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A Quartet of Musicians' Chairs by David A. Brothers (Rendering © David A. Brothers)
Designer | 03.04.2017

The Sedentary Workers: Orchestra Musicians

Although the evidence is not, yet, conclusive, recent years have seen an increasing confidence in the theory that sitting for too long can have a negative impact on health, and that all whose job involves prolonged sitting should regularly stand, move and generally change their body position. But what about those workers who can't? What about those workers whose job is defined by long periods of sitting? Orchestra musicians at work. Seated. Specifically, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with

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"Some New Items for the Home, Part I" and All Plastic Chair for Vitra, as seen at Jasper Morrison. Thingness, Bauhaus Archiv Berlin
Designer | 21.03.2017

Jasper Morrison. Thingness at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin

Thingness. Noun. [ˈthiŋ-nəs] The quality or state of objective existence or reality1 Thingness. Exhibition. [ˈthiŋ-nəs] A comprehensive Jasper Morrison retrospective currently on show at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin. Jasper Morrison. Thingness @ Bauhaus Archiv Berlin Originally conceived by and presented at the Centre d’innovation et de design, CID, Grand-Hornu, Belgium, Jasper Morrison. Thingness presents a chronological excursion through three decades of Jasper Morrison design. We first saw

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Loop Lounge Rope from Vincent Sheppard, as seen at IMM Cologne 2017
Designer | 23.01.2017

IMM Cologne 2017: High Five!!

As a fair IMM Cologne 2017 didn't impress, but one or the other product did. Our IMM Cologne 2017 High Five!! And a few words of comfort from Epictetus. IMM Cologne 2017: High Five!! Staged as it in mid-January IMM Cologne is not only the first event in our new diaries, but, coming as it does after a period when we've been distracted by life in its full technicolour glory, often the hardest. How quickly have we come out of the post-holiday starting blocks? Are we mentally and physically

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The Kramer Principle Design for Variable Use Museum Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt am Main Chair B 403 Thonet
Architecture | 22.01.2017

smow Blog Design Calendar: January 22nd 1898 – Happy Birthday Ferdinand Kramer!

The German architect and designer Ferdinand Kramer didn't just translate the new principles of construction and design which arose in the inter-war years into his architecture, furniture and industrial designs, he was also a very eloquent writer on such matters, and thus helped, and continues to help, explain the motivations behind, and fascination with, functionalist ideals. Chair B 403 for Thonet by Ferdinand Kramer, as seen at The Kramer Principle: Design for Variable Use, Museum

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5 Years kaschkasch, Cologne
Cologne Creative | 20.01.2017

Passagen Design Week Cologne 2017: 5 Years kaschkasch

With the exhibition 5 Years kaschkasch Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider aka studio kaschkasch celebrate, well, five years of studio kaschkasch. 5 Years kaschkasch, Cologne 5 Years kaschkasch The foundations for kaschkasch were laid by Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider in context of a joint graduation project at the Akademie für Gestaltung Münster, and became reality with the opening of their own studio in Cologne in 2011. An early diet of trade fairs and competitions resulting in

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The bedroom of the Holzklasse by Nils Holger Moormann & CustomBus (bed linen included)
Designer | 21.12.2016

Holzklasse by Nils Holger Moormann & CustomBus

With Holzklasse designer Nils Holger Moormann and VW bus fabricator CustomBus have brought Moormann design to the highways, and for all, the byways. Master of all he surveys.... Holzklasse by Nils Holger Moormann & CustomBus For many the "open road" is the ultimate synonym of a carefree life. And an unachievable dream. Which is of course what makes it such a seductive synonym. For Nils Holger Moormann the open road is daily reality as he travels Europe visiting clients, customers and

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Ply_Wood Stool Box by Thorsten Franck (Photo Andreas Mierswa)
Designer | 16.12.2016

smow blog Interview: Thorsten Franck - I understand design as an evolution, we make something, and then we make it better

One of our highlights of 2016 was without question PrintStool by Munich based designer Thorsten Franck for German manufacturer Wilkhahn. Less because of the object itself and more because of what it represents: the first step by a major furniture producer towards industrial 3D furniture printing. We met up with Thorsten in Munich to discuss PrintStool, 3D printing and the changing role of designers. PrintStool by Thorsten Franck for Wilkhahn, here as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016 After

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Orgatec Cologne 2016: Richard Lampert
Architecture | 13.11.2016

Orgatec Cologne 2016: Richard Lampert

Back in February we spoke with Richard Lampert and he told us he was planning exhibiting at Orgatec. Had a few ideas he said. Boy, did he have ideas......... Orgatec Cologne 2016: Richard Lampert Established in Stuttgart in 1993 the first product in the Richard Lampert portfolio was Eiermann table frame, and thus, in many respects, the company began as an "office furniture" manufacturer. If largely furniture for architects' offices. The great architect's table frame quickly establishing

