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IMM Cologne 2014 Stylepark Featured Editions Zoom Loris & Livia Wogg
Designer | 17.01.2014

(smow) blog compact IMM Cologne Special: Stylepark Featured Editions

When in our preview of IMM Cologne 2014 we referred to it as marking the opening of the European design circus, we had no idea that it was a circus with a fairground. Sadly the carousel incorporating Zeitraum's Pelle chair seat shells was not there to provide adrenaline rushes. Only visual thrills as part of the 2014 Featured Editions programme. Premièred as a concept at IMM Cologne 2013 and curated by the online portal Stylepark, Featured Editions is a collection of installations in which

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smow blog compact IMM Cologne Special maigrau
Designer | 16.01.2014

(smow) blog compact IMM Cologne Special: maigrau

When we spoke with Nik Back and Alexander Stamminger aka maigrau back in 2010 they told us that in the context of developing the, then, fledgling companies collection "...on the one hand as designers we naturally want to continue designing products ourselves, but on the other we can also imagine developing products for maigrau in cooperation with other designers." The new maigrau products being launched at IMM Cologne 2014 perfectly demonstrate this binary approach: two new products from

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Passagen Cologne 2014 Japanisches Kulturinstitut Modernes Japanisches Design
Designer | 16.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: Modernes Japanisches Design at the Japanisches Kulturinstitut

When Charlotte Perriand arrived in Japan in 1940 to begin her commission from the Japanese Ministry of Trade and Industry to investigate the current state of industrial production in Japan and suggest new ways forward, her guide and translator was a young man by the name of Sori Yanagi. Some 15 years later Sori Yanagi created one of the archetypal and most instantly recognised pieces of modern Japanese design: the Butterfly Stool. There are those who can see Ms Perriand's influence on the

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Passagen Cologne 2014 BKULT Featuring Van Bo Le-Mentzel Konstruieren statt Konsumieren AIT-ArchitekturSalon Köln
Architecture | 15.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: BKULT Featuring Van Bo Le-Mentzel: Konstruieren statt Konsumieren @ AIT-ArchitekturSalon Köln

In 2012 the Berlin based publishers/curators/editors Ilka & Andreas Ruby established BKULT as an online platform for discussing issues in contemporary architecture. Every two weeks a new question is posed and prominent guests are invited to answer "yes", "no" or "jein", and more importantly to justify their position and elucidate their argument. The platform is then opened to all and thus develops a discussion over topics such as "Does architecture need a quota for women?", "Do we need more

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Passagen Cologne 2014 A&W Designer of the Year Werner Aisslinger Exhibition Kölnischer Kunstverein
Awards | 15.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: A&W Designer of the Year 2014 - Werner Aisslinger. The Exhibition.

What would IMM Cologne week be without the official enthronement of the A&W Designer of the Year? One day shorter and one exhibition poorer say we. Following on from Patricia Urquiola in 2012 and Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec in 2013 the 2014 A&W Designer of the Year is Werner Aisslinger. And as tradition demands his work is currently being celebrated in an exhibition in the Kölner Kunstverein. In summer 2013 the Berlin gallery Haus am Waldsee presented a Werner Aisslinger solo exhibition under

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Ordnungshalber by Christoph Goechnahts
Awards | 14.01.2014

(smow) blog compact IMM Cologne Special: Ordnungshalber by Christoph Goechnahts

That furniture often has a cultural background can probably be best observed in chairs: the cultural background often defining, for example, the height, number and position of legs. That wall hooks can also have a cultural basis is new to us. But in the case of the North American Shaker community they would appear to. Traditionally Shaker homes have a wooden bar that runs round a room onto which at regular intervals hooks are attached. Meaning you're never more than a couple of metres from a

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String IMM Cologne 2014
Designer | 14.01.2014

