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Tag: Florian Schmid
2 stories found
Direktorenhaus Berlin Summer Break VA Neue Arbeiten Turn E15 Fortune Mark Braun
Designer | 07.07.2014

Direktorenhaus Berlin: Summer Break VA / Neue Arbeiten

As if to help underscore the assertion in our "5 New Design Exhibitions for July 2014" Post that July and August tend to be quiet months in terms of design and architecture exhibitions because near everyone is on holiday, Berlin's Direktorenhaus Gallery have titled their 2014 summer exhibition "Summer Break VA". The VA being shorthand for "various artists". "We're not here" they seem to be saying, "but if we were here, these are the sort of delights you could enjoy" Established in 2010

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Passagen Cologne 2014 Young Persepectives at Boffi Köln Woodware Sarah Böttger
Designer | 27.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: Young Perspectives at Boffi Köln

During the 2014 Passagen design festival the Cologne flagship store of Italian kitchen and bathroom manufacturer Boffi presented an exhibition of objects by six young(ish) designers. And no we're not being deliberately provocative or derogative with our (ish). We know a couple of the designers involved. And know that they would admit they're not the youngest cats in the park any more. Presented under the title "Young Perspectives" and curated by the Cologne based "Design Services Agency"

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