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From Arts and Crafts to the Bauhaus. Art and Design - A New Unity @ The Bröhan Museum Berlin
Architecture | 24.01.2019

From Arts and Crafts to the Bauhaus. Art and Design – A New Unity! @ The Bröhan Museum Berlin

Despite what some may have us believe, Bauhaus didn't appear one morning from the slowly clearing mists of the Ilm valley; rather, and for all its lasting allure, Bauhaus 'twas but a moment on a longer, wider, international helix. One which began its twisting long before Walter Gropius and his merry band arrived in Weimar, and which continues, winding its way ever onwards, to this day. With the exhibition From Arts and Crafts to the Bauhaus. Art and Design – A New Unity! the Bröhan Museum

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Commercial Design instead of Applied Art? @ the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge Berlin
Designer | 09.01.2019

Commercial Design instead of Applied Art? @ the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge Berlin

Although founded twelve years before Bauhaus Weimar, and despite overlaps in personnel and biographies, it would be incorrect to draw a direct line from the Deutsche Werkbund to the Gropius school, even if a line of sorts can, should, be traced between the two institutions. A line which serves not only to connect the two but to underscore the role both played in the development of contemporary understandings of formal aesthetics in the first decades of the 20th century, and also the influence

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2019

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2019

The reason most of us fail to keep most of our New Year resolutions is, mostly, because we either resolve to give up things we enjoy or to do things we don't. Which is foolhardy in the extreme. If you wanted to do more sport, you would. If you wanted to eat less crisps, you would. But don't. And don't. So don't. The wiser choice is to resolve to do more of that which you enjoy, and thereby not only setting yourself an achievable goal but one which through the genuine fulfilment it brings

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Inside Out. Understanding the art of furniture making at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
Designer | 02.11.2018

Inside Out. Understanding the art of furniture making @ Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin

It is seldom that the largest, most centrally placed and intricately staged object in an exhibition isn't the central focus of that exhibition, but a conduit which introduces and guides the exhibition. Something you could ignore, but really shouldn't. However such is the case with the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin's new exhibition Inside Out. Understanding the art of furniture making Inside Out. Understanding the art of furniture making at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin Although it's is widely

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state of DESIGN Berlin, Expertimental Design
Designer | 21.09.2018

Berlin Design Week 2018: state of DESIGN Berlin. Expertimental Design

In our post from the state of DESIGN Berlin curated exhibition VICIS. Always Change a Running System during Munich Creative Business Week 2018 we opined that there was something biographical in the title. Similarly Expertimental Design has overtones of self-reflection. And for all of an unyielding belief in the value, logic, necessity of experimentation in design. Something also reflected in the 2018 state of DESIGN Berlin showcase. state of DESIGN Berlin, Expertimental Design Berlin Design

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Presention of the project Analoge Produktion, as seen at Rundgang 2018, Universität der Künste Berlin
Designer | 15.08.2018

#campustour 2018: Rundgang, Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany

Approaching the 2018 Universität der Künste Berlin Rundgang one was obliged to navigate the weekly antique and flea market that overwhelms the Straße des 17. Juni, and thereby walk, hurry, past untold objects whose ill consideration, self-celebration, kitschiness or plain ugliness confuse, insult, anger and otherwise offend the senses and sensibilities. An inconvenience, or an omen for that which awaited us..........? Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany Universität der Künste Berlin With

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five new architecture and design exhibitions july 2018

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2018

The Dog Days of summer are with us and, as is traditional, the international curatorial community have removed themselves to the cooler climes of their storerooms, archives and libraries to sit out the heat until autumn's bracing breeze tempts them back out. Which, logically, means a great sparsity of new architecture and design exhibitions opening in July 2018. A sparsity however isn't a nontity and in four of the world's cultural and meteorological hotspots one finds exhibition curators

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smow song contest 2018
Design Tourism | 11.05.2018

smow Song Contest 2018

Following smow Lisboa's surprise victory in the 2017 smow Song Contest, the Portuguese capital is preparing to host the 2018 song contest: a contest being staged very much in context of the contemporary relevance of smow's historic connections.... As the anniversary of smow Lisboa's victory approaches it remains as controversial and as unexpected as it was on that muggy evening back in May 2017: not least because there is no smow Lisboa. However, never ones to look a gift horse in the mouth