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Miller Lounge Chair by Serener for Functionals, as seen Kazerne Eindhoven, Dutch Design Week 2016
Designer | 08.11.2016

Dutch Design Week 2016: Functionals at Kazerne Eindhoven

Although one primarily goes to Kazerne Eindhoven to experience experimental, challenging, yet invariably accessible and pertinent design, during Dutch Design Week one also gets the chance to experience young, emerging, furniture brands. At Dutch Design week 2016 we were particularly taken with the presentation by Dutch brand Functionals. Tracing its origins back to 1972 and the establishment of a metal workshop in Goirle, near Tilburg, by Henk van Esch, the contemporary Functionals was

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PrintStool by Thorsten Franck for Wilkhahn, here as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016
Designer | 06.11.2016

Orgatec Cologne 2016: PrintStool by Thorsten Franck for Wilkhahn

Whereas 3D printing is omnipresent in the media, and a ubiquitous tool in contemporary research and development, in most daily realities it remains scarcelypresent. Save for tablet holders, cosplay accessories and Star Wars chess sets. Or put another way, as a popular activity 3D printing is still very nerd niche. Often very, very trivial. And certainly not a widespread, commercial, industrial process. Yet. But will be. Of that we are certain. How that will be in context of the furniture

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Pip by Daniel Kern for Richard Lampert, as seen at Orgatec Cologne 2016
Designer | 28.10.2016

Orgatec Cologne 2016: High Five!!

We must start with a confession . This High Five! is a High Four! Not because there weren't good products on show at Orgatec Cologne 2016, there were. But much more Orgatec is an office furniture fair, and therefore: a) most manufacturers offer, in essence, the same range, it is all very homogeneous. Generally of very good quality, but otherwise uninspiring, all very generic, safe and overtly commercial. One reason is that in the contract, so wholesale, business, decisions as to which

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Pacific Chair by Barber Osgerby, as seen at Vitra - Work, Orgatec 2016
Designer | 27.10.2016

Orgatec Cologne 2016: Vitra - Work

When we spoke with Vitra's Chief Sales Officer Josef Kaiser at NeoCon Chicago he told us that at "Orgatec 2016 we will be trying to be more interesting for architects, without losing the focus on the dealers, which will be challenge, but one we’re looking forward to, not least because this year we have our own hall" What that meant in practice could be experienced in Hall 5.2 at Cologne Messe. Or in the Vitra Messe - Vitra Trade Fair - as we've taking to calling it, seeing how it was,

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Part of the Wire collection by Muller Van Severen, as seen at Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2016
Designer | 24.10.2016

Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2016 - High Five!!

On the train down to Kortrijk and the 2016 Biennale Interieur we started drafting this introduction. The talk was of the 25th anniversary edition, the relevance of the event in context of the European furniture and design market - then and now - and the strength(s) of contemporary Belgian furniture design Then we saw that organisers were charging 50 cents to use the toilet. In a fair. Ctrl A. Ctrl X. It may "only" be 50 cents, but.... having charged visitors €22,00 to enter a fair. You

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BuzziJungle by Jonas Van Put for BuzziSpace, as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016
Architecture | 20.10.2016

NeoCon Chicago 2016 Interview: Tom Van Dessel, CEO, BuzziSpace America

"The fact that you are European allows you to be quirky. Europe has a great reputation for good design but that is just the ante to the game, and allows you then to be interesting, but you also have execute." BuzziJungle by Jonas Van Put for BuzziSpace, as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016 Established in 2007 as a producer of office acoustic solutions, the Belgian manufacturer BuzziSpace has quickly grown to become not only one of the major producers of acoustic products but of what one could

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Plane Secretary and Mobile Container by Felix Stark for Müller Möbelwerkstätten
Designer | 01.10.2016

Cologne Creative: Felix Stark - As a designer you always have to make it clear what you stand for

Continuing our series of posts on creativity in Cologne, historic and contemporary, we met up with product designer Felix Stark. Born in Bonn Felix Stark initially completed a carpentry apprenticeship before studying product design at the ecosign/Akademie für Gestaltung in Cologne, where in 2004 he established his design studio "formstark". In addition to realising projects as varied as, and amongst many others, the ARK tap and bathroom fittings collection for Spanish manufacturer Stanza, a

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Sofa? Desk? SofaDesk! Hack by Konstantin Grcic for Vitra, as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016
Interview | 14.08.2016

NeoCon Chicago 2016 Interview: Josef Kaiser, Chief Sales Officer, Vitra

Although geographically the (hi)story of Vitra begins in Basel, spiritually it begins in America and arrives in Switzerland in 1957 with the licences to produce works by US designers such as Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson, Isamu Noguchi and Alexander Girard; and then grows over the subsequent decades under the influence of the close co-operations which thus developed, for all those with George Nelson and Charles and Ray Eames. Given this close affinity with and to America it was perhaps

