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Tag: köln
97 stories found
Verlag der Dinge, as seen during Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2025
Cologne Creative | 28.01.2025

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2025 Compact: Verlag der Dinge

Among the myriad advantages of global industry that are also problems of global industry is, inarguably, that of centralised production with subsequent international distribution. And that of a popular unquestioning, unthinking, blithe acceptance of the products of global industry. Problems Essen based platform Verlag der Dinge allow one to better approach and challenge. Problems Essen based platform Verlag der Dinge approach and challenge. Established in 2021 by Maximilian Clauß, an

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Edition 33 as seen at Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024
Designer | 09.02.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024: Edition 33

Edition 33 as seen at Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024 Established in Munich in 2020 by Max Neustadt, an alumni of the Technische Hochschule Rosenheim and ECAL, Lausanne, with periods working with Nils Holger Moormann and Stefan Diez on his CV, Edition 33 have a, for us, agreeably responsible and sustainable business model: new products are 'launched' but only actually produced, only actually become a component of the Edition 33 portfolio, once 33 orders have been received. We're

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The Augenwohl felt lamp by Dorothee Becker from the early 1970s, as seen at Dorothee Becker – aus dem persönlichen Nachlass, Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024
Cologne Creative | 24.01.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024: Dorothee Becker – aus dem persönlichen Nachlass

The Augenwohl felt lamp by Dorothee Becker for Design M from the early 1970s, as seen at Dorothee Becker – aus dem persönlichen Nachlass, Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024 Born in Aschaffenburg, Bayern, on March 30th 1938 into a family of small traders, her mother's family running a butchery, her father operating a drugstore, Dorothee Becker enjoyed, a, by all accounts, happy, comfortable, childhood on the Bavarian/Hessen border, if an early biography that is still to be fully told.

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Beetlechair by Alexander von Dombois, as seen at Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024
Cologne Creative | 19.01.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024: Beetlechair by Alexander von Dombois

Beetlechair by Alexander von Dombois, as seen at Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024 There is an argument to be made, indeed one we will make here without offering any evidence, we'll save that for another day, there is an argument to be made that some of the earliest forbearers, if not the earliest forbearers, of our contemporary side chairs were three legged: the three-legged stool is an object known across time and geography and class, and there is a particularly satisfying,

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Chemical Connection by Karoline Fesser (in cooperation with Karl Weber), as seen at Siebter Himmel, Passagen Interior Design Week 2024
Cologne Creative | 17.01.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024: Karoline Fesser - Chemical Connection

Chemical Connection by Karoline Fesser (in cooperation with Karl Weber), as seen at Siebter Himmel, Passagen Interior Design Week 2024 We're sure Karoline Fesser won't mind us observing that she is a seasoned regular at Cologne's Passagen Interior Design Week, having made her debut in, by our calculations, 2012; and if you do mind Karoline, sorry! But, we've gone done it now! Yet despite the regularity of her appearances, there is never a sense of déjà vu, never that dull lifeless in a room

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Cologne Creative | 16.01.2024

Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne 2024 - Alaaf!!!

Since 1990 the annual IMM Cologne furniture fair has been accompanied by the Passagen Interior Design Week. A design week, a design festival, that, and although it is often a bit overly commercial for our tastes, also always features a nice mix of emerging and establishing designers, small platforms, design schools, and others removed from the more predictable, superficial, profit-orientated corners of the furniture and design industries. A mix of creatives who help remind what design, what

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2023

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2023

According to Germanic folklore: A wet February brings a fruitful year. And that, we'd argue, not only in terms of vegetation, but also in terms of your individual personal development: a wet February meaning more time spent in museums and thus an enhanced opportunity to engage in meaningful and relevant and motivating discourses and discussions. An ideal environment in which to allow your appreciations of and positions to the world around you to optimally develop, swell, ripen and nourish. So

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smow | 14.05.2022

smow Song Contest 2022

Following smow Turin's thoroughly unexpected, if in no way undeserved, victory in the 2021 smow Song Contest, it's off to Piemonte for the 2022 edition. A 2022 smow Song Contest being held very much in context of events 20 years previous....... 2002 was a very different world than the one we know today. In 2002, for example, following the ousting of the Taliban girls were allowed to attend school in Afghanistan; Chechens stormed the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow demanding an end to Russia's

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Isamu Noguchi, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Architecture | 11.04.2022

