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Tag: lighting
41 stories found
oD-Lamp by Erik Koivusaari, as seen at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2025
Designer | 11.02.2025

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2025 Compact: oD-Lamp by Erik Koivusaari

In 1958 the French sociologist Roger Caillois opined that "L'esprit du jeu est essentiel à la culture"1, 'the spirit of play is essential to culture', an opinion that finds an echo in a Charles Eames' "toys are not really as innocent as they look. Toys and games are the preludes to serious ideas".2 A position that, in many regards, underscores the argument made from and by Design for Children at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, that design for the playful world of the child is the best location to

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Burn Lace by Färg & Blanche, as seen at Stockholm Design Week 2025
Designer | 10.02.2025

Stockholm Design Week 2025 Compact: Burn Lace by Färg & Blanche

For all that nature is based on, dependent on, carefully formed patterns, repeating order, an efficiency of structure, it is invariably a lack of pattern, order or structure, a randomness and serendipity, that brings about the most fundamental changes, that drives developments in individuals, populations, communities, societies. And for all that the human spirit is naturally drawn to, and naturally delights in, carefully formed patterns, repeating order, and efficiency of structure, do we

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Grassimesse smow-Designpreis 2024 winner Nadja Schulze (photo courtesy Nadja Schulze)
smow | 02.12.2024

smow Blog Interview: Nadja Schulze - My goal is to always break down my designs so that they are easy to understand for all

Nadja Schulze once opined that "Licht ist die tollste aller Sprachen", 'light is the greatest of all languages', and the light her lamps LiLa and Bow spoke at Grassimesse 2024 so enamoured the Grassimesse Jury they awarded Nadja the 2024 Grassimesse smow-Designpreis....... Grassimesse smow-Designpreis 2024 winner Nadja Schulze (photo courtesy Nadja Schulze) Born and raised in Leipzig, Nadja Schulze completed her Bachelor in Innenarchitektur at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle in the

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2024
Architecture | 31.10.2024

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2024

As the, then, still plain Walter Scott, so nearly opined in 1806: "November's sky is chill and drear, November's leaf is red and sear: Late, gazing down the steepy linn That hems our little garden in, I thought, what an excellent month to visit an architecture or design exhibition."1 Our five retreats from the chill and drear of November 2024 can be found in Chemnitz, Brussels, Winterthur, Krefeld and New York....... "Reform of Life" at the Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz, Chemnitz, Germany

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2024 smow-Designpreis Winner Nadja Schulze
Awards | 25.10.2024

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024: smow-Designpreis Winner - Nadja Schulze

Grassimesse Leipzig 2024: smow-Designpreis Winner - Nadja Schulze Following on from the co-winners of the inaugural Grassimesse smow-Designpreis Hevesi Annabella/Line and Round and Cornelius Réer the winner of the 2nd edition is Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule, Halle, Interior Architecture Masters student, Nadja Schulze for her lighting projects LiLa, Bow and 360°. The latter a wall mounted lamp, family of lamps, that can be rotated through, well... 360°. A rotation that not only results

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Uniqueness in Mass Production by Fehérvári Panna Nóra, as seen at Budapest Design Week 2024
Designer | 20.10.2024

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Uniqueness in Mass Production by Fehérvári Panna Nóra

Budapest Design Week 2024 Compact: Uniqueness in Mass Production by Fehérvári Panna Nóra Before we go any further.... Uniqueness in Mass Production isn't the name of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, MOME, Budapest graduate Fehérvári Panna Nóra's lamps. Panna calls them MushLume, for understandable, and highly enjoyable, reasons, but sadly MushLume is the name of a Brooklyn, New York, based manufacturer of lighting crafted from mushroom mycelia, and so it's unlikely to remain their

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Dreamer's Garden by Linda Procházka and Jive Lau, as seen at Designblok Prague 2024
Designer | 06.10.2024

Designblok Prague 2024 Compact: Linda Procházka and Jive Lau - Dreamer's Garden

Dreamer's Garden by Linda Procházka and Jive Lau, as seen at Designblok Prague 2024 For all that gardens, be they small private gardens or expansive public gardens are often considered as refuges of nature, as small islands of nature amid the brutality of modern society, all gardens are artificial constructions. Even the Garden of Eden was, if one so will, an artificial construction. Gardens exist as extensions of the human imagination, creativity, desires, ideals. They aren't natural.

