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IMM Cologne 2013 Stool 60 by Alvar Aalto at Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft
Artek | 14.01.2013

IMM Cologne 2013: Stool 60 by Alvar Aalto at Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft

In our interview with Michel Charlot about his lamp U-Turn for Belux he told us that "I like it when people look at an object and find it “normal”, but that is something which is quite difficult to achieve...." Such an object is without question Stool 60 by Alvar Aalto. As so to help explain the complexity hidden in the simplicity, and celebrate the object's 80th anniversary, the Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft are staging an exhibition during IMM Cologne 2013 devoted to this

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IMM Cologne 2013 Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln Isn’t it romantic Contemporary Design balancing between Poetry and Provocation Ocean Hermann August Weizenegger Julia Lohmann Lasting Void
Designer | 12.01.2013

Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln: Isn’t it romantic? Contemporary Design balancing between Poetry and Provocation

The Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln (MAKK) opened in 1888, and so it is somehow fitting that it should start the celebrations of its 125th anniversary with an exhibition exploring Romanticism in contemporary design. Not just because a museal discussion of Romanticism refers neatly back to the prevailing atmosphere when the museum was being established; but because it also opens a window on our contemporary society and so potentially provides some pointers as to where the next 125 years will

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egon eiermann se 68 wilde + spieth

IMM Cologne 2013 & Passagen 2013. Preview

Back in the day the gentle flapping and choral honking of a snow goose skein heading south provided a comforting, aural background to the approaching winter. It meant our year was coming to an end and we could slowly wind down and enter a state of semi-hibernation. These days we dread the approaching Hitchcock cliche. The unrelenting, tuneless screeching reminding us it is time to decide: Should we travel to IMM Cologne in January? Really? And much like the migrating goose always follows the

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imm cologne 2012 kartell

IMM Cologne 2012: Review

We received advance warning of what awaited us at IMM 2012 on the Friday afternoon before the official opening. Ambling through Cologne town centre we came across a large plastic hemisphere - the IMM Snow Globe. Dispatched on a tour through the city to entice the good folk of Cologne to visit the fair, the IMM Snow Globe was filled with some of the delights that would be on show, and, at the touch of a button, feather-lite snow blustered over the scene. Beautiful! However, as Julia

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imm cologne

IMM Cologne 2012. And 1962.

On Monday January 16th IMM Cologne, Germany's largest furniture trade fair, opens it doors. In the coming days we'll bring you a series of interviews, reports and reviews from the Rhein, but ahead of the show we thought we'd look back at what Cologne 1962 had to offer. On the one hand, because we think it's interesting to look back on what the furniture industry had to offer 50 years ago; but also to help place IMM 2012 in context of its heritage. The International Möbel Messe Köln started

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stockholm february 2011

(smow) Design Tour 2012: It's time to dig out our travellin' socks....

On his 2009 album "Waxing Gibbous" Falkirk balladeer Malcolm Middleton included the song "Red Travellin' Socks" a jaunty - if for us touch too obvious - ode to his love/hate relationship with, well his Red Travellin' Socks. Wearing his socks he's reminded of the freedom of the open road that is currently helping him fulfilling his primitive desires - until such time as the romantic myth of the endless highways explodes and he begins to long for home. The red socks symbolising his frustration

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designers fair | 19.02.2011

IMM Cologne 2011: Review

It's fair to say that for us the real shock of IMM Cologne 2011 was the number of senseless sofa combinations and truly, truly, hideous leather cantilever dining chairs on show. And that despite that fact we were expecting such. It of course wasn't all cheap pointless tat, there were also some wonderful young designers on show and one or two brave producers with genuinely interesting, innovative and aesthetically coherent product ranges. They were sadly in the minority - and we fear that in

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Designer | 02.02.2011

Designers Fair, Cologne 2011

The first thing to say about Designers Fair 2011 is that it was smaller than last year. The second point to say is that the location was a lot poorer than last. The first point is in itself no bad thing - the second is. Now you know us. For us one of the genuine joys of a design week is the chance it offers to explore a city and to visit those areas that one otherwise wouldn't see. And the 2011 Designers Fair location in Ehrenfeld was in that sense good as it provided a focal point for our

