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A comparison of the geographic distribution of the Hanseatic League and smow (Stand March 2018)
smow | 23.03.2018

smow martimás. Or, how the smow network can be considered (almost) Hanseatic

The only FAQ not answered by the smow FAQs is the one that begins, "What is smow........?" And as smow grows and grows so too does the F with which the Q is A'd. The answer in one sense is very simple, smow trade in furniture, lighting and home/office accessories through a series of showrooms and online shops. But that only partly explains "smow". Doesn't explain the how, who, why and wherefore. Nor the richness. Explaining the true smow is in many respects best achieved by exploring another

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Glo-ball by Jasper Morrison for Flos, as seen at Jasper Morrison - Thingness, Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Designer | 21.11.2017

Jasper Morrison - Thingness @ Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

Visitors to the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig have long been able to rest on Jasper Morrison's Vitra Bench, an object liberally distributed throughout the museum complex. With the exhibition Thingness the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig offers visitors a deeper insight into Jasper Morrison's oeuvre, and creative processes. Jasper Morrison - Thingness @ Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig Born in London in 1959 and a graduate of both Kingston Polytechnic and the Royal

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5 New Design Exhibitions for June 2017

5 New Design Exhibitions for June 2017

In northern hemispheres June marks the start of both astronomical and meteorological summer. In southern hemispheres June marks the start of both astronomical and meteorological winter. The one rejoices, the other laments .... and we don't even notice, far too busy as we are perusing architecture and design exhibitions. Our five recommendations for June 2017 features new shows in Den Haag, Frankfurt, New York, Leipzig and Brussels. "Architecture and Interiors. The desire for Style" at the

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smow song contest 2017
smow | 11.05.2017

smow Song Contest 2017

It's early May and once again the party ship we call the smow song contest is ready to set sail...... First staged in 1956 in Lugano, as a small, essentially regional, event, the smow song contest has grown as the smow family has, and now enjoys a popularity far outwith smow's geographic heartland. A fact acknowledged by the addition of Sydney to the competition in 2015: our antipodean cousins having long adopted the spirit of smow. Yes, some, ill informed, never happy's, oafs quite frankly,

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S32 by Marcel Breuer for Thonet (Artistic Copyright since 1932, Mart Stam)
Design Calendar | 01.06.2016

smow blog Design Calendar: June 1st 1932 - Mart Stam Awarded Artistic Copyright for the Cubic Cantilever Chair

"...the strict, logical lines which avoid anything unnecessary and which with the sleekest form and through the simplest means embodies the modern objectivity"1, with this, glowing, description of his design the Supreme Court of the German Reich in Leipzig awarded on June 1st 1932 Mart Stam the artistic copyright of the cubic, quadratic, cantilever chair, and thus settled arguably the very first legal dispute over the copyright of the form of a piece of furniture intended for industrial mass

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Stuttgart reißt sich ab Architekturgalerie am Weissenhof, Stuttgart

5 New Design Exhibitions for June 2016

Our five recommendations for new design and architecture exhibitions opening in June 2016 feature four in Germany and one in Holland. That's not our fault. That is the honest result of our open minded search through the programmes' of numerous global architecture and design museums. The following are for us the best five. We know the decision is subjective. But are sticking with our five. And thereby accepting the suspicion that we have specially selected them on account of where they are being

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The Work Space, as seen at Konstantin Grcic – Panorama, Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
A pictorial review | 02.01.2016

smow blog 2015. A pictorial review: November

November 2015 was a month of exhibitions, including Konstantin Grcic at the Grassi Museum Leipzig and Anton Corbijn at C/O Berlin, but we did also find time for a very long chat with Budapest designer András Kerékgyártó about life as a contemporary Hungarian designer. The Work Space, as seen at Konstantin Grcic – Panorama, Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig Biela by András Kerékgyártó Moderne in der Werkstatt - 100 Years Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle @ Kunstmuseum

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How We Work new Dutch Design Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
A pictorial review | 22.12.2015

smow blog 2015. A pictorial review: February

February 2015 saw us break new ground and make our first visits to Munich Creative Business Week, the magnificently monikered 's-Hertogenbosch in Holland and Ekumfi-Ekrawfo, Ghana. The latter albeit only virtually. Sadly. And Nils Holger Moormann used our pages to call for a revolution......... How We Work, new Dutch Design at the Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch Dry-lacquer vessels by Chung Hae Cho, as seen at Tools for A Break - Korean Crafts and Design, Galerie Rieder Munich during

