Workspace, Technische Universität München, Munich Creative Business Week 2024
Designer | 08.06.2024

Munich Creative Business Week 2024 Compact: The Biophilic Workspace at the Technische Universität München

The Room for Focussed Activity, as seen at The Biophilic Workspace, Technische Universität München, Munich Creative Business Week 2024 For all that the office is popularly considered an 'environment', over a great man decades it was essentially a monoculture in terms of flora and fauna: humans were there, but little else. Save that half-dried out Yucca sp. or Philodendron sp. in the shadiest corner of the office. Or sat on the sunniest window still. Objects that have not only accompanied the

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Wellen Wogen Wirbel. Water as a source of inspiration, Galerie Handwerk, Munich
Designer | 21.05.2024

Munich Creative Business Week 2024 Compact: Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel. Water as a source of inspiration at Galerie Handwerk

Wellen, Wogen, Wirbel. Water as a source of inspiration, Galerie Handwerk, Munich Water, as we all know, is that compound without which life on earth simply wouldn't be physically possible. And a compound that, as discussed from, for example, Water Pressure. Designing for the Future at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, has an importance and relevance for human society that goes far beyond the physical of its life giving properties. Important and relevant as the physical of its life

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Earth Centered Design. An Exhibition, Hochschule München, Munich Creative Business Week 2024
Designer | 17.05.2024

Munich Creative Business Week 2024 Compact: Earth Centered Design. An Exhibition at the Hochschule München

Earth Centered Design. An Exhibition, Hochschule München, Munich Creative Business Week 2024 In context of Tsuyoshi Tane's Garden House project on the Vitra Campus, long-year Vitra CEO Rolf Fehlbaum opined that in the immediate post 1939-45 War decades "the industrial idea of taking over nature without caring was very typical". And arguably not just then. As discussed in context of, for example, At the coalface! Design in a post-carbon age at the Centre for Innovation and Design at

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Munich Creative Business Week 2024

Munich Creative Business Week 2024, Servus!

Established in 2012, so a good three and half years after smow Blog, just sayin', Munich Creative Business Week, MCBW, is today, according to its own claim, "Germany's largest design event". A claim we see absolutely no reason to doubt, but also haven't tried to verify. Primarily because we see so little reason to doubt it. Despite our famed cynicism. Initiated by bayern design, Bavaria's "international design competence centre", and from the very beginning known as Munich Creative Business

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The Gift. Stories of Generosity and Violence in Architecture, Architekturmuseum der TU München
Architecture | 26.04.2024

The Gift. Stories of Generosity and Violence in Architecture at the Architekturmuseum der TU München

Amongst the great many delights of the exchange, the interplay, between German and English is the word 'Gift': German English Gift Poison Geschenk Gift An interplay that, apart from all the other joys it brings, allows one to rephrase Virgil's "timeō Danaōs et dōna ferentēs" 'Beware Greeks bearing gifts' as 'Beware Germans bearing Gift'.🤣 With the exhibition The Gift. Stories of Generosity and Violence in Architecture the Architekturmuseum der TU München explore architecture as a

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Edition 33 as seen at Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024
Designer | 09.02.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024: Edition 33

Edition 33 as seen at Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024 Established in Munich in 2020 by Max Neustadt, an alumni of the Technische Hochschule Rosenheim and ECAL, Lausanne, with periods working with Nils Holger Moormann and Stefan Diez on his CV, Edition 33 have a, for us, agreeably responsible and sustainable business model: new products are 'launched' but only actually produced, only actually become a component of the Edition 33 portfolio, once 33 orders have been received. We're

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The Augenwohl felt lamp by Dorothee Becker from the early 1970s, as seen at Dorothee Becker – aus dem persönlichen Nachlass, Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024
Cologne Creative | 24.01.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024: Dorothee Becker – aus dem persönlichen Nachlass

The Augenwohl felt lamp by Dorothee Becker for Design M from the early 1970s, as seen at Dorothee Becker – aus dem persönlichen Nachlass, Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024 Born in Aschaffenburg, Bayern, on March 30th 1938 into a family of small traders, her mother's family running a butchery, her father operating a drugstore, Dorothee Becker enjoyed, a, by all accounts, happy, comfortable, childhood on the Bavarian/Hessen border, if an early biography that is still to be fully told.

