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bewundert verspottet gehasst Das Bauhaus Dessau im Medienecho der 1920er Jahre satire
Architecture | 24.02.2014

bewundert, verspottet, gehasst - Das Bauhaus Dessau im Medienecho der 1920er Jahre

The much discussed experiment Bauhaus reaches its first conclusion with the opening of its own institute in Dessau on December 4th 1926. The impact, if any, which this group of architects, to which Gropius belongs, will have on our building culture is something we can leave to history to decide. This new style, a style which a large percentage of our population is not accustomed to, and to which the majority wont take, doesn't offer any room for traditional architecture, but plenty of space for

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Marianne Brandt Villa Esche Chemnitz Tastlicht 1929-1932
Architecture | 06.02.2014

Marianne Brandt at Villa Esche Chemnitz

By way of an addendum to our addendum to our "5 New Design Exhibitions for February 2014" post...... Until June 8th 2014 the Villa Esche in Chemnitz is presenting a special exhibition devoted to the artist and industrial designer Marianne Brandt. Built in 1903 by Henry van de Velde for the Chemnitz textile magnate Herbert Eugen Esche, the Villa Esche is not only a wonderful example of Henry van de Velde's approach to architecture and his understanding of his responsibilities in context of the

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Rethinking The Product - Design Made in Italy zu Gast in Berlin
Architecture | 05.01.2014

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: December

What with mince pies to be eaten, Glühwein to get drunk and travel plans to misco-ordinate, December is generally a very quiet month. However despite all other distractions, in December 2013 we still managed to visit the opening the exhibition "Mensch Raum Maschine Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus" at Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau and the far to brief Rethinking The Product – Design “Made in Italy” showcase in Berlin. In addition December 2013 saw the launch of the Vitra Design Museum's book "The

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Porsche Museum Stuttgart
Architecture | 26.12.2013

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: March

March 2013 was a month of travelling: Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Weimar, Dessau..... its amazing we found time to actually write anything.......

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Mensch Raum Maschine Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Architecture | 06.12.2013

Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau: "Mensch Raum Maschine. Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus"

While we can't be certain that the artist, designer and choreographer Oskar Schlemmer would have completely agreed with the claim that "Life is a cabaret", we do know where he placed cabaret in the great scheme of cultural happenings: a little lower than theatre, but slightly higher than varieté. ""Stage" in general", Schlemmer wrote in 1925, "encompasses all that lies between religious cult and naive public amusement, both are not that what the stage is; the calculated impact on man of

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Soziale Hilfsprojekte Fragen Antworten at Architekturgalerie am Weißenhof Stuttgart Germany

5 New Design Exhibitions for December 2013

It being that time of year when the only exhibition most of us are interested is the one displaying "presents with my name on them", there are only very few design exhibitions opening this December. Very few. But some. Here a selection of the more interesting ways to work off that extra roast potato or twelve........ "Mensch Raum Maschine. Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus" at Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Germany Despite the current theatre surrounding the decision not to renew Stiftung Bauhaus

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Bauhaus Archiv Berlin Mein Reklame Fegefeuer Herbert Bayer Werbegrafik 1928 1938
Bauhaus | 19.11.2013

Bauhaus Archiv Berlin: Mein Reklame-Fegefeuer. Herbert Bayer. Werbegrafik 1928 - 1938

Until Monday February 24th 2014 the Bauhaus Archive Berlin is presenting the exhibition "Mein Reklame-Fegefeuer. Herbert Bayer. Werbegrafik 1928 – 1938." Born in Haag, Upper Austria on April 5th 1900 Herbert Bayer joined Bauhaus Weimar in 1921 and moved with the institution to Dessau in 1925 where Walter Gropius appointed him head of the newly established Print and Advertising Workshop. In 1928 Herbert Bayer departed Bauhaus and established his own commercial graphic design studio in Berlin

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5 New Design Exhibitions for November 2013 Patricia Urquiola und Rosenthal Landscape at Die Neue Sammlung Neues Museum für Kunst und Design Nürnberg Germany

5 New Design Exhibitions for November 2013

As we are sure you will appreciate we tend to shy away from recommending anything we haven’t seen and/or tested ourselves. That said, the following five exhibitions, all opening in November, caught our attention. And certainly seem worth checking out..... "mein reklame-fegefeuer. herbert bayer. werbegrafik 1928 - 1938" at Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, Germany Appointed in 1925 as the first director of the printing and advertising workshop at Bauhaus Dessau the Austrian artist and typographer

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Triennale der Moderne 2013
Architecture | 18.09.2013