Isamu Noguchi at the Museum Ludwig, Cologne

"Everything is sculpture" opined once Isamu Noguchi.1 But is it? The exhibtion Isa­mu Noguchi in the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, Cologne, allows one to engage with, reflect on, immerse yourself in Isamu Noguchi's life and work, and thus to better approach your own opinion on Isamu Noguchi's firmly held conviction..... Isamu Noguchi, Museum Ludwig, Cologne Born in Los Angeles, California, on November 17th 1904 to an American mother and a Japanese father we've discussed the Noguchi2 biography on

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smow Song Contest 2020 2021 …. Waiting for the livestream to begin…..
smow | 21.05.2021

smow Song Contest 2021

After a long, challenging, year the smow Song Contest finds itself exactly where it was: Rotterdam. Not just the location, but the stage, the decoration, the costumes, even the bier en frieten exactly as they were twelve months ago. The decisive, defining, difference between the 2020 smow Song Contest and the 2021 smow Song Contest being the new understandings, the new perceptions, the new perspectives, the new vitality, the new passions, the new desires, the new old new, articulated by the

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Generation Köln x CIAV Meisenthal
Cologne Creative | 16.02.2021

Generation Köln x CIAV Meisenthal - The Film

For popularly understood reasons not only did the 2021 edition of the IMM Cologne furniture trade fair not take place as planned in mid-January, neither did the 2021 edition of Cologne's Passagen Interior Design Week..... ....which doesn't mean that fresh contemporary design wasn't to be found in Cologne in mid-January. In an offline realised and online presented exhibition the assemblage Generation Köln introduced the results of their collaborations with the CIAV Meisenthal glassworks; a

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smow song contest 2020 .... waiting for the livestream to begin.....
smow | 15.05.2020

smow Song Contest 2020

In a year in which the familiar glow of many a beloved cultural event is missing, one beacon continues to shine. As a virtual, and in many regards virtual, event the smow Song Contest is one that can be staged regardless of prevailing physical social distancing regulations and physical travel restrictions. And while virtual closeness and virtual travel can never, and must never be allowed to, replace the physical, the 2020 smow Song Contest does allow us all an opportunity to cross great

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IMM Cologne 2020: High Five!!
Designer | 20.01.2020

IMM Cologne 2020: High Five!!

Apart from the chance to peruse and consider the collections and new products of and from a wide variety of manufacturers and labels, one of the real joys of visiting any furniture fair is the opportunity it allows to observe designers in conversation with manufacturers and labels. For all in pairings that currently don't formally exist. We never eavesdrop on such conversations, that would be rude, and to overplay our prowess as spies; but we do enjoy imagining what may arise from those

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Generation Köln trifft Bregenzerwald, Cologne
Cologne Creative | 17.01.2020

Passagen Cologne 2020: Generation Köln trifft Bregenzerwald

In our post from the exhibition Design Gruppe Pentagon at the Museum Angewandte Kunst Cologne we noted that Gallery Pentagon was laterally based in Cologne's Bismarckstrasse. Bismarckstrasse 50 to be precise, a former cardboard packaging factory which in the 1980s was developed into spaces for creatives of various ilks..... .....Bismarckstrasse 50 is still home to creatives of various ilks, and is still home to a gallery, Galerie Martina Kaiser, where in context of the 2020 Passagen Interior

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USM Haller HomeWork, smow Köln
Architecture | 14.01.2020

Passagen Cologne 2020: USM Haller HomeWork @ smow Cologne

Our increasingly networked, digital, virtual society is not only changing our relationship to innumerable everyday activities, activities such as personal communication, shopping or watching television to name but three, and thereby activities which a few short years ago seemed destined to remain unchanged for ever, but is also changing our relationship to work, be that in terms of what we do, where we do it or how we do it. Changes which invariably place both new demands on our furniture, and

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Design Gruppe Pentagon, Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne
Cologne Creative | 12.01.2020

Design Gruppe Pentagon @ the Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Cologne

Within any regular pentagon one can locate, in numerous, manifold, relationships, the Golden Ratio, that centuries old guarantor of harmony, balance, beauty.... And within an irregular Pentagon? With the exhibition Design Gruppe Pentagon the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne search for an answer in context of the 1980s Rheinland design quintet....... Design Gruppe Pentagon, Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne Established, more or less, formally in Cologne in 1985 by Gerd Arens, Wolfgang

