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ron arad tom vac vitra
Designer | 11.04.2012

Everyday Design: Tom Vac by Ron Arad for Vitra

A common misconception is that the term "designer" in "designer furniture" means "exclusive". It doesn't. It just means that a designer has invested time in creating a product that does something new or which represents a further development of existing concepts. Designer furniture is however meant to be used everywhere, everyday, by everyone. Such as the Tom Vac by Ron Arad for Vitra. You could just use it in your dinning room or on your balcony. Or.....

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vitra alcove work ronan erwan bouroullec orgatec 2010
Producer | 16.03.2012

Interview: Rudolf Pütz, CEO Vitra Germany.

Although we regularly use the term "furniture market", one must technically speak from two furniture markets; domestic and office. OK you could also add retail, hotel, airport etc... but for the sake of convenience let's consider them as genre-crossing mongrels. Like folk-rock. Regardless however of how one categorises the industry, its probably fair to say that the past four years have been no real fun for European furniture producers. Especially not for those involved in the office

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system usm haller
Designer | 14.03.2012

ETH Zürich Symposium: Fritz Haller. Architect and Researcher

On Thursday and Friday March 15th/16th the ETH Zurich is holding a two day symposium looking at the life and work of Fritz Haller. And we won't be there. Scunner. There are a lot of reasons to want to be there; but the principle one for us is that despite his universally recognised System USM Haller, Fritz Haller himself remains something of an enigma. And so the chance to spend two days listening to experts discuss the man and his work in detail is technically something we shouldn't miss.

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Designer | 07.02.2012

Nils Holger Moormann: Wagon-lire

Back at Qubique Berlin we spoke to Nils Holger Moormann, and in addition to discussing the number of days spent in bed with fever following the Bookinist Cup - three appeared average amongst all participants - he also mentioned that he was busy redesigning a car. At that point he couldn't say more; but in December the results of the project were displayed in Bilbao during the launch of the new Renault Twingo. Inspired by Wagon-Lit, the French for sleeping car and a term that conjures up the

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A&W Designer of the Year 2012 Patricia Urquiola Volant Moroso
Awards | 25.01.2012

A&W Designer of the Year 2012: Patricia Urquiola

For a decade and a half the unofficial start to Cologne Furniture Week has been the honouring of the "A&W Designer of the Year" Awarded by the German magazine "A&W Architektur & Wohnen", the prize was inaugurated in 1997 to honour a designer whose work has particular defined the home furnishing style of our time. Previous winners including Philippe Starck, Antonio Citterio or Tom Dixon. To name just three from 15. The A&W Designer of the Year 2012 is the Spanish designer Patricia Urquiola.

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IMM Köln 2012 Richard Lampert Living Outdoor
Designer | 23.01.2012

IMM Köln: Richard Lampert Living Outdoor

Following on from last years "Kids Only" collection, Richard Lampert was/were back at Cologne 2012 with a collection of new outdoor furniture And just as "Kids Only" clearly wasn't. So too can "Living Outdoor" clearly also be used for "Living Indoor" Which is important if you live north of Alicante and can't guarantee your summer will be in any way summary. Featuring four new products from three of the company's roster of young design talents, the new collection can be seen as an extension

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IMM Köln 2012 Müller Möbelfabrikation colour
Designer | 20.01.2012

IMM Köln 2012: Müller Möbelfabrikation

A drawer. Honestly that is all it takes and you’ve got us. A desk with a drawer. Or even better multiple drawers. As if Müller Möbelfabrikation could read our minds, we were met on their stand in Cologne by the most fantastic sheet steel desk. With soooo many drawers. If that's not a guaranteed to way to get our attention! If we did have one slight criticism it would be the decision to display a version in orange. If there is one colour that is real hard to photograph under exhibition

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Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln Thonet Ron Arad
Designer | 19.01.2012

MAKK Reprise: Thonet, Ron Arad, Satyendra Pakhalé

In addition to showing "From Aalto to Zumthor Furniture by Architects" the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln is also showing off it's new acquisitions: 10 early Michael Thonet stools and a rare work from Jacob and Josef Kohn. Plus 2 monumental pieces of modern abstract metal furniture: "2 R Not" by Ron Arad and "Bell Metal Horse Chair" by Satyendra Pakhalé The Thonet chairs are currently being displayed in a special showcase that wonderfully portrays the development of Michael Thonet's work.