Triennale der Moderne 2013

In 2019 the Staatlichen Bauhaus Weimar celebrates the 100th anniversary of its founding. And so, in effect, we can all celebrate 100 years of European Modernism as an important, tangible, unignorable and ever challenging movement. As part of the build-up to the anniversary the three Bauhaus locations - Berlin, Dessau, Weimar - have combined forces to instigate the Triennale der Moderne A Triennale with a triangular concept: Every three years each of the three locations will host three days

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Bauhaus Dessau Bauhaus in Calcutta A Meeting of the Cosmopolitan Avantgarde
Bauhaus | 27.03.2013

Bauhaus Dessau: Bauhaus in Calcutta. A Meeting of the Cosmopolitan Avant-garde

Following on from the 2011 exhibition "Kibbutz and Bauhaus", the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau is currently presenting a further exhibition devoted to the global reach of Bauhaus. Or perhaps better put, a further exhibition devoted to exploring the extent of the global network to which Bauhaus and its students belonged. This time the journey goes to India. And whereas "Kibbutz and Bauhaus" was largely concerned with architecture and urban planning, "Bauhaus in Calcutta" is pure art. In 1922 the

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marcel breuer steel tube chairs
Bauhaus | 12.06.2012

Bauhaus Dessau: Marcel Breuer – Design and Architecture. Interview with curator Mathias Remmele

Until October 31st 2012 Bauhaus Dessau is showing the exhibition "Marcel Breuer – Design and Architecture" Presenting a wide-ranging look at Breuer's furniture and architectural legacy "Marcel Breuer – Design and Architecture" is a product of the Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein and is curated by the journalist/curator/lecturer Mathias Remmele. At the exhibition opening we caught up with Mathias Remmele for a quick chat about Marcel Breuer, his work and his influences. (smow)blog: From the

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Bauhaus Art as Life Barbican Art Gallery London
Bauhaus | 27.05.2012

Bauhaus: Art as Life - Interview with Curator Lydia Yee

To round off our coverage of the exhibition Bauhaus: Art as Life at the Barbican Art Gallery London we decided to finish where all such exhibitions begin. With the curator. It seems fair. Specifically we spoke with Lydia Yee who, together with Catherine Ince, was responsible for organising the exhibition. With the first conceptual seeds having been sown in 2009, the pair can look back not only on an awful lot of work, but for all on a concentrated, and very exclusive, study of Bauhaus and

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Barbican Art Gallery Bauhaus Art as Life Marcel Breuer
Bauhaus | 10.05.2012

Barbican Art Gallery - Bauhaus: Art as Life

Is there anything left to say about Bauhaus? Have we not all seen, read, written enough? We all know the important points of the story. We all know the famous art works and design classics. Most of us can name three or four Bauhäusler, the cleverer among you might reach a dozen. There's nothing new to be said. Were it only that simple.... Some 1200 students attended Bauhaus Weimar, Dessau and Berlin, add to that number the teaching and workshop staff and one reaches not only an

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bauhaus art as life barbican art centre london
Bauhaus | 02.05.2012

Bauhaus Art as Life @ Barbican Art Gallery London: Dr. Annemarie Jaeggi

On May 3rd the exhibition "Bauhaus: Art as Life" opens at the Barbican Art Gallery London. Organised in co-operation with the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau and Klassik Stiftung Weimar, "Bauhaus: Art as Life" presents some 450 works by the likes of as Marianne Brandt, Wassily Kandinsky, Marcel Breuer, Walter Gropius et al and is the first major Bauhaus exhibition in the UK since 1968. We'll have a full report on the exhibition shortly. But ahead of the official opening we

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fortune vienna design week passionswege lobmeyr mark braun
smow offline | 23.03.2012

Design Education à la ECAL/University of Art & Design Lausanne

Back in September droog "released" a diamond studded car tyre as part of their Fantastical Investments project. We fear the good folks at ECAL/University of Art & Design Lausanne may have taken the project a bit too literally, for as we learned the other day they offer a Master of Advanced Studies in, wait for it, you won't believe us: Luxury Industry & Design Honestly. Luxury Industry & Design Forget everything you learned from our post on "Warum Gestalten ?" at the HFBK Hamburg. The

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Bauhaus | 21.03.2012

Bauhaus Archiv Berlin Stühle ohne Beine: Interview with Prof. Dr. Florian Hufnagl