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design talents | 21.01.2011

IMM Cologne 2011: d3 Design Talents

As with all furniture trade fairs IMM annually gives part of the floor space over to young, up and coming, designers. In three themed sections "d3 Design Talents" offers space for design colleges - d3 Schools - those further on the way to establishing themselves - d3 Professionals - and a competition - d3 Contest. "Space" is however not only a relative term - but one that cannot be defined by physical measurements. As we learned on the journey to Congress-Centrum Ost! d3 Design Talents : d3

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Airport design | 05.01.2011

(smow)blog review 2010: January, February, March

While critics denounce such as an easy and obvious way to generate content - for us reviewing the past year is an important step in planning our activities for the coming year: where to go, who to talk to, what to sit on and, just as importantly, what to ignore or give up. The only real problem for us is that in preparing such we realise just how much material we haven't had the chance to use - and so receive an impression of how much more material we will acquire in the coming year. Heck!

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Designer | 26.01.2010

IMM Cologne: A review

Fear not, we've still got a duffel bag full of products and stories from our week in Cologne to bring you. However we feel it only right to quickly review the 2010 IMM Cologne. Elsewhere we've read that there were no trends to be found at IMM. Which for us is positive. Trends have no place in the furniture business. Trends imply that the role of furniture is to meet some pre-ordained assumption on the part of the consumer as to what their furniture should look like, how it should behave

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design talents | 22.01.2010

smow am rhein: [D³] Design talents

Students. They're a bit like the monsoon rains in Bangladesh. Cause havoc and distress, yet without them out them human life would eventually cease to be. And so we put up with them, because they are the future. Weirdly. Consequently the Cologne exhibition centre cellar, as are all cellars at such trade fairs, is currently rammed full of design students. Under the combined title: [D³] Design Talents the IMM organisers have combined three streams: [D³] Contest- a contest [D³] Professionals

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Designer | 22.01.2010

smow am rhein: ClassiCon

On Wednesday a tweet fluttered into our (smow)twitter from @imm_cologne with the information that the Munich based producer ClassiCon had decided to return to IMM Cologne. Which in the wake of the shock we received on our first day here in Köln didn't go unnoticed among the thousands of invites to cocktail parties and sumptuous buffets at some of Cologne's finer addresses we're forced to deal with. Established in 1990 from the dying embers of the 1898 established "Vereinigte Werkstätten für

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smow am rhein | 21.01.2010

smow am rhein: beyond IMM

We travelled on a tram for the first time this morning. Now we know that Cologne is the universal centre of oh-so insane fun, practical jokes and dressing up ; and certainly wherever you go in the city you find old women dressed as clowns, young women dressed as cats and men all ages dressed as policemen... However. One can take organised daftness too far. According to the poster we saw in our tram this morning the local transport company here in Cologne are looking for students to drive

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Kölle Alaaf | 18.01.2010

smow am rhein: Kölle Alaaf

We're not going to pretend we're fans of Carnival. Truth be told, for us Carnival and Oktoberfest belong to a class of cultural events that indicate a nation still struggling to come to terms with the fact that woolly mammoths no longer roam the land. Or that women are allowed to vote. However, we're in Cologne and so we can at least pretend that we find alcohol fuelled violence oh-so amusing. Especially when presented in conjunction with a Papier-mâché model of Angela Merkel with an

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smow | 11.01.2010

smow am rhein: IMM Cologne 2010

With the Christmas pounds still causing us to sink deeper into the January snow than we find attractive, it is with relief that we look forward to next weeks trip to the IMM in Cologne. Because what with all that running about we wont have time to eat :) In addition to its role as diet-helper,a s the first international furniture trade fair of the year IMM always offers a wonderful opportunity to both reflect on the good and the bad from 2009 as well as to try to size up the coming year. And

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