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2022

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2022

"One day in the midst of a burning July, When meadows were parched and the rivulets dry, A cluster of Bees in extreme....... anticipation, Flew towards...... a design exhibition"1 (With apologies to Sara Coleridge) Our five welcoming, stimulating, retreats for bees, or anyone or anything, from the parching burning of July 2022 can be found in Munich, Metz, Tulsa, Vienna and Bordeaux....... "The Olympic City of Munich. Retrospect and Outlook" at the Architekturmuseum der TU München, Germany

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smow | 14.05.2022

smow Song Contest 2022

Following smow Turin's thoroughly unexpected, if in no way undeserved, victory in the 2021 smow Song Contest, it's off to Piemonte for the 2022 edition. A 2022 smow Song Contest being held very much in context of events 20 years previous....... 2002 was a very different world than the one we know today. In 2002, for example, following the ousting of the Taliban girls were allowed to attend school in Afghanistan; Chechens stormed the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow demanding an end to Russia's

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2021

"November's night is dark and drear, The dullest month of all the year", opined Letitia Elizabeth Landon in 1836, however, 'twas not all doom and gloom, for, as she continues, "the November evening now closing in round Mrs. Cameron's house was of a very cheerful nature."* A cheerfulness in Mrs. Cameron's house/school occasioned by the gaiety associated with the rapidly approaching annual school prize-giving and ball; and a cheerfulness to banish the dreary darkness of a November evening that

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2021

We go in withering July, To ply the hard incessant hoe; Panting beneath the brazen sky, We sweat and grumble, but we go.....1 .....alternatively, skip the panting, sweating and grumbling with a visit to an air-conditioned museum. Our recommendations for escaping the brazen sky of withering July 2021 can be found in Munich, Aalborg, Eisenhüttenstadt, Wrocław and Karlsruhe. And as ever in these times, if you are planning visiting any exhibition please familiarise yourself in advance with the

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smow Song Contest 2020 2021 …. Waiting for the livestream to begin…..
smow | 21.05.2021

smow Song Contest 2021

After a long, challenging, year the smow Song Contest finds itself exactly where it was: Rotterdam. Not just the location, but the stage, the decoration, the costumes, even the bier en frieten exactly as they were twelve months ago. The decisive, defining, difference between the 2020 smow Song Contest and the 2021 smow Song Contest being the new understandings, the new perceptions, the new perspectives, the new vitality, the new passions, the new desires, the new old new, articulated by the

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Imaginary Architecture by Otto Beckmann (l) and Plotter Drawings by Günter Günschel (r), as seen at The Architecture Machine. The Role of Computers in Architecture, the Architekturmuseum der TU München
Architecture | 28.10.2020

The Architecture Machine. The Role of Computers in Architecture at the Architekturmuseum der TU München, Munich

"How far can we entrust the machine to design?" asked the American architect Louis I. Kahn in context of the 1968 conference Computer Graphics in Architecture and Design. In his opinion, not much. "The machine can communicate measure, but the machine cannot create, cannot judge, cannot design. This belongs to the mind".1 And today? With the exhibition The Architecture Machine. The Role of Computers in Architecture, the Architekturmuseum der TU München explore the (hi)story of the computer

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2020

"Last night the waiter put the celery on with the cheese, and I knew that summer was indeed dead", opined once A.A. Milne, continuing that, while there may be other indications of autumn's arrival, "it is only with the first celery that summer is over." And the first celery appears, or at least appeared in early 20th century England, in October. Not that one should fear the celery, for in its crispness, freshness, tenderness, sweetness celery, so A.A. Milne, reminds us that winter isn't only

