Dutch Design Week 2014 Dutch Invertuals Cohesion Wendy Plomp

Cohesion is a concept with which we are very familiar. Largely because it is a state we never achieve. Much

Dutch Design Week 2014 Ontwerpduo Impossible things before breakfast Tile Table Tallow

One of the highlights for us of Dutch Design Week 2014 is and was the showcase of works by Eindhoven

Dutch Design Week 2014 Leaning Bench Izabela Bołoz

The presentation of Dirk Vander Kooij’s current collection during Dutch Design Week 2014 took place at Kazerne – the new

Dutch Design Week Special TAB Studios

For us the passion, indeed interest, for living in a shared flat ended approximately 18 months before we moved out

Back in the day when the CD was new and exciting we remember watching a breakfast TV host spread honey on one to demonstrate how indestructible they were. Other CDs were attacked with keys, dowsed in hot coffee and stood on.

These days we all know much better. CDs are destructible. We’ve seen the light.

And at Dutch Design Week 2014 you can can see the light a recycled CD emits.

Or at least the luminescence produced by a mass of recycled CDs in the thoughtfully and intelligently formed Fresnel Suspension Lamp by Dutch designer Dirk Vander Kooij.

Dutch Design Week 2014 Dirk Vander Kooij Fresnel Suspension Lamp Off

Dutch Design Week 2014 Sectie C

Proving that Eindhoven is full of old factories, but that they are not necessarily all former Philips factories, Sectie C

Dutch Design Week 2014 Birgit Severin

It is very rare that one comes across an object where a manufacturer has combined two independently developed products into

In 1951 the German designer Wilhelm Wagenfeld created a glass punch bowl for Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik, WMF: the clou of which is

Dutch Design Week Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation 2014 Place Attachment Malou van Dijck

Despite what popular myth may have you believe, the Design Academy Eindhoven is not alone responsible for Eindhoven’s current status

In the history of (smow)blog only two designers have contacted us to comment on our comments. The first was Brooklyn

Eindhoven is Philips. Eindhoven used to be much more Philips; but in course of the inevitable restructuring of the last

We first saw Spore Vase by Paulo Sellmayer at Made out Portugal on Dutch Design Week Sunday, and it didn’t

We must begin this post with a small confession. Something we were too scared to tell the good folks at

The good news for Rui Alves is that he remains our favourite Portuguese furniture designer….. ….. but the competition is

Manno! We’ve only just got here and now we’ve got to go! Despite the number of shows, products and designers

Under the title YP – Young Professionals SintLucas College of Applied Design is running four shows at the 2010 Dutch

There are some design blogs who simply retype press releases, resize press photos and abracadabra – a blog post. Our