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Excito by Tea Gluvačević, as seen at Zagreb Design Week 2024
Designer | 02.10.2024

Zagreb Design Week 2024 Compact: Excito by Tea Gluvačević

Excito by Tea Gluvačević, as seen at Zagreb Design Week 2024 We're not sure how things are today in pre-school and primary education institutes, but when we were young every child regularly made a lantern by cutting some slits in a piece of paper, rolling it to a tube, and then squashing it a little. Which is a very simple, and slightly derogatory, certainly unfair, manner via which to describe the lamp, lantern, Excito by Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts' student Tea Gluvačević. For not only

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Timon and Melchior Grau with their Fire lamp (photo courtesy GRAU)
Architecture | 28.08.2024

smow Blog Interview: Timon and Melchior Grau - We want to create lighting moods that really touch you

Timon and Melchior Grau with their Fire lamp (photo courtesy GRAU) There is an argument to be made, one indeed we've often have made in these dispatches, that the (hi)story of human society, essentially, begins with the harnessing of fire, a harnessing that conceptually someone had to arrive at and which poses important questions as to how 'primitive' 'primitive' societies actually were: could you conceive harnessing fire, and then work out how to? We couldn't. A harnessing of fire that was

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Annabella Hevesi & Gábor Bella a.k.a Line and Round I O
Awards | 24.11.2023

smow Blog Interview: Line and Round - It is a bit of a mission impossible to try to make a career as a furniture designer in Hungary

Line and Round, I O, was established in Budapest in 2017 by Annabella Hevesi, a Masters graduate from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and Gábor Bella, a Masters graduate from the "School of Life", with a background in carpentry and numerous years experience in a variety of construction/interior/design fields, including the creation, development and realisation of escape room games, a concept that enjoys a particular popularity in Hungary, and in which context Annabella and Gábor

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smow co-founder Martina Stadler reads the laudatio for Cornelius Réer (m) Annabella Hevesi / Line and Round IO (l, represnted by Gabor Bella) at the opening of the 2023 Grassimesse Leipzig
Designer | 20.10.2023

Grassimesse 2023: smow-Designpreis Co-Winners - Annabella Hevesi / Line and Round IO & Cornelius Réer

Let's be honest, it wouldn't be smow if it followed the rules and did that which you'd expected it to. Thus it should have come as absolutely no surprise to anyone that the inaugural Grassimesse smow-Designpreis produced not the expected one, but two, joint, co-winners: Budapest based designer Annabella Hevesi and her studio Line and Round I O and Nürnberg based glassmaker Cornelius Réer....... smow co-founder Martina Stadler reads the laudatio for Cornelius Réer (m) Annabella Hevesi / Line

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Pendulum Lamp by Matej Štefanac, as seen at Vienna Design Week 2023
Designer | 30.09.2023

Vienna Design Week 2023 Compact: Pendulum Lamp by Matej Štefanac

Pendulum Lamp by Matej Štefanac, as seen at Vienna Design Week 2023 In many regards the name of Ljubljana based designer Matej Štefanac's new lamp is a misnomer, because pendulums swing and the defining feature of, the argument made by, the joy of, Matej's lamp is that doesn't: It is resolutely, tenaciously, unapologetically static. Until you move it, then it follows your every whim; the technology allowing as it does the lamp to be swung through 180 degrees so that it can shine directly to

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Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023: Say Hej! to... Stair Lamp by Notchi Architects for Oblure
Architecture | 19.02.2023

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023: Say Hej! to... Stair Lamp by Notchi Architects for Oblure

Launched in 2022 by Gothenburg based lighting manufacturer Oblure, Stair Lamp by, similarly Gothenburg based, Notchi Architects, is a freely dimmable desk/table/bedside lamp-cum-bookend which features two integrated USB-C ports on the side, an integrated two-pin plug socket unobtrusively, neatly, hidden within the base, exterior storage space for pens, USB sticks, chewing gum, lip balm, rings, loose change, very small cacti, etc, etc, etc..... and which screams 1980s Postmodernism at you.

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Designer | 26.07.2022

The Historia Supellexalis: “L” for Le Klint

Le Klint A Phaesporia; A Fonden; A Pleat As the ancient runes and paintings within the Caves of Lego record, during a period of great darkness in the lands of the contemporary Denmark one Peder Vilhelm det Klint, more commonly recorded as PV, a sage of fundamental importance to the development of furniture in the contemporary Denmark, a sage, legend records, hewn from Møns Klint on the sacred isle of Falster and blessed with the ability to see into the past and into the future in the same

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for March 2022

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for March 2022

"It was one of those March days" reflects Philip "Pip" Pirrip in Great Expectations, "when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade".1 And thus exactly the sort of dithering, indecisive, capricious, March day when rather than surreptitiously rowing down the Thames towards Gravesend, one should seek refuge in the consistent climate and warming intellectual atmosphere of an architecture or design exhibition. Our five Great exhibition

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Charles and Ray Eames: Often bright, but also illuminating......?
Designer | 27.02.2021

Eames Lighting Design... Or, A search for light in the Eames Universe...

