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Useful Exhibition by Sanghyeok Lee at the DMY Design Gallery Berlin
Designer | 08.09.2014

Useful Exhibition by Sanghyeok Lee at the DMY Design Gallery Berlin

Charlotte Perriand was famously of the opinion that in terms of furniture design wood was a “… vegetable substance, bound in its very nature to decay,….” and that the future belonged to metal. For all the bent steel tubing of European modernism.1 Poul Henningsen in contrast warned that the industrial production of steel tube furniture as promoted by Perriand, Le Corbusier, the Bauhaus clique and their ilk "maa ogsaa føre til, at de sekundære Former ved Stolen" - may also lead to secondary

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O M Ungers Morphologie City Metaphors Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Köln
Architecture | 07.09.2014

(smow) blog compact: O.M. Ungers - Morphologie - City Metaphors at Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne

Following the assimilation of the Cooper Union Design Museum in New York into the Smithsonian Institution as the Copper-Hewitt Museum, founding director Lisa Taylor wanted an opening exhibition which reflected and celebrated not only the museum's new status but also its new direction and which visually translated the "philosophy of the Smithsonian Institution's new National Museum of Design"1 To this end in 1974 selected designers and architects, including Richard Saul Wurman, Charles and Ray

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Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden Schloßfähre
Designer | 03.09.2014

Okolo Offline Two - Collecting at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden

By way of an addendum to our "Five New Design Exhibitions for September 2014" post, until November 2nd the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden are presenting the exhibition Okolo Offline Two - Collecting. Organised by the Kunstgewerbemuseum in collaboration with Depot Basel, "Okolo Offline Two" follows on from the exhibition Okolo Offline held at Depot Basel in April this year. As with Okolo Offline One the central pillar of Okolo Offline Two is formed by the Prague based creative collective Okolo and

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Vitra Campus Architektur Design Industrie Aedes Am Pfefferberg Berlin
Architecture | 01.09.2014

Architektur Design Industrie - Vitra Campus. Ein Jubiläum at Aedes am Pfefferberg, Berlin

1989. A year of social, culture and political upheaval whose effects are still being felt today. The Berlin Wall falls. George Bush is sworn in as 41st President of the United States of America. Nirvana release their debut album Bleach. The Poll Tax is introduced in Scotland. The first episode of The Simpsons airs. And while not wanting to over dramatise the situation, yet clearly and deliberately doing just that in the interests of an introduction, 1989 also saw the opening of the Vitra Design

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Frei Otto, Olympiastadion München 1972 Teilansicht IL Uni Stuttgart
Architecture | 30.08.2014

Form follows nature at the Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Allgäu, Germany

Just as the devil has the best tunes so does nature posses all the best structural forms. Consequently engineers and designers have long looked to nature for inspiration, the results being as varied, mundane and ultimately important as Velcro, turbines and even train noses. The secret of course is knowing where to look. The early "bird men", for example, thought flight was all about flapping. It isn't. It's about air flows, keel-shaped sternums and hollow bones. Once that had been understood

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aram gallery future stars

5 New Design Exhibitions for September 2014

The inescapable chill in the morning air and the deep-seated boredom in the eyes of school aged children can only mean that summer is, ever so slowly, coming to an end. And just as spring beckons life to return in the natural world, so to does autumn herald a revival of activity in the unnatural world of museums and galleries. Consequently, whereas in August we only managed to find three architecture and design exhibitions to recommend, for September we have seven! A Magnificent Seven who

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Mueller Kneer Associates The Cotton House Manchester Young Architects from Germany
Architecture | 28.08.2014

(smow) blog compact: Young Architects from Germany at the Museum of African Design Johannesburg, South Africa

Parallel to the exhibition "Aus allen Richtungen" at the AIT ArchitekturSalon in Cologne and its exploration of 30 young German architects relationships to their profession, the Johannesburg Museum of African Design presents examples of how 12 young German architects transform this philosophical relationship into tangible projects. Focussing on projects realised since 2004 outwith Germany the exhibition presents projects by a dozen young architects/architectural practices which in the words of

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At first glance Daphna Laurens Trading Places. Designers meet the collection Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden
Designer | 26.08.2014

At first glance by Daphna Laurens at "Trading Places. Designers meet the collection", Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden

Back in February the participants of the exhibition "Trading Places. Designers meet the collection" at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden spent two days trawling through the museum's depots looking for objects with which to work. During the tour Daphna Isaacs and Laurens Manders, aka Eindhoven based studio Daphna Laurens, were shown inside a drawer. Walked on. Stopped. Walked back. Looked inside the drawer again and asked Herr Knorr, Head of metal, glass and ceramics at the Kunstgewerbemuseum,

