A couple of years ago we were sat, late one Friday evening, in the kitchen in the Moormann Berge in Aschau, when Nils Holger Moormann came in. Beaming. He'd just returned from collecting a "German Design Prize" in Gold for Berge and enthused how, in comparison to other design prizes, winning the Designpreis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland was like winning Olympic gold. He may not have compared it to the Olympics, our memories may be fuzzy on that point. But it was certainly high praise. And
read moreOn January 27th the Design Museum Helsinki opens "DesignWorld", its first major exhibition for 2012. A not unimportant fact given the Finnish Capital's tenure as World Design Capital 2012. And very much in keeping with the Helsinki 2012 Manifesto - if we can use such phrase, apologies if that's going to far - DesignWorld asks how design can help, influence and improve man, society and the ways we interact with the world around us. Featuring market products, prototypes and "concepts in
read moreAside from the exhibition concept and their knack for choosing the perfect location, there's another reason we always look forward to Design braucht Täter. Every year we find something new. And 2012 is no exception. Even though we admittedly snuck in while they were still setting up and so didn't actually get to see all exhibitors. We know it not good form. Sorry. But we have a huge schedule here. And simply had to. And of course: We can. Cheeky buggers that we are. Schreibtisch für Zwei
read moreWe know that in the past we've been quite harsh on Chemnitz; but like all conscious organisms we're programmed by our experiences. And up until now it's fair to say that we haven't experienced all that much love in Chemnitz. However maybe, just maybe, things are taking a turn for the better in the town on the banks of the River, hmmm, Chemnitz. Not only have they in the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz one of the most progressive and innovative art galleries in Germany; not only have they in the
read moreDesign weeks are part of the daily grind of our profession. For those outwith the industry it all just looks like jaunting off to another exotic sounding location and going to a lot of cocktail parties with unfeasibly gorgeous and entertaining people. For others it may be. For us it's early mornings, heavy rucksacks, lots of polite small talk, little food, lots of walking, lots of avoiding polite small talk, late nights. And we generally have to buy our own beer. Which we typically drink
read moreThere is nothing cheaper and less original in the world of journalism than a look back over the highlights of a year/sports event/concert series/etc. Except possibly "Ten tips for the perfect curry/haircut/crease" However such a review offers the uninspired many advantages. In addition to the chance to fill column space without having to think or research, there is also no risk that the German President will phone you to complain. Unless of course one of your highlights was the time the
read moreOn his 2009 album "Waxing Gibbous" Falkirk balladeer Malcolm Middleton included the song "Red Travellin' Socks" a jaunty - if for us touch too obvious - ode to his love/hate relationship with, well his Red Travellin' Socks. Wearing his socks he's reminded of the freedom of the open road that is currently helping him fulfilling his primitive desires - until such time as the romantic myth of the endless highways explodes and he begins to long for home. The red socks symbolising his frustration
read moreAfter a year that took us from Plagwitz to Cologne and then over Stockholm to Milan, Zurich and beyond - we're taking a couple of days well earned rest over the Christmas period. But preparations are already well advanced for the (smow)blog design year 2012 - and even if we do say so ourselves, first 3 months are looking pretty bombastic! We hope you'll join us for the journey! Merry Christmas!
read moreAway from the race track a real highlight of "Die Hölle von Aschau" was the Concours d'Élégance. Ahead of the event Moormann sent out miniature Bookinist kits to their clients, partners and chums with the request that they be "pimped" and returned. If we're honest we don't think that they expected to get that many back. And so they were genuinely all the more impressed with not only the response but the very high quality of the responses. From a Gingerbread Bookinist over Popemobiles and
read moreAs we all know life isn't fair. But imagine, just for a minute, it was. Over the past 12 months we've found numerous items that in a fair and just world we would find under our tree on Christmas morning..... Endless by Jason Miller for Roll & Hill Spotted at Roll & Hill's Milan debut back in April Endless by Jason Miller is a modular lighting system that can not only be extended and shaped to fit any space... but positively cries out to be allowed to do just that. In the Roll & Hill shop
read moreIf purple is the second colour of mourning; then citrus colours are unquestionably the second colour(s) of Christmas. Be it the orange of an orange, the lemon of a lemon or the dark lime of a Vitra Panton Chair. Launched by Vitra in July as a special summer 2011 edition the Dark Lime Panton Chair was released as a strictly limited edition piece. And the (smow)warehouse is down to the last few examples...... And just like mince pies - when they're gone. They're gone! Unlike mince pies
read moreWhen is a lounge chair not a lounge chair? When it is a loving eulogy to the noble art of sailing. Designed by Linda Steen and Lena Axelsson and produced in Norway by Hødnebø, the Spinnaker Chair wonderfully mixes the classic form language of the lounge chair with upcycled sail canvas. Held on a powder varnished spring steel frame the canvas is stretched over three carbon ribs to provide maximum support and comfort. Foam and cospoflex cushions is a range of fabrics provide that final touch