(smow) blog compact IMM Cologne Special: String

In 1949 the Swedish publishing house Bonniers folkbibliotek organised a competition asking for designs for a bookcase system that was easy to ship, easy to assemble and easily affordable. The background is fairly obvious: the more book storage space your average Swede has, the more books they can buy. In the late 1940s the Swedish Industrial Designer Nils Strinning had enjoyed notable success with plastic coated steel wire designs - first as crockery drying racks and subsequently as storage

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Passagen Cologne 2014 Stefan Wewerka Denkmöbel Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Köln
Architecture | 14.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: Stefan Wewerka - Denkmöbel @ Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Köln

For their now traditional IMM Cologne exhibition Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft is presenting an exhibition devoted to one of the more interesting characters in the story of German furniture design, Stefan Wewerka. Born in Magdeburg on October 27th 1928 Stefan Wewerka studied architecture at the Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Berlin under, amongst others, Max Taut and Georg Leowald, left however without formally graduating. Something which in those days was no hindrance to a

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Richard Lampert IMM Cologne 2013
Designer | 13.01.2014

(smow) blog compact IMM Cologne Special: Richard Lampert

In numerous mythologies heroes are whisked through space and time on a magic carpet. The carpet project that took Alexander Seifried to Afghanistan may or may not have been magic, but it has treated us to one of the most unique, and hardest to ignore, moments at IMM Cologne. The full story is a little long for a compact blog post; however, in brief, researching carpets Alexander Seifried came across North Afghani yurt designs and was suitably inspired to develop his own yurt, the Kargah Tent.

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Passagen Cologne 2014 Objects and the Factory
Designer | 13.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: Objects and the Factory

Following on from last year's highly enjoyable Objects for the Neighbour exhibition Karoline Fesser, Kai Linke and Thomas Schnur are back this year with a new show: Objects and the Factory. Time was when the factory was the aspiration of any industrial designer for their projects. A factory meant that project had become a product, and was an industrial product not a craft product. However over the decades changing social and cultural conditions coupled to numerous caesurae in design have meant

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Passagen Cologne 2014 Design Flanders Atelier Bonk and Cas Moor
Designer | 13.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: Design Flanders. Atelier Bonk and Cas Moor

Given that Cologne is geographically closer to Brussels than Berlin, there probably should be more Belgian designers exhibiting at Cologne Design Week than there actually/normally are. Also because a Belgian Frites seller can be found on near every street corner, thus ensuring no Belgian - or indeed Dutchman, Scot or Australian - need go hungry. Among the Belgians who are here this year are old (smow) blog favourites Tim Baute and Stefaan De Croock aka Atelier Bonk who are presenting their

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Passagen Cologne 2014 System USM Haller Facetten (smow) Köln
Designer | 12.01.2014

Passagen Cologne 2014: System USM Haller "Facetten" @ (smow) Köln

Aside from death, taxes and heartbreak, the only other certainty in life is that you will, with an unnerving regularity, need new furniture. Not because the old furniture is damaged or no longer en vogue, but simply because your needs and requirements have changed. A furniture system that can adapt to these changing needs is thus obviously advantageous. Developed in the early 1960s by Fritz Haller and Paul Schärer, System USM Haller is such a system. Composed of a steel tube frame

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2tables by Albertine Baronius
Awards | 07.01.2014

(smow) Interview: Albertine Baronius

For us one of the stand-out projects submitted to the 2013 International Marianne Brandt Contest was without question 2tables by Chemnitz born, Dresden University of Applied Sciences educated, Berlin based, designer Anna Albertine Baronius. And no, we're not just saying that because it won the (smow)/USM Haller/Vitra Special Award, that decision was made by forces much wiser than us. We do our thing independently. However just occasionally we all arrive at the same conclusions. As the name

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Thonet S 1200 IMM Cologne 2014
Designer | 06.01.2014

IMM Cologne 2014 and Passagen 2014. Preview

On Monday January 13th the European design circus rolls into the new year with the opening of IMM Cologne 2014 and Passagen 2014, and against our natural inclinations we'll be there, or as Ride so nearly put it; "If we've seen it all before, Why's this train taking us back again? If we don't need anymore, Why's this train taking us back again?" Yes, the rent has to be paid. But there are easier ways to earn a living than spending a week in January on the banks of the Rhein questioning your