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Rudolf Horn conferstar club sessel
Designer | 22.08.2014

Rudolf Horn at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig. Reprise

It is very apposite that the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig is currently hosting a special presentation dedicated to the designer Rudolf Horn: for here began the story of one of Rudolf Horn's more interesting projects, the somewhat unfortunately named Conferstar club chair. And yes it does look like Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Chair. It's supposed to. In 1962 Rudolf Horn was sitting in his office in Leipzig and was, by his own admission, fed up. And so decided to visit the Grassi

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Aus allen Richtungen Positionen junger Architekten im BDA DAZ Berlin
Architecture | 18.08.2014

(smow) blog compact: Aus allen Richtungen. Positionen junger Architekten im BDA at AIT ArchitekturSalon Cologne

When we stated in our 5 New Design Exhibitions for August 2014 post that there were only three exhibitions opening in August worth recommending, we were, it would appear, being somewhat hasty. On Thursday August 21st the exhibition Aus allen Richtungen. Positionen junger Architekten im BDA opens at the AIT ArchitekturSalon Cologne. Presenting works by some 30 young German architects Aus allen Richtungen is a touring exhibition in which each architect and/or architectural practice is given an

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Valentine typewriter Ettore Sottsass Perry King Olivetti

5 New Design Exhibitions for August 2014

As we noted in our 5 New Design Exhibitions for July 2014 post, July and August tend to be quiet months in the world of architecture and design exhibitions. If evidence to back up our claim were needed, our 5 New Design Exhibitions for August 2014 recommendations features architectural photography in Cologne, Portuguese interior design in Lisbon, interface design in Sydney....... And that's it. That's all that is opening this August. And one of them opened in late July. But less is famously

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Hunterian Art Gallery Mackintosh Travel Sketches Lindisfarne Castle Holy Island
Architecture | 28.07.2014

(smow) blog compact: Charles Rennie Mackintosh - Travel Sketches at the Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow

One of the most mundane, yet important, aspects of any designer or architect's training is sketching existing buildings and products. Observing. Studying. Forming. Learning. Developing. Hans J Wegner, for example, drew, drew and redrew the furniture in the Danish Design Museum Copenhagen, Louis I. Kahn spent his formative years sketching the ruins of European churches and cathedrals, while a young Le Corbusier regularly crossed the Swiss-Italian Border to undertake study tours of locations

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Rudolf Horn PUR Grassi Leipzig
Designer | 25.07.2014

Rudolf Horn at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

As we noted in our post from the recent Burg Giebichenstein Halle summer exhibition, the institution is currently one of the more interesting design schools in Germany. That it is is largely on account of the conscientious work done and reputation established during the days of divided Germany, and the way that work has subsequently been carried on through into the unified days. One of the most interesting, if not influential, members of the Burg Giebichenstein staff during the DDR days was

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Accidental Carpet Tejo Remy René Veenhuizen Unter Zwischen im Ampelhaus Oranienbaum
Designer | 23.07.2014

Unter Zwischen im Ampelhaus, Oranienbaum

In 2011 a group of Dutch artists and designers established the Orangemann Trust and set about converting an old, abandoned house in the centre of Oranienbaum into a gallery for contemporary art and design. That Oranienbaum is a village of some 3000 inhabitants situated 150 kilometres south of Berlin, 80 kilometres north of Leipzig and 4 light years from the next railway station, the location could appear somewhat questionable. Could. Were it not for the fact that modern Oranienbaum was

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Die Burg verbindet Burg Giebichenstein 2014 Carry Me by Miriam Bunte
Designer | 21.07.2014

Die Burg verbindet: Burg Giebichenstein Summer 2014 Exhibition

24 hours after Hella Jongerius crossed our paths at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin Rundgang 2014, and 48 hours after finding ourselves in the same corridor as Axel Kufus at the Universität der Künste Berlin Rundgang 2014, Stephan Schulz cycled past us as we walked to the 2014 summer exhibition at Burg Giebichenstein Halle. Its just the way we rock. Sorry....... As we've noted before Halle should be Vienna. It's certainly a much more attractive, imposing and interesting city than its

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S.Rack by Heinrich Kerth Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin Rundgang 2014
Designer | 20.07.2014

Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin Rundgang 2014

Some 24 hours after finding ourselves in the same corridor as Axel Kufus at the Universität der Künste 2014 Rundgang our paths crossed that of Hella Jongerius at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin Rundgang. It’s just how it is in Berlin…… And as with the UdK Rundgang, in terms of product/industrial the 2014 show at Weißensee was/is, in our opinion, somewhat smaller than in previous editions, did/does however present a highly entertaining review of the past years work and so neatly explains