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Graph by Jehs+Laub for Wilkhahn
Designer | 22.07.2016

smow blog Interview: Markus Jehs - Discourse is the most important aspect of design

Although Stuttgart based design studio Jehs+Laub are in many respects best known as the winners of the inaugural Moormann Bookinist Cup, they are also one of Germany's most prolific and successful furniture design studios. Markus Jehs and Jürgen Laub met while studying Industrial Design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, their friendship developed over the course of a practical semester in New York, led them to complete a joint Diploma Project and ultimately saw the

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Limerick Chair by Tom Newhouse for Herman Miller (Photo © and courtesy Herman Miller)
Designer | 14.07.2016

smow Blog Interview: Tom Newhouse - aesthetics, sustainability, ergonomics and economy must be in equilibrium, if they aren't the design isn't finished

Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a town famous for some 150 years as a, if not the, centre of American furniture production, it is perhaps not surprising that Tom Newhouse choose to pursue a career in furniture design. Upon graduating in 1972 from the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Tom Newhouse took up a position as a staff designer with Herman Miller, a situation he himself refers to as a "marvellous beginning", before in 1978 he established his

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New Perspective Mirror by Alain Gilles for Bonaldo (Photos © and courtesy Alain Gilles)
Designer | 04.07.2016

smow blog Interview: Alain Gilles - For me the benchmark is never to lose the functionality, I like to create works which have a very graphic character, but they need to work as intended and to work well

Whereas the careers of most product and furniture designers follow a very similar path and pattern over apprenticeship, internships and college, Belgian designer Alain Gilles took a "somewhat" different route: a degree in political science being followed by five years working in the Brussels' office of international finance concern J P Morgan, before, aged 32, he began to study product design. And that with a fair degree of success. Since establishing his own studio in 2007 Alain Gilles has

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Ursa Table Lamp by McKenzie & Keim, as seen at Guerrilla Truck Show, NeoCon Chicago 2016
Designer | 23.06.2016

smow blog compact: Ursa by McKenzie & Keim

Being principally an office furniture fair NeoCon doesn't really attract "fringe events" the way home furnishing focussed trade fairs do; office furniture, allegedly, lacking much of the flair, emotion and excitement of its domestic relatives. In the past however the so-called Guerrilla Truck Show did attempt to provide an alternative, more independent, take on design, than the sanitised corporate vision presented at NeoCon. Staged during NeoCon week in Chicago's Fulton Market district the

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Presto by Thorsten Franck for Wilkhahn, as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016
Designer | 16.06.2016

NeoCon Chicago 2016: High Five!!

At the risk of getting political, the term "neoconservative"/"neocon" hasn't always had the best reputation, especially not in Europe where its connotations of American supremacy through military force has long made it a subject for suspicion, intrigue and popular rejection. Thus for us it is all the more amusing that one of America's main contemporary furniture trade fairs should be "NeoCon". The imagery the name conjures up easily keeping us amused for the duration of a transatlantic

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The little regarded undersides of chairs....
Architecture | 02.06.2016

Vitra Schaudepot: A New Home for the Vitra Design Museum Collection

With the opening of the Vitra Schaudepot the Vitra Campus has not only grown by a further building, but the Vitra Design Museum has realised a long held dream, that of an exhibition space in which to present their collection in its full extent; or at least in a much fuller extent than has currently been possible. Vitra Schaudepot by Herzog & de Meuron The Vitra Design Museum collection traces its origins back to 1981 when the then Vitra CEO Rolf Fehlbaum began buying historic examples of

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S32 by Marcel Breuer for Thonet (Artistic Copyright since 1932, Mart Stam)
Design Calendar | 01.06.2016

smow blog Design Calendar: June 1st 1932 - Mart Stam Awarded Artistic Copyright for the Cubic Cantilever Chair

"...the strict, logical lines which avoid anything unnecessary and which with the sleekest form and through the simplest means embodies the modern objectivity"1, with this, glowing, description of his design the Supreme Court of the German Reich in Leipzig awarded on June 1st 1932 Mart Stam the artistic copyright of the cubic, quadratic, cantilever chair, and thus settled arguably the very first legal dispute over the copyright of the form of a piece of furniture intended for industrial mass

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New Order by Stefan Diez for HAY, as seen at Milan Design Week 2016
Designer | 18.04.2016

smow blog compact Milan 2016 special: HAY

Established in 2002 Danish label HAY have quickly risen to become an important player in the European furniture and home accessories market, and in many ways have also served as the archetype for the innumerable new labels that have sprung up across the continent in the last five to six years. Yet to judge by the scale, breadth and obvious cost of their presentation at Milan 2016 HAY are clearly not planning resting on their laurels any time soon: here is brand, we were informed, moving up a

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