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smow song contest 2020 .... waiting for the livestream to begin.....
smow | 15.05.2020

smow Song Contest 2020

In a year in which the familiar glow of many a beloved cultural event is missing, one beacon continues to shine. As a virtual, and in many regards virtual, event the smow Song Contest is one that can be staged regardless of prevailing physical social distancing regulations and physical travel restrictions. And while virtual closeness and virtual travel can never, and must never be allowed to, replace the physical, the 2020 smow Song Contest does allow us all an opportunity to cross great

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Radio smow: A Sofa, Couch, Settee Playlist…….
smow | 20.03.2020

Radio smow: A Sofa, Couch, Settee Playlist…….

In these days of uncertainty one thing is indubitable: we will all become much better acquainted with our sofa, our couch and our settee. To accompany us all, a Radio smow playlist dedicated to the sofa, couch, settee and an invitation to reflect on the symbolic, figurative and cultural role of the sofa, couch, settee... ...a triumvirate of terms which raises the very obvious question as to the difference(s) The short answer is that today there is essentially none, the term you use being a

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2020
smow | 30.01.2020

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2020

According to Goethe, Without the Fastnacht's dance and masquerade ball February has little to offer at all.1 Rubbish! Absolute rot! Our recommendations for new architecture and design exhibitions opening during February 2020 in Weil am Rhein, New York, Vienna, Houston and Kerkrade which ably demonstrate that February has much more to offer than carnival, and for all that February can provide for a greater degree of cerebral gratification than sensual......... "Home Stories: 100 Years, 20

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radio smow 89 from 89
Radio smow | 08.11.2019

Radio smow: 89 from '89

"Das tritt nach ...meiner Kenntnis ... ist das sofort, unverzüglich" "As far as I'm aware..... that applies .... with immediate effect, forthwith" Rarely has an almost sentence in a press conference had such consequences. With his confidently unconfident utterances on the evening of Thursday November 9th 1989, a statement concerning a relaxation on restrictions for those East Germans wanting to travel to West Germany, a statement made while distractedly flicking through papers looking for,

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Fire. The first man made light....and still the most endearing....
smow | 21.06.2019

Radio smow: A Lighting Playlist…….

On this, the longest day, a radio smow playlist devoted to that which Europe for the next 24 hours will have more of than at any other time this year. And which somehow still won't seem enough. We could do with a lot more light, a lot more illumination, in our contemporary society..................... Fire. The first man-made light....and still the most endearing and engaging form.... As the Bible reliably informs us*, the first thing God did was create the heaven and the earth. And then

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smow song contest 2019
smow | 17.05.2019

smow Song Contest 2019

For all the controversy surrounding smow Tel Aviv's victory in the 2018 smow Song Contest, not least the question if there even is a smow Tel Aviv, the staging of the 2019 Contest in Israel does allow for a very nice reinforcing of the central theme of the 2019 smow Song Contest.... Inarguably the biggest architecture and design story in 2019 is the centenary of the founding of Bauhaus Weimar. And whereas one can, should, argue if the school deserves its singular billing, it gets it. What

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radio smow shelving playlist
smow | 07.12.2018

Radio smow: A Shelving Playlist…….

Following the #smowblogfact revelation from Vitra Work at Orgatec Cologne 2018 that the smow blog office is devoid of shelving, we were inundated with an e-mail asking why? why has the smow blog office no shelving....? A very simple question, and one which for the first time caused us to pose ourselves a much more fundamental question, why? why, has the smow blog office no shelving....? Considerations which quickly evolved and diverged to concern themselves with the more general questions of

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radio smow beds playlist
Product | 22.11.2018

Radio smow: A Beds Playlist.......

Slowly but surely the temperatures across Europe begin to fall, along with the leaves and the hours of daylight. Hibernation approaches. And by way of an accompaniment to the imminent long sleep, a Radio smow beds playlist. ...and so to bed! Back at the 2018 KABK Den Haag graduation festival the project Windows Without a View by Rudi van Delden investigated how you can "reclaim the missing third of your life”, i.e. when your in bed, and for all explored "the bedroom as the new office

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Lichtplatz Car Park (Hanielgarage), Düsseldorf by Paul Schneider-Esleben
smow | 23.08.2018

smow Blog Design Calendar: August 23rd 1915 – Happy Birthday Paul Schneider-Esleben!

