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Tag: Bauhaus Dessau
3 stories found
Kang Sunkoo - Sacristy, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Architecture | 05.03.2025

Kang Sunkoo - Sacristy at Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau

The cover of Walter Gropius's 1919 Bauhaus Manifesto, that rallying call for what would become the three Bauhauses, is famously graced by Lyonel Feininger's woodcutting Kathedrale, an ideogram for the "Wundertat der gotischen Kathedrale"1, the 'miracle of the Gothic cathedral', that archetype Gropius borrowed from John Ruskin to explain what good architecture is, why it is, how it arises, and thereby to visualise the path to the 'building of the future' via a 'new guild of craftsmen'2 Gropius

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Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture, Temporary Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin
Architecture | 22.03.2024

Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture at the Temporary Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin

"To meet the needs of a living architecture," opined Otti Berger in 1930, "we need clarity about what fabric is, and further, what fabric in space is".1 With the showcase Otti Berger. Weaving for Modernist Architecture the Temporary Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin, allow one to begin to approach appreciations of what both Otti Berger understood as fabric, "and further, what fabric in space is", and in doing so not only enable differentiated perspectives on Weaving and Modernist Architecture but allow

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A selection of projects by design schools as presented at the Grassimesse Leipzig between 1920 and 1941
Awards | 01.10.2023

Campus Grassimesse

For all that the annual Leipzig Grassimesse is and always has been as a sales fair, a place to peruse, discourse with and purchase, contemporary craft, applied art and design, and thereby an opportunity to support contemporary craft, applied art and design practitioners, or perhaps more accurately an opportunity to support those practitioners whose practice you most enjoy, it has also always been a platform for creative schools and their students to present their works and approaches and

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