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world furniture day 2012 imm cologne
Designer | 17.01.2012

World Furniture Day 2012

Although it would be wrong to say that we misled you in saying that there would be no Moormann furniture at IMM Cologne. There was one piece. A brave, young Strammer Max Not in Cologne however as representative of his designer or producer, but as the Global Ambassador of an idea so genial, so eye wateringly simple, so necessary, that we're more than a little twisted with jealousy at not having thought it up ourselves: World Furniture Day. Looking to put the fun back into furniture the

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Designer | 06.01.2012

(smow) Blog Best of 2011: Bookinist Cup - Die Hölle von Aschau

Although officially a company fete at which Moormann wanted to thank their partners, dealers, designers et al for the good cooperation over the previous year; Die Hölle von Aschau was much more a family fest at which one could really feel the warmth that exists between the company and all they work with. And that despite the sleet and wind. This warmth was particularly evident as Nils Holger Moormann himself took to the track and was immediately surrounded by the sort of camera scrum more

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stockholm february 2011

(smow) Design Tour 2012: It's time to dig out our travellin' socks....

On his 2009 album "Waxing Gibbous" Falkirk balladeer Malcolm Middleton included the song "Red Travellin' Socks" a jaunty - if for us touch too obvious - ode to his love/hate relationship with, well his Red Travellin' Socks. Wearing his socks he's reminded of the freedom of the open road that is currently helping him fulfilling his primitive desires - until such time as the romantic myth of the endless highways explodes and he begins to long for home. The red socks symbolising his frustration

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egon eiermann wilde + spieth se 119
Designer | 19.12.2011

Egon Eiermann - New Chairs for New Churches. The SE 119 and SE 121

On December 17th 1961 the New Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche in Berlin was officially consecrated. Designed by Egon Eiermann the new church was and is a very self-confident, modern replacement for the Old Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche; a building that to the regret of many Berlin residents fell victim to an allied bombing raid in 1943. In keeping with all his projects up to that period Egon Eiermann didn't just create the building but also designed the furniture and fittings for the new

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Die Hölle von Aschau 2011 smow bookinist race
Designer | 16.12.2011

Die Hölle von Aschau 2011 - Concours d'Élégance

Away from the race track a real highlight of "Die Hölle von Aschau" was the Concours d'Élégance. Ahead of the event Moormann sent out miniature Bookinist kits to their clients, partners and chums with the request that they be "pimped" and returned. If we're honest we don't think that they expected to get that many back. And so they were genuinely all the more impressed with not only the response but the very high quality of the responses. From a Gingerbread Bookinist over Popemobiles and

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roethlisberger kollektion torsio Hanspeter Steiger

Neue Räume Zurich: Jürg Scheidegger, Röthlisberger Kollektion

Following on from our interview with Nikolas Kerl - a designer/producer at the very start of his career, we continue our exploration into the current state of the Swiss designer furniture industry with a producer who have "a little more" experience. Born out of a family carpentry and shop fitting business, Röthlsberger Kollektion effectively began producing their own collections in the late 1970s through collaborations with Swiss designers such Trix and Robert Haussmann, Susi and Ueli Berger

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Ludwig Erhard
Designer | 08.12.2011

"Everyone steals from everyone else. The seating industry lives from reciprocal robbery"

As many of you know we don't do trends. Never have. Never will. But others do. And back in 1964 the trend in West Germany was leather furniture. At least according to Der Spiegel. In "Haut und Haare", a delightful article, that admittedly probably shouldn't be read by anyone planning buying a Barcelona Chair for Christmas, the unnamed Spiegel author not only explains just how much of a trend leather had become in the West German living rooms of the day, but exhibits a wonderfully casual

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christmas vitra dark lime panton chair

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat... if Verner Panton had ever visited us, that is where he would have sat

If purple is the second colour of mourning; then citrus colours are unquestionably the second colour(s) of Christmas. Be it the orange of an orange, the lemon of a lemon or the dark lime of a Vitra Panton Chair. Launched by Vitra in July as a special summer 2011 edition the Dark Lime Panton Chair was released as a strictly limited edition piece. And the (smow)warehouse is down to the last few examples...... And just like mince pies - when they're gone. They're gone! Unlike mince pies