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2018

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2018

According to the German philologist, mythologist, folklorist and definer of the Germanic Umlaut, Jacob Grimm, an old belief states that the Cuckoo never sings before the 3rd of April; and, "should you have money in your pouch when you hear him sing the first time, you will be well off all that year, if not, you will be short the whole year" 1 Much like the cuckoo, our five new architecture & design exhibitions recommendations for April 2018 begin with their songs after April 3rd; and should

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A comparison of the geographic distribution of the Hanseatic League and smow (Stand March 2018)
smow | 23.03.2018

smow martimás. Or, how the smow network can be considered (almost) Hanseatic

The only FAQ not answered by the smow FAQs is the one that begins, "What is smow........?" And as smow grows and grows so too does the F with which the Q is A'd. The answer in one sense is very simple, smow trade in furniture, lighting and home/office accessories through a series of showrooms and online shops. But that only partly explains "smow". Doesn't explain the how, who, why and wherefore. Nor the richness. Explaining the true smow is in many respects best achieved by exploring another

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Design Views Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin Internationale Design Zentrum
Designer | 04.02.2018

Design Views @ Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin

By way of an addendum to our 5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2018 post, and arguably also to save us mentioning it every month, February 2018 sees the inauguration of a new design exhibition cycle in Berlin: Design Views, a cooperation between the Internationale Design Zentrum Berlin and the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin initiated with the aim of highlighting contemporary developments, thinking and directions in design. Design Views 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of the

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Laszlo Chair by Andree Weißert for Atelier Haußmann, as seen at IMM Cologne 2018
Designer | 24.01.2018

IMM Cologne 2018 Compact: Atelier Haußmann

While Georges-Eugène Haussmann is associated with the radical and unrestrained, Atelier Haußmann prefer the understated and reserved. Yet applied with the same level of conviction, self-confidence and appreciation of a well considered line. Following a couple of years absence 2018 saw Atelier Haußmann return to IMM Cologne.... Atelier Haußmann @ IMM Cologne 2018 Established, or perhaps better put, evolved in the course of the 1990s in Berlin-Kreuzberg by brothers Andreas & Rainer Haußmann,

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Two German Architectures 1949 - 1989 @ the Technische Universität Berlin
Architecture | 29.11.2017

Two German Architectures 1949 - 1989 @ the Technische Universität Berlin

Whereas exhibitions featured in these pages are normally still in the first flush of youth, having recently enjoyed their vernissage and thus making their first public appearance, the presentation of Two German Architectures 1949-1989 at the Technische Universität Berlin is much more a finissage. After a 13 year, 26 city, global tour, the exhibition has, in many regards, come home to retire. Two German Architectures 1949 - 1989 @ the Technische Universität Berlin Organised by the German

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Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture @ Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin
Architecture | 19.11.2017

Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture @ Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin

As any fule kno, an echo requires a surface off which to reflect. Otherwise it is just shouting into the void. With the exhibition Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture at the Felleshus, Berlin, that reflective surface is the traditions, cultures and landscapes of north-east Europe. Echoes - 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture @ Felleshus, The Nordic Embassies, Berlin On December 6th 1917 the Finnish Republic declared its independence from Russia, an event that

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Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
Architecture | 21.08.2017

#campustour 2017: Rundgang @ Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, Germany

Without wanting to in any way detract from the work undertaken by Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee students in the past year, a highlight of our visit to the 2017 Rundgang summer exhibition was the thunderstorm which broke while we there. Calling it biblical would be to trivialise the ferocity with which it smit the day asunder, turning in its fury the Bühringstraße in front of the school into a Bühring Straits. And the first of three storms which broke over Berlin in quick succession, almost

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Universität der Künste Berlin Design Department
Designer | 02.08.2017

#campustour 2017: Rundgang @ Universität der Künste Berlin, Germany

Owing to the unique nature of Berlin's history and geopolitical relevance, the (hi)stories of all the city's cultural institutions are invariably complex. And the number of such institutions greater than in most comparable metropoli*. Few other cities can boast, for example, two public zoos, three public operas or four public universities. And while three of Berlin's universities offer individual courses in subjects such as architecture, theatre studies or music, there is only one which offers

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5 New Design Exhibitions for June 2017

