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Tag: Children
2 stories found
Stained glass windows by Filomena Ušinskaitė for cafe Pasaka, as seen at Fairy Tale. Childhood in Lithuania during the late Soviet era, Kaunas Picture Gallery
Designer | 21.02.2025

Fairy Tale. Childhood in Lithuania during the late Soviet era at Kaunas Picture Gallery

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was cafe called Pasaka, Fairy Tale, a cafe designed for children. With the exhibition Fairy Tale. Childhood in Lithuania during the late Soviet era Kaunas Picture Gallery take that cafe Pasaka as the starting point for a multi-disciplinary exploration of the degree to which childhood in the Lithuania of the 1960s, 70s and 80s outwith cafe Pasaka was of the joyful fairy tale type, a land of magic, plenty, positivity, and dreams coming true and/or

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Design for Children, Bröhan Museum, Berlin
Designer | 12.11.2024

Design for Children at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin

Much as design is a child of the late 19th/early 20th century so to is childhood, or perhaps more accurately so to is childhood as it is understood today. With the exhibtion Design for Children the Bröhan Museum, Berlin, explore the relationships between design, children and childhood over the century and a bit of their co-existence....... Design for Children, Bröhan Museum, Berlin For all that childhood is an unavoidable phase of every human life, over a great many centuries its was,

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