On March 20th the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin opened their spring exhibition "Stühle ohne Beine - Chairs without legs" Dedicated to the development and diversity of the cantilever chair, Stühle ohne Beine is a fairly simple exhibition concept with an equally simple message: designing a chair without legs doesn't mean limiting your possibilities. Less is more not being just a design maxim but also a design challenge. Featuring 25 chairs from the collection of Die Neue Sammlung - The International

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Bauhaus Dessau
Bauhaus | 25.02.2012

Bauhaus Travel Book. Weimar. Dessau. Berlin

Bauhaus travelled a lot. Not only itself as an institution, but also in terms of the dispersion of its students and professors. And so, tempting as it can be to limit Bauhaus to a few sites in Weimar, Berlin and Dessau to do so is not only to ignore a lot of the Bauhaus story. But also to deny yourself the chance to experience some truly revolutionary and inspiring buildings. But where to start ? How can one best find the remaining traces of Bauhaus outwith its main centres? And what about

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Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Kibbutz and Bauhaus

Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau: Kibbutz and Bauhaus

"...I will never forget how shocked I was the first time I arrived in Degania A, one of the old kwuzoth. It was almost a textbook example of bad planning. The wind hit the dung heaps first, bringing flies and the stench initially to the stables and then to the kitchen, picking up the odours there and then carrying the whole mix to the dining halls and living quarters."1 In his all to vivid description of the conditions at Degania A, Israeli architect Richard Kaufmann beautifully alludes to the

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Bauhaus Uni Weimar Summaery 2011 experimetal carbon dioxide fixing algal photobiorector

Bauhaus Uni Weimar Summaery 2011: Interview with Professor Bernd Rudolf

One of the more interesting anomalies about Bauhaus Weimar is that it never had an architecture department. Despite Walter Gropius' desire to unite the arts and crafts with, and in the service of, architecture. The modern Bauhaus University Weimar does have an architecture department. A very good and award winning architecture department. At Summaery 2011 the faculty presented the results of numerous research projects: including, greenhouse - globally the first building constructed from a

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Awards | 28.09.2010

International Marianne Brandt Contest 2010 - Exhibition

Awards ceremonies are all well and good - but much more important is the exhibition to accompany the contest. And until October 10th the Industrial Museum Chemnitz is hosting the International Marianne Brandt Contest 2010 exhibition. We had planned to write a long text - changed our mind and instead present here a few impressions of our pick of the exhibits. We can however strongly recommend the exhibition; not only for those interested in art and design - but also for all those who are open

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Awards | 27.09.2010

International Marianne Brandt Contest 2010 - Awards Ceremony

Although the Marianne Brandt Contest is on the surface about Marianne Brandt, the awards ceremony in Chemnitz on Friday stood very much under a different star. "Chemnitz - Stadt der Moderne"/ "Chemnitz - The Modernist City" Every single official speech rammed home the message; "Chemnitz - Stadt der Moderne" being repeated ad nauseum ad infinitum in the hope that if one said it often enough it may just come true. "I want a pony !" "I want a pony !" "I want a pony !" "I want a pony !" "I want

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Danespotting 2010 | 20.09.2010

Danespotting: Danish furniture design - still relevant?

As already stated our visit to Copenhagen and CORE 10 was without question one of our more disappointing trips. Largely because of the complete lack of imagination, innovation or indeed quality that we found. It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life. What do you mean? Well, at one point, you've got it, then you lose it. And it's gone forever. All walks of life. Georgie Best, for example, had it, lost it. Or David Bowie or Danish design. Danish design. Some of their modern stuff's

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Hajo Rose - Bauhaus Foto Typo

On September 14th the Bauhaus Archiv in Berlin opened an exhibition devoted to Hajo Rose. "Hajo Rose"? Now we have to admit that when we first read the Bauhaus Archiv press release announcing the exhibition we were at a loss. "Hajo Rose"?? Even Wikipedia could only offer us a couple of sentences in Dutch. Worse still, the catalogue at the Deutsche Bucherei - an institution that possess one copy of every book ever published in Germany ever since the beginning of time ever - offered us 2

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Designer | 10.02.2010

(smow)offline: Alvar Aalto at Bauhaus Weimar

While we are enjoying ourselves at the #VitraHaus preview in Weil am Rhein, the good people of Weimar will be getting their first chance to view the exhibition "In Sand gezeichnet – Entwürfe von Alvar Aalto" (Drawn in Sand - Sketches by Alvar Aalto) at the Bauhaus Universität in Weimar. Featuring over 100 sketches and 18 models of never realised projects, the exhibition promises an interesting insight into the process behind the design of the man who led Scandinavian architecture into

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