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Neue Räume Zurich 2011: Duetto by Plinio il Giovane
Designer | 24.11.2011

Neue Räume Zurich 2011: Plinio il Giovane

Very occasionally we see something that makes us stop in our tracks. At Neue Räume Zurich that something was the Milanese producer Plinio il Giovane. We know we moan a lot about Italy's over-rated position at the top of Mount Design. But just as they seem to have an unending reserve of corrupt politicians, so do they also seem able to produce quality designer furniture producers out of thin air. Handmade from oak the Plinio il Giovane collection not only looks fantastic; but many of the

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hodnebo spinnaker chair
Designer | 24.11.2011

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat... a festive gift for your ya(ch)t

When is a lounge chair not a lounge chair? When it is a loving eulogy to the noble art of sailing. Designed by Linda Steen and Lena Axelsson and produced in Norway by Hødnebø, the Spinnaker Chair wonderfully mixes the classic form language of the lounge chair with upcycled sail canvas. Held on a powder varnished spring steel frame the canvas is stretched over three carbon ribs to provide maximum support and comfort. Foam and cospoflex cushions is a range of fabrics provide that final touch

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freedom of creation dahlia lamp

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat... Freedom of Creation Joululahjat

Janne Kyttänen never intended to be a light designer. Fate meant that he became known as one. Fortunately Janne Kyttänen understands the art of 3D printing better than most practitioners and in the past decade has created a truly unique collection of illumination objects that grace the permanent collections of all the most important design museums. And with versions for wall, floor or ceiling the Freedom of Creation lighting collection offers a design classic for everyone. Among the many

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fatboy knapsack closed

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat... sleep off lunch in a Fatboy hanging mat!

Launched in 2002 with just one product, Fatboy has grown to become not only one of the most instantly recognizable designer furniture brands on the market; but has expanded to become home to a whole range of objects created with one aim: Making relaxing and unwinding even easier and more enjoyable. And so what could be more desirable gift for the festive season, than an oasis of calm and comfort. Fatboy - The Original As the name implies, "The Original" is the product that started the whole

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smow designer office furniture package
Artemide | 18.11.2011

(smow) intern: Designer Office Furniture Package

As any one who has celebrated as many birthday's as us knows - there comes a point in every life where you're just not prepared to compromise on quality any more. Be it your car, your choice of airline, your hair cut. Or your office chair. When starting out in life the vast majority of us put up with cheap, uncomfortable office chairs because its easier. We know the quality isn't brilliant. But we're compromising The same can be said for desks, desk lamps and filing cabinets. Those days

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vitra panton chair dark lime
Designer | 15.11.2011

Alessandro Barison - Panton Remake

Back in the summer we ran a highly entertaining "Summertime in Dark Lime" Panton Chair Cocktail competition. The judging was certainly highly entertaining. The winner was Italian designer Alessandro Barison aka abitudinicreative Chatting with Alessandro after his cocktail “Spritz Upgrade” was selected the winner, we discovered that while he was a student at the Scuola Italiana Design (SID) he had taken part in a workshop cum competition that involved redesigning - or better put - extending

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Neue Räume Zurich 2011: Piet Hein Eek
ClassiCon | 08.11.2011

Neue Räume Zurich 2011

The final stage of our 2011 autumn tour took us to Neue Räume Zurich, Switzerland's largest designer furniture trade fair. And quite possibly Switzerland's most bemuddled designer furniture trade fair. We do appreciate that the organisers are trying to make Neue Räume all things to all men, and offer a wide range of products, producers and design directions. And we really liked what the organisers were trying to do. But somehow squeezing so much into such a relatively small space just

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design for use usa slinky richard t james
Designer | 04.11.2011

Design for Use, USA

"Wooden spoon for pickled vegetables by John F. Kennedy" ? ? ? John F. Kennedy. Green Mountain Woodcrafters, Vermont. And no relation of Teddy or Robert. Still cheered us up. From March 20th until April 25th 1951 Stuttgart hosted the first post-war exhibition of modern American home furnishings and appliances in Europe. Organised by the New York Museum of Modern Art under the title "Design for Use, USA", the exhibition featured a cross section of American domestic design. And a Who's

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