read moreJanne Kyttänen never intended to be a light designer. Fate meant that he became known as one. Fortunately Janne Kyttänen understands the art of 3D printing better than most practitioners and in the past decade has created a truly unique collection of illumination objects that grace the permanent collections of all the most important design museums. And with versions for wall, floor or ceiling the Freedom of Creation lighting collection offers a design classic for everyone. Among the many
read moreLaunched in 2002 with just one product, Fatboy has grown to become not only one of the most instantly recognizable designer furniture brands on the market; but has expanded to become home to a whole range of objects created with one aim: Making relaxing and unwinding even easier and more enjoyable. And so what could be more desirable gift for the festive season, than an oasis of calm and comfort. Fatboy - The Original As the name implies, "The Original" is the product that started the whole
read moreWhat would Christmas be without mince pies, sloe gin and repeats of much loved family classics. Such as "Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat..." by (smow)blog. With its impeccable sense of meter and rhythm, the series has captured the imaginations and hearts of generations of (smow)blog readers. To be honest we did consider replacing it this year; but that would be somewhat churlish given the place the feature has captured in the pantheon of design journalism. And because the
read moreAs any one who has celebrated as many birthday's as us knows - there comes a point in every life where you're just not prepared to compromise on quality any more. Be it your car, your choice of airline, your hair cut. Or your office chair. When starting out in life the vast majority of us put up with cheap, uncomfortable office chairs because its easier. We know the quality isn't brilliant. But we're compromising The same can be said for desks, desk lamps and filing cabinets. Those days
read moreBack in the summer we ran a highly entertaining "Summertime in Dark Lime" Panton Chair Cocktail competition. The judging was certainly highly entertaining. The winner was Italian designer Alessandro Barison aka abitudinicreative Chatting with Alessandro after his cocktail “Spritz Upgrade” was selected the winner, we discovered that while he was a student at the Scuola Italiana Design (SID) he had taken part in a workshop cum competition that involved redesigning - or better put - extending
read moreObviously in his old age our colleague with the camera is getting a little slower. He'd only just recovered from the shock of getting photographed by Christoffer Martins at the Nils Holger Moormann "Hölle von Aschau" race day: when in drops another snap of him pushing the limits of design photography. And his own physical capabilities. Snapped with an iPhone by Eindhoven photographer Kasper van‘t Hoff while documenting the "Great Taste for Waste" exhibition in Kasper's Klokgebouw atelier, the
read moreIn a New York Times piece by Alice Rawsthorn1 we read that Enzo Mari once said that he wanted to make things that factory workers would like to produce. In his UdK Berlin talk, Enzo Mari touched on a similar vein describing, in the course of various monologues, the drudgery of badly paid workers in factories producing goods that no one finds attractive and the majority of which are in any case destined to become waste. When I see an object he said, I ask who will this make happy? People
read moreLuddites! Not a phrase normally associated with (smow) To the best of our knowledge no (smow)employee has ever smashed an iPad or capped a WiFi service in protest at the creeping and increasingly obsessive proliferation of technology into our lives. Despite that, the early summer weeks in the (smow)HQ were dominated by the preparation and production of the very first (smow)catalogue. That's print catalogue. So on paper. With ink. Luddites? Au contraire nos amis! Not only is the
read moreMany of you will no doubt remember our summer tour 2010. We'll it's that time of year again. Our 2011 summer tour kicks of on July 7th with the semester show at the HTW Dresden - the first time we've visited their show. We don't know why, we just feel we should go. Then on July 14th we'll be in Thüringen for the opening of Summaery 2011 at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Friday July 15th is Potsdam and the annual end of year show at the Fachhochschule. Then, as ever, its gets complicated.
read moreThe Internet may not, as yet, have been able to provide us with a free lunch; but it has given us free software, music, photos and videos. But more importantly it has given us not only the means and methods by which we can share what we do, but also to alter what other people do so that it fits our requirements. And if the authors and editors behind "Open Design Now: Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive" are to be believed - what is now an everyday norm in digital media will soon become just
read moreDuring this years Leipzig Book Fair (smow) hosted an evening of readings by three Swiss authors under the title "Neue Stimmen from Switzerland" and hosted by SWIPS – Swiss Independent Publishers. Ahead of the readings we spoke with one of the organisations founding members, and former President, Liliane Studer from Dörlemann Verlag about the organisation and its work. (smow) You've been associated with SWIPS since the very beginning, just quickly as background what was the reason for forming
read moreIn addition to his Kids Only Collection, Richard Lampert presented two new products in Milan: Stijl by Alexander Seifried and Stak by Patrick Frey. Just as developing a kid's range was long a wish of Richard Lampert, so too was the rehabilitation of the much-maligned kitchen corner bench, once so popular in alpine homes. We know people who are of the opinion that there is no need to rehabilitate the unparalleled genius that is the corner seat bench. Why have your kitchen chairs standing in
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