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Orgatec Cologne 2018 High Five
Designer | 29.10.2018

Orgatec Cologne 2018: High Five!!

As previously, and repeatedly, noted, one of the defining aspects about an office furniture fair such as Orgatec Cologne is that wherever one looks one sees a similar vista. Whereas in terms of domestic furnishings there are enough genres of furniture and interpretations of those genres to allow for a, at least relatively when not necessarily satisfyingly, varied landscape, office furniture is much more limited, not only doesn't have the variety of genres, but has a few that are essentials;

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1st Prize: Unfolding Space by Jakob Kilian (KISD), as seen at Kölner Design Preis/Toby E. Rodes Award 2018 Exhibition, MAKK Cologne
Awards | 26.10.2018

Kölner Design Preis/Toby E. Rodes Award 2018: Winners & Exhibition

With a new name, but a familiar format, the 2018 Kölner Design Preis once again celebrates the city's design students and creative colleges, including an exhibition of all nominated projects in the Cologne Museum für Angewandte Kunst. 1st Prize: Unfolding Space by Jakob Kilian (KISD), as seen at Kölner Design Preis/Toby E. Rodes Award 2018 Exhibition, MAKK Cologne Inaugurated in 2007 the Kölner Design Preis/Toby E. Rodes Award is a by-nomination award, every creative college in Cologne

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Roger Tallon's installation at Qu'est-ce que le design Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris 1969 (Photo © and courtesy Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris)
Designer | 24.10.2018

smow Blog Design Calendar: October 24th 1969 – Opening Qu'est-ce que le design? @ Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris

Qu'est-ce que le design? What is design? A question as old as the word itself, arguably older. But one with an answer? In an attempt to approach one the Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris asked Charles Eames, Verner Panton, Roger Tallon, Joe Colombo and Fritz Eichler, Qu'est-ce que le design?...... A view of Verner Panton's installation at Qu'est-ce que le design Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris 1969 (Photo Pierre Jahan © and courtesy Musée des Arts Décoratifs Paris) Organised in context of

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We are the Next Generation @ Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018
Designer | 22.10.2018

Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 Compact: We are the Next Generation

Staged as part of the Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 City Festival the showcase, We are the Next Generation, presents/presented works by graduates from design schools across Belgium and northern France. But are they......... We are the Next Generation @ Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 The first thing to say is that the Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 City Festival is/was staged in the town's former Sint Martin hospital, we're not sure how quickly the hospital had to vacate the

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Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 High 5
Designer | 21.10.2018

Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018: High Five!!

The top story from Biennale Interieur Kortrijk 2018 is that use of the toilets is free. Jubilation all round!! Much as we like to think our campaign against the previous 50 cent charge was responsible, we suspect the answer lies elsewhere. But we made a stand, and that's what's important. As is the fact that freed from our rage at the intolerability of the charges, and the thus ensuing intolerable bladder pressure, we could concentrate freely on the objects on show. Accepting, as ever, that

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Benoît Deneufbourg. Process, CID - centre d'innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu
Designer | 19.10.2018

Benoît Deneufbourg. Process @ CID - centre d'innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu

Whereas today the term "design" is regularly understood as an adjective or a noun, its origin is as a verb. It is something one does. The interesting and relevant being that everyone does it differently. With the exhibition Process the centre d'innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu explore Belgian designer Benoît Deneufbourg's definition of that verb. Benoît Deneufbourg. Process, CID - centre d'innovation et de design au Grand-Hornu Born in La Louvière, Benoît Deneufbourg initially

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Reciprocity Design Triennale Liège 2018: Face A – Face B @ Design Station
Designer | 18.10.2018

Reciprocity Design Triennale Liège 2018: Face A – Face B @ Design Station

With his two faces the Roman God Janus was able to look in two different directions at once, a skill he traditionally employed as a gatekeeper, as a guardian of transitions, observing the past while always having his view firmly on the future; but a skill which is also helpful in understanding design processes, allowing as it does one to see simultaneously both the finished article, and the research, experimentation and design philosophy that lead to it. Presenting works by eight Liège based

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68. Pop und Protest, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Designer | 17.10.2018

68. Pop und Protest @ the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

Escalating tension between the nuclear powers, public discourses on gender equality/respect, racial equality/respect, religious equality/respect, thousands displaced through war and conflict in South East Asia, destabilising wars and conflicts in the Middle East, warnings about irreversible environmental stability and the long-term habitability of earth, thousands on the streets demanding change..... And the situation in 1968 wasn't very different. With the exhibition 68. Pop und Protest the

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ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design Arnhem, Liberty 2018
Designer | 14.10.2018

#campustour 2018: Liberty, ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design Arnhem, Netherlands

The 2018 ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design Arnhem graduation exhibition was staged under the title, Liberty, but how many would the students be taking...... ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design Arnhem, Liberty 2018 ArtEZ Arnhem Formally established in 2002 through the fusion of existing creative colleges in Arnhem, Enschede and Zwolle, ArtEZ not only still maintains colleges in the three locations, but unites the three, and the word Art, in the name ArtEZ; not particularly elegantly, but effectively.