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smow | 26.11.2015

Konstantin Grcic – Panorama @ the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

On Leipzig's Augustusplatz one can currently enjoy the wonders of the Leipzig Märchenland, the Leipzig Fairytale World. Alternatively, some 500m east of Augustusplatz in the Art Déco splendour of the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts one can enjoy the wonders of the equally narrative, if thankfully less preachy and moralising, Konstantin Grcic Märchenland. Or Konstantin Grcic - Panorama, to give its formal name. The Work Space, as seen at Konstantin Grcic – Panorama, Grassi Museum for Applied

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Bookrest from Ruppelwerk Gotha (ca 1930), as seen at Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual,Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Bauhaus | 20.11.2015

Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig presents Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual - Reprise

The inclusion of a sheet steel bookend amongst our photos from the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts exhibition “Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual” resulted in one or the other queried look in our direction, enquiries after our health and even questions as to if all our other photos were so unusable that, in our desperation, we had been reduced to using a shot of a piece of understatedly painted bent sheet steel. No, no we replied, all was good. As were the rest of our photos. That bookend

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Vase with leaves from Fachschule Steinschönau (ca 1936), as seen at Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual,Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Designer | 06.11.2015

Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig presents Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual

All with an interest in and/or a desire to understand how historicism in architecture, art and design ceded to modernism could do worse than visit Germany this coming winter. Following on from the opening of the exhibitions "Art Nouveau. The Great Utopian Vision" at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg and "The Bauhaus #itsalldesign" at the Vitra Design Museum, the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig have now closed the gap with their new exhibition Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual

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"Please touch!" at the Museum für Gestaltung – Schaudepot, Zürich

5 New Design Exhibitions for November 2015

In the complete interview with Matylda Krzykowski ahead of the Depot Basel exhibition Forum for an Attitude, there is a statement from Matylda which try as we might we simply could not crowbar into our published text: "most people have never visited a design show, art shows yes, but not design shows" It hadn't occurred to us before. But it's true. You don't go to design museums do you? And presumably also not architecture museums! Or certainly not architecture musems if you don't go to

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Margret Hoppe Le Corbusier High Court IV Chandigarh
Architecture | 11.09.2015

smow blog Interview: Margret Hoppe - As a photographer you can influence appreciation for and understanding of architecture.

Buildings are, somewhat logically, 3D. Photographs 2D. The challenge of architecture photography is transforming the 3D to 2D in such a way that the building maintains its identity without the photograph becoming incomprehensible. Always has been. Always will be. One of the younger generation of artists to accept the challenge is Leipzig based photographer Margret Hoppe. Born in Greiz, Thüringen, Margret Hoppe studied photography at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, graduating

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DIY. All Tomorrow's Parties? by Varinka Schreurs, as seen at 2.5.0.Object is Meditation and Poetry, Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Bauhaus | 02.04.2015

smow blog compact: 2.5.0. – Object is Meditation and Poetry. Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

The (hi)story of applied arts is, we believe it's not too impetuous to claim, very closely connected with that of all other visual artistic forms. Therefore it is only logical that the (hi)story of the Grassi Museum of Applied Arts in Leipzig is very closely connected with that of the town's Academy of Visual Arts - the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, HGB And so to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the later the former has invited students and graduates of the HGB to disrupt the Museum

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Myvillages International Village Show Alle Dörfer an einem Ort Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig Lace

International Village Show – Alle Dörfer an einem Ort at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig

Among the more arrogant characteristics of us city dwellers is our assumed cultural and creative superiority over those who live in the countryside. A situation largely fuelled by the insular, self-absorbing nature of city life and the resulting belief that only an urban environment and its peculiar mix of influences and rituals can bring forth cultural evolution. And a state of affairs barely helped by contemporary technological, demographic, economic and political changes and their

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Andy Warhol Death and Disaster Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz Sixteen Jackies White Disaster II
Architecture | 03.01.2015

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: November

Such was the quality of the new products we saw during our autumn tour they kept us going well into November; indeed it wasn't until a cold dank Friday in Chemnitz ahead of the opening of the exhibition Andy Warhol – Death and Disaster at the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, that we even realised it was November.