5 New Design Exhibitions for July 2017

“What are you going to do this summer, Amory?”, Tom D’Invilliers asks of Amory Blaine in F Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise. “Don’t ask me", comes the somewhat languid reply, "same old things, I suppose. A month or two in Lake Geneva — I’m counting on you to be there in July, you know — then there'll be Minneapolis, and that means hundreds of summer hops, parlor-snaking, getting bored....." Sorry Amory, but you'll have to survive the magnificence of Lake Geneva on your own, would have

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Folding Chair Arena by students from the Inside interior architecture masters course at the Royal Academy of Art The Hague. The main discussion forum at state of Design Berlin 2017

state of Design, Berlin 2017

Until Sunday June 4th state of Design, Berlin 2017 is presenting projects from over 80 international creatives, supported by films, lectures and workshops, in the Vollgutlager in Berlin-Neukölln. Viewing the 2017 edition it occurred to us there is a lot of charming ambiguity about the name state of Design, Berlin....... Folding Chair Arena by students from the Inside interior architecture masters course at the Royal Academy of Art The Hague. The main discussion forum at state of Design

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state of design berlin 2017
Designer | 26.05.2017

state of Design Berlin 2017 - Preview

Inaugurated in 2016 state of Design Berlin is a festival which seeks to explore the experimental, critical, social character of design as much as present the industrial and commercial: and by extrapolation explain not only that design is all these things, but that the various aspects of design's character needn't be contradictory, far less conflicting or contrary. The 2017 edition of state of Design Berlin opens on Thursday June 1st state of Social Design Initiated by the German designer

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Much More Than One Good Chair @ Felleshus Berlin
Designer | 12.05.2017

Much More Than One Good Chair. Design & Society in Denmark @ Felleshus Berlin

With the exhibition Much More Than One Good Chair. Design & Society in Denmark, the Danish Embassy in Berlin present an exploration of the evolution of design in Denmark since 1945. And by extrapolation of the evolution of society in Denmark since 1945. Much More Than One Good Chair @ Felleshus Berlin As regular readers will be very aware, we have an uneasy relationship with the term Danish Design. Or perhaps better put we don't believe in it. We believe in design from Denmark, but not that

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smow song contest 2017
smow | 11.05.2017

smow Song Contest 2017

It's early May and once again the party ship we call the smow song contest is ready to set sail...... First staged in 1956 in Lugano, as a small, essentially regional, event, the smow song contest has grown as the smow family has, and now enjoys a popularity far outwith smow's geographic heartland. A fact acknowledged by the addition of Sydney to the competition in 2015: our antipodean cousins having long adopted the spirit of smow. Yes, some, ill informed, never happy's, oafs quite frankly,

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5 New Design Exhibitions for April 2017

While it’s hard to feel anything even vaguely resembling joy in a month which sees the UK start its senseless and cowardly, withdrawal from the European Union … life goes on!! Our five top distractions for April 2017 features new design and architecture exhibitions in Berlin, New York, Paris, Dessau and Milan. "Otto Bartning (1883–1959). Architect of Social Modernism" at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany Born in Karlsruhe in 1883 the architect and theoretician Otto Bartning was, and

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"Some New Items for the Home, Part I" and All Plastic Chair for Vitra, as seen at Jasper Morrison. Thingness, Bauhaus Archiv Berlin
Designer | 21.03.2017

Jasper Morrison. Thingness at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin

Thingness. Noun. [ˈthiŋ-nəs] The quality or state of objective existence or reality1 Thingness. Exhibition. [ˈthiŋ-nəs] A comprehensive Jasper Morrison retrospective currently on show at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin. Jasper Morrison. Thingness @ Bauhaus Archiv Berlin Originally conceived by and presented at the Centre d’innovation et de design, CID, Grand-Hornu, Belgium, Jasper Morrison. Thingness presents a chronological excursion through three decades of Jasper Morrison design. We first saw

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Les Trois by Mark Braun (Photo: Andreas Schimanski)
Designer | 07.03.2017

smow blog Interview: Mark Braun - Reducing, reducing, reducing, while always maintaining an aesthetic tension in a product, that for me is the ultimate challenge.

The exhibition Divine Golden Ingenious. The Golden Ratio as a Theory of Everything? at the Museum for Communication Berlin featured two projects by Berlin based designer Mark Braun, projects which, largely, if not exclusively, owe their form to deliberations on and experimentation with the Fibonacci number. A state of affairs, we considered, makes Mark Braun an ideal person with whom to speak to about the role, attraction and relevance of the Fibonacci number and Golden Ratio in product design.

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