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2020

Off late, and certainly in a European context, January has become a month of forgoing, eschewing and general abstention, with campaigns such as Dry January and Veganuary extolling us to utilise our guilt at our dangerous, decadent, gluttony of late December as an impetus to radically alter our behaviour, as a catalyst for reduction. And while less is unquestionably more, and thus worth striving for, fundamental change is invariably more sustainably and meaningfully achieved through better

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Mies im Westen, Landeshaus des LVR Cologne
Architecture | 14.10.2019

Mies im Westen @ Landeshaus des LVR, Cologne

While Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is arguably best known for the works he realised in the (mid-)west USA, the works he realised in west(ern) Germany are no less relevant or important for understanding the man, his work and his legacy. Summer 2019 saw the western German State of Nordrhein-Westfalen host three Mies van der Rohe exhibitions, one each in, and devoted to Mies's works in, Aachen, Krefeld and Essen. Three exhibitions now united in one in Cologne, and which as a unified trio not only

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#campustour 2019: Germany – Nordrhein-Westfalen
Architecture | 04.09.2019

#campustour 2019: Germany – Nordrhein-Westfalen

With its abundance of forests, earths, coals and waterways the contemporary Nordrhein-Westfalen has long been an important centre of production, industry, trade and by extrapolation design and creativity; at various stages in history important impulses and innovation radiating from communities such as Aachen, Hagen, Krefeld, Essen, Soest or Düsseldorf....... .........and since the end of the 19th century from the myriad of art, applied art, architecture and design schools dotted throughout the

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smow song contest 2019
smow | 17.05.2019

smow Song Contest 2019

For all the controversy surrounding smow Tel Aviv's victory in the 2018 smow Song Contest, not least the question if there even is a smow Tel Aviv, the staging of the 2019 Contest in Israel does allow for a very nice reinforcing of the central theme of the 2019 smow Song Contest.... Inarguably the biggest architecture and design story in 2019 is the centenary of the founding of Bauhaus Weimar. And whereas one can, should, argue if the school deserves its singular billing, it gets it. What

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Kölle A(rchitketur)laaf. An Architectural Carneval.
Architecture | 04.03.2019

Kölle A(rchitektur)laaf. An Architectural Carnival.

Since 1823 the good folks of Cologne have taken to the streets on the Monday before Ash Wednesday to mark the approach of Lent with one last day, (and night) of earthly, secular, celebration before resigning body and soul to the sanctity of abstention; the highlight being the Rosenmontag procession which weaves its way through the Altstadt Veedel on the city's left bank. From modest beginnings the Zoch has grown to become not only the largest Rosenmontag procession in Germany, but longer than

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IMM Cologne 2019: High Five!!
Designer | 18.01.2019

IMM Cologne 2019: High Five!!

According to the posters to be found liberally distributed throughout the city, IMM Cologne 2019 promised to present "1000 furnishings ideas for your home" And it may very well have done. We didn't count. Not least because.... What interest the number, if the ideas themselves ain't meaningful? What interest the number, if the ideas themselves ain't logical? What interest the number, if the ideas themselves ain't justifiable? Or reducing the thought to its essence, what interest the idea if

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Karoline&Klemens&Thomas&Tim. Generation Köln @ Passagen Cologne 2019
Cologne Creative | 15.01.2019

Passagen Cologne 2019: Generation Köln

Fortune, we are told, favours the brave. Misfortune the reckless, but fortune the brave. Thus, summing all the bravery we could muster, we descended into the unknown of the Bunker am Bahngleis and the exhibition Generation Köln.....* Karoline&Klemens&Thomas&Tim. Generation Köln @ Passagen Cologne 2019 As noted in context of Generation Cologne 2018, we're not huge fans of generic umbrella terms such as "Generation", finding them not only distracting and counter productive, but also

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Vitra - Work, Orgatec Cologne 2018
Designer | 07.11.2018

Vitra - Work @ Orgatec Cologne 2018

At Orgatec Cologne 2016 Vitra staged, in effect, their own trade fair, renting an entire hall and inviting family and friends along to share the space and their ideas on the future of work. And obviously had a lot of fun and/or success with the concept. For at Orgatec Cologne 2018 they once again staged the Vitra Fair....... Work Vitra - Work, Orgatec Cologne 2018 Back in our post from the Vitra Design Museum Schaudepot's exhibition Ron Arad: Yes to the Uncommon! we hinted that if Vitra

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