Multi-storey car parks are many things to many people. For skateboarders a playground, for love-torn teens a place of privacy, for authors and film-makers an all too easy metaphor, and for yet others ..... somewhere to park their car. For the German architect Paul Schneider-Esleben the multi-storey car park represents his career breakthrough. And one of his most defining projects. Lichtplatz Car Park (Hanielgarage), Düsseldorf by Paul Schneider-Esleben Paul Schneider-Esleben Born in

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Rundgang 2018, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
smow | 17.07.2018

#campustour 2018: Rundgang, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, Germany

Whereas Frankfurt can, and very loudly does, claim to the birthplace of the German poet, playwright, scientist, statesman, etc, etc, etc Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, nearby Offenbach was not only the birthplace of his almost wife and long, long time love Lili Schönemann, but it was in the, then, relative, calm of Offenbach that Goethe's affections for Lili evolved and grew; "Lili was the first person I deeply and truly loved, and maybe she was the last", an octogenarian Goethe is reported as

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Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen Quartier Nord Rundgang 2018
smow | 09.07.2018

#campustour 2018: Rundgang, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Germany

In October 2017 the Design Department of the Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen moved into its new home, the so-called Quartier Nord designed by Stuttgart based MGF Architekten. The 2018 Folkwang Summer Rundgang therefore not only offered an opportunity to explore the work undertaken by institute's students in the semester past, but also to explore their new home....... Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, Quartier Nord..... Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen The most important

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smow der Freiheit, as seen during Freiheit 2.0 Stuttgart
smow | 18.06.2018

Freiheit 2.0 Stuttgart - Freedoms on Parade

During June 2018 the participative art installation Freiheit 2.0 in Stuttgart is exploring issues around Big Data, artificial intelligence and the future of our relationships with the digital, virtual, environment. In addition to a series of colloquia in which invited experts talk about aspects of the wider themes and engage in conversations with the project initiator Florian Mehnert, the three further pillars on which Freiheit 2.0 is built are a Self-Tracking App via which everyone can create

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Freiheit 2.0 Stuttgart
smow | 31.05.2018

Freiheit 2.0 Stuttgart: Big Data, You & I

If swarm intelligence describes natural systems where individuals pool their resources for the benefit of the community, then Big Data can be considered a form of swarm intelligence appropriated by commerce: where commerce pools individuals' resources, their data, for the benefit of commerce. In both swarm intelligence and Big Data the individuals involved are, largely, unaware of the extent of the interaction and resource pooling. Whereas however birds, bees, fish and ants needn't be aware of

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smow song contest 2018
Design Tourism | 11.05.2018

smow Song Contest 2018

Following smow Lisboa's surprise victory in the 2017 smow Song Contest, the Portuguese capital is preparing to host the 2018 song contest: a contest being staged very much in context of the contemporary relevance of smow's historic connections.... As the anniversary of smow Lisboa's victory approaches it remains as controversial and as unexpected as it was on that muggy evening back in May 2017: not least because there is no smow Lisboa. However, never ones to look a gift horse in the mouth

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A comparison of the geographic distribution of the Hanseatic League and smow (Stand March 2018)
smow | 23.03.2018

smow martimás. Or, how the smow network can be considered (almost) Hanseatic

The only FAQ not answered by the smow FAQs is the one that begins, "What is smow........?" And as smow grows and grows so too does the F with which the Q is A'd. The answer in one sense is very simple, smow trade in furniture, lighting and home/office accessories through a series of showrooms and online shops. But that only partly explains "smow". Doesn't explain the how, who, why and wherefore. Nor the richness. Explaining the true smow is in many respects best achieved by exploring another

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radio smow a chairs playlist
Designer | 08.01.2018

Radio smow: A Chairs Playlist

As we've oft noted in these pages, not only have designers since time immemorial had a particular fascination for chairs, but society a particular predilection. Arguably the two are related and can be traced to the long, universal, cultural, political and social relevance of the chair and the act of sitting, a state of affairs which not only makes the physical chair/seat an integral part of our lives, but the metaphorical: excitement brings us to edge of our chairs, those who are brave/foolish

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Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg - Beyond the New, Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum, Munich
smow | 10.11.2017

Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg – Beyond the New @ Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, Munich