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Universität der künste Berlin Rundgang 2014 Dock by Florian Schreiner
Designer | 18.07.2014

Universität der Künste Berlin Rundgang 2014

One of the highlights for us of the student summer semester showcase season is always the annual Rundgang at the Universität der Künste, UdK, Berlin. And while the Product/Industrial Design presentation at the 2014 Rundgang is/was somewhat smaller than usual, it was/is still the expected, and entertaining, mix of the theoretical, the conceptual and the practical. In addition to the chance to once again experience projects such as Clair Obscur, a project which can of course also be viewed as

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Swiss Design Award 2014
Awards | 14.07.2014

(smow) blog compact: Swiss Design Award 2014

As is becoming customary Design Miami Basel 2014 provided the backdrop for the presentation of the Swiss Design Award. And an exhibition of all nominated projects. Inaugurated in 1918 the Swiss Design Award is organised by the Swiss Federal Culture Agency - the Bundesamt für Kultur - and seeks to reward and recognise particularly outstanding contemporary design by both Swiss designers and Swiss based international designers. The 2014 edition attracted 252 entries for the four competition

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Bauhaus University Weimar Summaery 2014 WOob by Lisa Kästner
Designer | 11.07.2014

Bauhaus University Weimar: Summaery 2014

On the evening of Thursday July 10th the annual Bauhaus University Weimar "Summaery" student showcase exhibition opened for its 2014 edition. In terms of product design, and without meaning to be disingenuous, it wasn't the strongest Summaery we've ever been to. There were however a few projects that allowed us to leave without the feeling of having completely wasted our train fares. And so, and in no particular order..... WOob by Lisa Kästner (Realised in context of the class: MACHEN? -

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Bundespreis Ecodesign 2013 Exhibition Umweltbundesamt Dessau
Awards | 10.07.2014

(smow) blog compact: Bundespreis Ecodesign 2013 Exhibition, Umweltbundesamt Dessau

Back in November the winners of the 2013 German Federal Ecodesign Award - the Bundespreis Ecodesign - were announced at a slightly less than glittering ceremony in Berlin. In February 2014 an exhibition featuring the 12 winners and further 19 nominated projects opened in Ludwigsburg. Following a brief stop at the designforum in Vienna the Bundespreis Ecodesign 2013 exhibition is currently being presented at the headquarters of the Umweltbundesamt - the German Federal Environment Agency - in

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Finn Juhl Poet Sofa
Designer | 08.07.2014

(smow) blog compact: Finn Juhl - a Danish Design Icon at Design museum Gent

By way of a final addendum to our "5 New Design Exhibitions for July 2014" post, the Design museum Gent are currently hosting an exhibition devoted to one of the true masters of 20th century design, Finn Juhl. A designer who, as regular readers will be aware, we yield ground to no man to in our admiration for. Born in Frederiksberg, Denmark in 1912 Finn Juhl studied architecture at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Following his graduation in 1934 Finn Juhl took up a

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Direktorenhaus Berlin Summer Break VA Neue Arbeiten Turn E15 Fortune Mark Braun
Designer | 07.07.2014

Direktorenhaus Berlin: Summer Break VA / Neue Arbeiten

As if to help underscore the assertion in our "5 New Design Exhibitions for July 2014" Post that July and August tend to be quiet months in terms of design and architecture exhibitions because near everyone is on holiday, Berlin's Direktorenhaus Gallery have titled their 2014 summer exhibition "Summer Break VA". The VA being shorthand for "various artists". "We're not here" they seem to be saying, "but if we were here, these are the sort of delights you could enjoy" Established in 2010

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It takes more than one by mischer’traxler
Design Basel | 05.07.2014

(smow) blog compact: It takes more than one by mischer’traxler at Design Miami Basel 2014

When we met up with Katharina Mischer and Thomas Traxler aka mischer’traxler ahead of the exhibition Castling. Designers meet the collection at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden, we also briefly discussed their "It takes more than one" project which was presented at Design Miami Basel 2014 by Victor Hunt Designart Dealer. Created in context of the studio's tenure as the 2011 "W-Hotels Designer of the future", It takes more than one is a mirror that requires two people for it to function. And as

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We Traders Tausche Krise Gegen Stadt at the Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien Berlin
Architecture | 04.07.2014

(smow) blog compact: We Traders. Tausche Krise Gegen Stadt at the Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien Berlin

"Weltstadt – Who creates the city?", we wrote in our review of the eponymous exhibition at the Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, DAZ Berlin, "is about promoting a dialogue, of encouraging discussion and for all about motivating each and every one of us to think about our own communities and our own cities and to consider what could be improved. And for all how." Practical examples of just how projects to achieve such could be organised and what they could, potentially, achieve can currently be

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