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smow song contest 2020 .... waiting for the livestream to begin.....
smow | 15.05.2020

smow Song Contest 2020

In a year in which the familiar glow of many a beloved cultural event is missing, one beacon continues to shine. As a virtual, and in many regards virtual, event the smow Song Contest is one that can be staged regardless of prevailing physical social distancing regulations and physical travel restrictions. And while virtual closeness and virtual travel can never, and must never be allowed to, replace the physical, the 2020 smow Song Contest does allow us all an opportunity to cross great

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5 Online Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2020

5 Online Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2020

While we'd all much rather physically visit architecture and design museums, our current enforced virtual patronage does allow us all an excellent opportunity to begin to understand architecture and design museums as more than just an exhibition space with shop and café, and to begin to learn to interact with them, and for all their collections, in new, proactive, manners. To understand architecture and design museums as tools as much as institutions. And while a virtual visit can never

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2020

Off late, and certainly in a European context, January has become a month of forgoing, eschewing and general abstention, with campaigns such as Dry January and Veganuary extolling us to utilise our guilt at our dangerous, decadent, gluttony of late December as an impetus to radically alter our behaviour, as a catalyst for reduction. And while less is unquestionably more, and thus worth striving for, fundamental change is invariably more sustainably and meaningfully achieved through better

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Ingo Maurer intim. Design or what?, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum Munich
Designer | 16.12.2019

Ingo Maurer intim. Design or what? Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, Munich

In context of the 2013 exhibition Lightopia at the Vitra Design Museum a point of particularly intense illumination, pun intended, was the difference between light and lighting, and that the craft of the lighting designer is to bring a tangible form to an intangible material. With the exhibition Ingo Maurer intim. Design or what? Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum Munich celebrate, and remember, one of Germany's leading designer's of light..... Ingo Maurer intim. Design or what?, Die

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2019

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2019

On November 1st 1512 Pope Julius II celebrated the All Saint's Day Mass in the Sistine Chapel. The first public presentation of Michelangelo's frescos, and thereby the opening of a permanent exhibition still on show today. And still attracting a public. And while permanent exhibitions are good and important, for all in allowing an overview and an introduction to a subject, it is those ever changing temporary exhibitions that, should, ideally, allow for new insights and deepening of

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#campustour 2019: Germany - Bavaria
Architecture | 22.08.2019

#campustour 2019: Germany - Bavaria

If the recent history of Germany is one of East and West, the longer history is one of North and South; a history which, and simplifying to the point of falsehood, saw the rivalry and conflict between the Hanseatic League and the traders of the southern states become a rivalry and conflict between Prussia and the realms of Baden, Württemberg, Hessen and Bavaria: the latter being the most reluctant to ratify the 1870 November Treaties and join the new Deutsches Reich. A reluctance expressed not

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2019

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2019

According to the old saying "Human spirit and the June wind often change swiftly", and while we can undertake only little to influence the wind, a visit to an architecture or design exhibition should help strengthen, enhance, embolden and thus stabilise the human spirit. In June, or at any time of the year. Our five recommendations for new exhibitions opening in June 2019 can be found in Ulm, Hornu, Munich, Gothenburg and Boston...... "bauhaus ulm: From Peterhans to Maldonado" at the

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Thonet & Design, Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum, Munich
Designer | 20.05.2019

Thonet & Design @ Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum, Munich

The German town of Boppard sits on two of the most pronounced and prominent curves on the Mittelrhein. Can it be a coincidence that Boppard's most famous son, Michael Thonet, is most popularly known for his curving bentwood chairs? Can it really be a coincidence? Possibly. Almost certainly. What is less contentious is that the flow and meandering of first Michael Thonet's creativity and vigour and subsequently that of the company Thonet has carved its mark not only on the Rhenish Massif

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