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Rudolf Horn conferstar club chair
Designer | 29.12.2014

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: July

Thanks to a unnecessarily long journey through Sachsen-Anhalt in an unnecessarily warm bus, July 2014 will remain indelibly scorched in our collective memory. On a professional note, July 2014 also saw the exhibitions Unter Zwischen im Ampelhaus, Oranienbaum and Summer Break VA / Neue Arbeiten at Direktorenhaus Berlin, and of course the flood of student exhibitions that arise every summer.

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Haus am Waldsee Berlin Ola Kolehmainen Geometric Light Hagia Sophia year 537 III Untitled No 6 2014
Artek | 25.12.2014

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: April

As all old thesauruans know "April" is merely a synonym for "Milan" And lo despite all promises to the contrary April 2014 once again found us in Lombardy, where, amongst other objects and exhibitions, we were very taken with the Alexander Girard reissues revealed by Vitra, the exhibition of Meisenthal Glassworks at the Institut Francais and the new Rival chair by Konstantin Grcic for Artek. Away from Milan April 214 saw us get to know the work of Pascal Howe at the DMY Design Gallery Berlin,

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Grassi Museum Leipzig Exclusive Carpentry Works From Leipzig F G Hoffmann Court Carpenter and Entrepreneur

Exclusive Carpentry Works From Leipzig: F.G. Hoffmann - Court Carpenter and Entrepreneur at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

While it is widely understood that Leipzig is currently the most important European centre in terms of on-line designer furniture retailing, less well understood is that the town has always been an important European centre for innovative approaches to the sale and distribution of contemporary furniture. The exhibition F.G. Hoffmann - Court Carpenter and Entrepreneur at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig aims to rectify that. Born in 1741 on the estate of Puschwitz Manor, Sachsen,

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Grassimesse Leipzig 2014

Grassimesse Leipzig 2014

Time was when Leipzig hosted two fayres per year, one at Easter and one at Michaelmas. The Easter Fair has since given way to a grotesque faux middle ages market. And no we're not using grotesque as a synonym for the pains and discomforts of the middle ages as reflected in the stalls, shows and characters who compose the market experience. We mean its painful and uncomfortable. The Michaelmas Fair however has evolved much more agreeably and is now ably represented by the annual Grassimesse.

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Rudolf Horn conferstar club sessel
Designer | 22.08.2014

Rudolf Horn at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig. Reprise

It is very apposite that the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig is currently hosting a special presentation dedicated to the designer Rudolf Horn: for here began the story of one of Rudolf Horn's more interesting projects, the somewhat unfortunately named Conferstar club chair. And yes it does look like Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Chair. It's supposed to. In 1962 Rudolf Horn was sitting in his office in Leipzig and was, by his own admission, fed up. And so decided to visit the Grassi

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Rudolf Horn PUR Grassi Leipzig
Designer | 25.07.2014

Rudolf Horn at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

As we noted in our post from the recent Burg Giebichenstein Halle summer exhibition, the institution is currently one of the more interesting design schools in Germany. That it is is largely on account of the conscientious work done and reputation established during the days of divided Germany, and the way that work has subsequently been carried on through into the unified days. One of the most interesting, if not influential, members of the Burg Giebichenstein staff during the DDR days was

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Sitzen Liegen Schaukeln Möbel von Thonet Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst Leipzig
Designer | 16.04.2014

Sitting – Lying – Swinging. Furniture from Thonet at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts, Leipzig

Standing in the Leipzig Grassi Museum for Applied Arts, surrounded by 150 years of Thonet chair history, Peter Thonet, x-times-great grandson of company founder Michael Thonet and until his recent retirement company CEO, is clearly a very satisfied man, "It makes one proud to be able to look back on a collection of objects that have not only been important for the company, but which have also, occasionally, written design history" Few visiting the new Grassi Museum exhibition "Sitting – Lying

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Hans J Wegner and Johannes Hansen JH550 PP550 The Peacock Chair

5 New Design Exhibitions for April 2014

April 2014, as every April we can ever remember, means Milanese purgatory. Apparently it is meant to cleanse the soul, purify our thoughts and generally mitigate for the sins of the past, and so allow us to proceed to higher plains and greater virtues. And boy must we have sinned. We can't remember exactly when, far less how. We just hope we enjoyed it at the time. Because now we are paying. When, if, we return these are the new design exhibitions we're planning on visiting to help us

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