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Rethinking The Product - Design Made in Italy zu Gast in Berlin
Architecture | 05.01.2014

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: December

What with mince pies to be eaten, Glühwein to get drunk and travel plans to misco-ordinate, December is generally a very quiet month. However despite all other distractions, in December 2013 we still managed to visit the opening the exhibition "Mensch Raum Maschine Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus" at Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau and the far to brief Rethinking The Product – Design “Made in Italy” showcase in Berlin. In addition December 2013 saw the launch of the Vitra Design Museum's book "The

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Living Objects Made for India Doshi Levien Grand Hornu Water Carriers

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: November

With autum's algid wind in our faces and the promise of mince pies and Glühwein in our tails we approached November and a design tour through Brandenburg, met Napoleon in Erfurt and discovered that the Eames plastic armchairs and plastic side chairs used to be steel......

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kkaarrlls First Exhibition Milan 2009
Architecture | 03.01.2014

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: October

What with the sweet afterglow of Vienna Design Week behind us we entered October 2013 full of enthusiasm - not least because it meant the opening of the new (smow) Cologne store. The month nearly nose-dived on account of a hideous plagiarism in Leipzig, but was more than rescued by Alison and Peter Smithson at the AIT ArchitekturSalon Cologne.......

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Cologne Design Week 2013 Objects for the Neighbour
Architecture | 02.01.2014

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: September

After the relative calm and civility of July and August, September sees a more than inconsequential upping of our professional pensum. In addition to our regular pilgrimage to Vienna Design Week, September 2013 also saw the opening of Lightopia at the Vitra Design Museum, Made in Slums - Mathare Nairobi at the Triennale Design Museum Milan, the International Marianne Brandt Contest in Chemnitz, and the acquisition of Finnish manufacturer Artek by Vitra......

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DMY Berlin 2013 Pothole Lamps diefabrik
Architecture | 31.12.2013

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: July

Visiting the HfG Karlsruhe Sommerloch exhibition was not just a memorable highlight of July 2013 - but also fitting as it marked the start of our own summer pause. Our own Sommerloch. In addition July 2013 saw us visit the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart Rundgang, Art & Design Fit for a King @ Ampelhaus, Oranienbaum and Aus allen Richtungen. Positionen junger Architekten im BDA at Wechselraum Stuttgart......

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Jens Risom Lounge Chair Knoll

5 New Design Exhibitions for January 2014

Those still looking for a New Year's Resolution could do worse than to promise to try to maybe visit more design exhibitions this year. And January 2014 offers a few wonderful places to start. That January is once again IMM Cologne and the accompanying Cologne Design Week we make no apologies for having selected two Rhein-side exhibitions, in addition we have an investigation of the production process and a brace of exhibitions devoted to Denmark's more important design "old masters".....

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DMY Berlin 2013 Tecta
Architecture | 29.12.2013

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: June

Following the pains and tribulations of Milan, June is a time to relax. To enjoy design once again. This year we did that at DMY Berlin, Design Miami Basel at with the new Vitra(mini)Haus in Weil am Rhein....

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Milan Design Week 2013 Rui Alves aka My Own Super Studio Sofa Side Chair
Designer | 28.12.2013

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: May

As a general rule May doesn't exist for us... it is just a fluid continuation of April. And of Milan. May 2013 was no different, did however end with a delightful Oskar Zieta show in Berlin......

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Carwan Gallery MiArt Milan 2013
Architecture | 27.12.2013

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: April

The biggest April fool is.... us, for always going to Milan! That said, as ever, we did find a few gems amongst the senseless corporate trash..... And after Milan we had the joy of viewing the latest addition to the Vitra Campus, the Factory Building by SANAA......

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Porsche Museum Stuttgart
Architecture | 26.12.2013

(smow) blog 2013. A pictorial review: March

March 2013 was a month of travelling: Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Weimar, Dessau..... its amazing we found time to actually write anything.......

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