Wandering aimlessly through the digital Marcel Breuer Archive one afternoon, we stumbled across a letter dated July 25th 1950 from Peter M Fraser, one of Breuer's employees, to the Eames Office, enquiring about a lighting design by Charles and Ray that Breuer was interested in using in one of his architectural projects, and requesting... ..."a lighting design by Charles and Ray"??? Eames lighting??? Eames furniture ✔ Eames toys ✔ Eames exhibitions ✔ Eames textiles ✔ Eames films ✔ Eames

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artemide design
Producer | 08.01.2021

The Historia Supellexalis: "A" for Artemide

Artemide A Phaesporia; A bringer of light. Arising in Milan at a time of great darkness in the Kingdom of Lombardy, Artemide's original form, its Alfa form, was bequeathed to it by a man recorded as Sergio Mazza, and it was this Mazza, together with a young compagno bearing the name Ernesto Gismondi, who charged Artemide with the spreading of that Alfa light throughout the still dark domestic, commercial and civic spaces of the known worlds. Although renowned, and celebrated, for its

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Radio smow: A Candlesticks Playlist
Everyday Design | 27.11.2020

Radio smow: A Candlesticks Playlist…….

In the northern hemisphere* December marks not only the darkest period of the year but also that moment when light begins to return: following the Winter Solstice our days start to get a little longer, and a little brighter. And in December 2020 not just astronomically, but metaphorically. Midwinter 2020 symbolising a moment when a particularly dark year, a particularly dark period, starts to get a little brighter, a moment when a little more light will start to slowly seep into our days,

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2020

July is traditionally a slow month for new architecture and design exhibition openings. July 2020 less so. Not because of any fundamental changes in understandings amongst architecture and design museums of when is a good time to open an exhibition; but because owing to Corona many shows scheduled to open in the spring had to be postponed, not least until the museums were allowed to open. And throughout July 2020 ever more museums are planned and planning to open; meaning ever more

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100 Years of Positionable Light, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Bauhaus | 31.01.2020

100 Years of Positionable Light @ the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

"In many workshops and offices it is regularly attempted to achieve both direct and semi-indirect lighting by means of large, single, light sources, that is, to work only with ample general lighting. Yet as pleasant as this type of lighting may be, in many cases it proves unsatisfactory on account of certain inherent shortcomings"1 So opined in 1926 the German engineer Curt Fischer. Rhetorically. For in 1919 he had already patented his first solution to resolving such "inherent shortcomings".

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Fire. The first man made light....and still the most endearing....
smow | 21.06.2019

Radio smow: A Lighting Playlist…….

On this, the longest day, a radio smow playlist devoted to that which Europe for the next 24 hours will have more of than at any other time this year. And which somehow still won't seem enough. We could do with a lot more light, a lot more illumination, in our contemporary society..................... Fire. The first man-made light....and still the most endearing and engaging form.... As the Bible reliably informs us*, the first thing God did was create the heaven and the earth. And then

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A lamp that needs no introduction....., as seen at Wilhelm Wagenfeld: Lamps, Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus, Bremen
Bauhaus | 24.05.2019

Wilhelm Wagenfeld: Lamps @ the Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus, Bremen

"I assure you that you and your work are the model case for what the Bauhaus has been after" wrote Walter Gropius to Wilhelm Wagenfeld in April 1965. Just how Wilhelm Wagenfeld developed that "model case" "after" Bauhaus is explored, at least in terms of one design genre, in that genre for which Wilhelm Wagenfeld is most popularly known as a Bauhaus model, in the exhibition Wilhelm Wagenfeld: Lamps at the Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus Bremen. Tropfen (l) & Düren (r) by Wilhelm Wagenfeld for

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Ionna Vautrin
Designer | 16.11.2018

smow Blog Interview: Ionna Vautrin - For me objects need to relate to the human, to human forms...

French designer Ionna Vautrin first reached a broad international public with her Binic lamp for Italian manufacturer Foscarini, a design which, it's fair to say, is/was one of those genuinely, gloriously, joyous moments in the (hi)story of lighting design, a work full of character yet devoid of vanity, universally applicable yet always individual. Ionna Vautrin is however more than Binic: before Binic Ionna had enjoyed a varied, international career working with a diverse roster of studios

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Plateau Lamp by Ferréol Babin for Daniel, as seen during Paris Design Week 2018
Designer | 20.09.2018

Paris Design Week 2018 Compact: Plateau Lamp by Ferréol Babin for Daniel

It is a universal rule of life that some of the most pleasing things occur unplanned, and that is certainly the case when visiting a design week, events where the disappointment that invariably arises visiting shows you intended to, is quickly offset by something you stumble across per chance. So too was it as we turned into the Rue des Coutures-Saint-Gervais, our thoughts less concerned with where we were or where we were going as with where we had been and for all why we'd been where we'd

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