Can innovation be an end to itself? Are we living in excess? Do things bewilder and inspire us still? Does a museum collection inevitably lose its link to reality as time goes by? What is good design? The exhibition Hella Jongerius & Louise Schouwenberg – Beyond the New at Die Neue Sammlung Munich poses a lot of questions. Questions which needn't necessarily find answers, but which should serve as inspiration and motivation to further questions, and thus a deeper discourse on design. Hella

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2017 smow blog campus tour bingo
smow | 15.06.2017

smow Blog #campustour 2017 Bingo

Throughout June and July well be touring Europe in context for our 2017 #campustour. By way of an accompaniment, we thought it would be an opportune moment for a game of bingo. For who doesn't love bingo? Welcome to smow Blog #campustour Bingo (photo by vcheregati, via As regular, more loyal, readers will be aware, we have a very limited vocabulary, and thus the few words we do use provide the perfect base for smow blog Bingo. The rules are very simple,

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smow blog #campustour 2017
smow | 10.06.2017

smow Blog #campustour 2017

Very much like Willie Nelson, we're on the road again, and like a band of gypsies goin' down the highway, we'll be goin' places that we've never been, seein' things that we may never see again, and all the time insistin' that the world keep turnin' our way. It's smow blog #campustour 2017 On, and on, and on, and....... the smow blog #campustour 2017 Every June and July smow blog takes to the road and visits design school end of semester and graduation exhibitions; yet whereas in the past

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smow song contest 2017
smow | 11.05.2017

smow Song Contest 2017

It's early May and once again the party ship we call the smow song contest is ready to set sail...... First staged in 1956 in Lugano, as a small, essentially regional, event, the smow song contest has grown as the smow family has, and now enjoys a popularity far outwith smow's geographic heartland. A fact acknowledged by the addition of Sydney to the competition in 2015: our antipodean cousins having long adopted the spirit of smow. Yes, some, ill informed, never happy's, oafs quite frankly,

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Poul Henningsen
smow | 04.05.2017

smow Blog Playlist. Reprise.

There is one song missing from the smow blog playlist: missing for the simple, regrettable, and thoroughly avoidable, reason that it isn't on spotify. For din skyld by the Danish singer Birgit Brüel. Denmark's entry for the 1965 Eurovision Song Contest. And featuring lyrics by Poul Henningsen. Yes, that Poul Henningsen. Poul Henningsen (1894 - 1967) Although popularly remembered as a lighting designer Poul Henningsen was, as previously noted, so much more. Indeed, in many respects his

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6 D 030 Z by Charles Ray Eames for Evans for Zenith Radio, as seen at Radio Days. Tube Radios, Design Classics, Internet Radio, the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne
smow | 20.04.2017

Good Design Needs Good Music: The smow Blog Playlist

It's not quite radio smow. Not yet. But we hope it is another way to enjoy, and understand, the smow blog....... 6 D 030 Z by Charles & Ray Eames for Evans for Zenith Radio, as seen at Radio Days. Tube Radios, Design Classics, Internet Radio, the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne Much as there is an innate joy in the way a good designer can reduce an idea down to a few lengths of wood, or twists of metal, so to is there an inescapable wonder in the way a good songsmith can express an idea

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Design European Championship 2016 Final - Starting line-up Portugal
smow | 10.07.2016

Design European Championship 2016: Review and Preview

After four weeks of competition at venues throughout France the 2016 Design EM prepares to bid adieu, au revoir and a heartfelt merci....and thus an opportune moment to reflect. Whereas the first few days were more notable for off-field activities than on-field, and for all those off-field activities of design fans from Russia and England, Design 2016 slowly developed into, if not a classic tournament, then certainly an honest and realistic reflection of contemporary European design. And also

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Workaround by Sofie Aschan Eriksson, Lund University School of Industrial Design. As seen at DMY Berlin 2016
smow | 05.06.2016

DMY Berlin 2016: High Five!!

We're not going to claim that DMY Berlin 2016 was a vintage year, for us the 14th edition of the international design festival featured too little of substance, too much superficial, too little original, too much that was too obvious and far, far, far too many intricate filigree light bulbs. And nothing says "lifestyle", or winds us up, more than an intricate, filigree light bulb. However our impression may have been partially clouded by the distraction caused by the large amount of open space

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