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LuForm 6 - LuForm Meets RECIPROCITY @ Ludwig Forum Aachen
Designer | 12.10.2018

LuForm 6 - LuForm Meets RECIPROCITY @ the Ludwig Forum Aachen

The 6th edition of LuForm Aachen is being staged, as the title succinctly implies, in conjunction with the Reciprocity Design Triennale, an event nominally based in the Belgian city of Liège but which, and as with LuForm, integrates creatives and creative institutions from across the Meuse–Rhine Euroregion. And therefore a most logical and natural cooperation As an exhibition LuForm 6 also reflects one of the principle themes of Reciprocity 2018: fragility. Whereby, if the exhibitions in

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...and the finished blocks (Photo © Philippe Ruault, courtesy S AM Swiss Architecture Museum Basel)
Architecture | 11.10.2018

Transform @ S AM Swiss Architecture Museum Basel

Recycling, reuse and reappropriation are not only subjects for product design, but also for architecture, which hopefully isn't new information, even if considerations on such (arguably) aren't always at the forefront of architects thoughts, far less architectural planning. Even if they (equally arguably) should be. With the exhibition Transform the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum Basel make an appeal not only for more, better considered, recycling, reuse and reappropriation in architecture,

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Peter Behrens - Art and Technology @ the LVR-Industriemuseum Oberhausen
Architecture | 10.10.2018

Peter Behrens - Art and Technology @ LVR-Industriemuseum, Oberhausen

"I am happy to supply you with photos of a larger building that has recently been completed, and which, for me, is one in which I have succeeded in most clearly expressing my views on art", wrote the German architect, designer and artist Peter Behrens in 1931, "it is the central warehouse and the associated administration building of the Gutehoffnungshütte Oberhausen, Rhineland"1 With the exhibition Peter Behrens - Art and Technology that clearest expression of Behrens' view on art hosts an

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Precarious Architecture & Design, Fragilitas, La Boverie, as seen during Reciprocity Design Triennale Liege 2018
Architecture | 05.10.2018

Reciprocity Design Triennale Liège 2018: Fragilitas @ La Boverie

Fragility is in many regards the natural state of all systems and organisms. Something the Second Law of Thermodynamics tends to support. Given this inherent fragility, the secret to existence is largely a perpetual struggle to prevent fragility becoming the defining condition of a system/organism, in keeping the fragility in the background: something our organic and non-organic systems have developed very clever and astute methods for achieving, so much so that we normally are unaware of

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2018

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2018

If Jean-Claude Juncker gets his way October 2018 could see the clocks of Europe turned back an hour for the final time. And thereby bringing to an end the long tradition of local newspapers publishing bi-annual articles documenting the curious tales and legends of town clocks, stories from the Schwarzwald on the largest and smallest cuckoo clocks, and photographs of horologists surrounded by the 350+ clocks and watches they need to reset. For our part, we'll miss them. It will also mean you

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Victor Papanek: The Politics of Design, Vitra Design Museum
Designer | 28.09.2018

Victor Papanek: The Politics of Design @ the Vitra Design Museum

Victor Papanek's contention that "There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them", remains one of the most pertinent considerations on the design profession, because it succinctly underscores that in what they do designers directly and indirectly impact not only the user/consumer of that which they design, but also on all those involved in the production, distribution and disposal of that which they design. And thereby, directly and indirectly, on our

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Intersections #5 Design Generations, ADAM Brussels Design Museum
Designer | 26.09.2018

Intersections #5. Design Generations @ ADAM Brussels Design Museum

Staged in context of Intersections, ADAM Brussels Design Museum's biennale programme, Design Generations explores not only the work of designers of differing generations, but for all design that remains relevant across generations...... Intersections #5. Design Generations, ADAM Brussels Design Museum The ADAM Brussels Design Museum's Intersections biennale predates the ADAM Brussels Design Museum: the first three being staged in the city's Atomium, that enduring symbol of the blind faith

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Cow&Co by Ottonie von Roeder Anastasia Eggers, as seen at New Urban Production, Halle 14, Leipzig
Designer | 25.09.2018

New Urban Production @ HALLE 14, Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig

Back in the day most everything was produced locally, every community had its network of producers, who not only produced but were also knowledge depositories for processes, materials, local conditions etc, etc, etc Back in the day. More recently production has become remote, goods being produced in anonymous factories, transported across continents, through innumerate staging posts, and thereby not only severing the link between producer and customer, but meaning ever fewer people understand

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ArNO by Bright Potato, as seen at Meet My Project, Paris Design Week 2018
Designer | 24.09.2018

Paris Design Week 2018 Compact: ArNO by Bright Potato

The metal wire chair is such a well established seating genre it is hard to imagine it is possible to do anything new with it. Far less anything exciting. However...... ArNO by Bright Potato, as seen at Meet My Project, Paris Design Week 2018 ArNO by Bright Potato Presented in context of the exhibition Meet My Project at the VIA gallery, the joy, nay, the deep satisfaction, of ArNO by London based studio Bright Potato a.k.a Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology graduates David Beirne & Diego

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state of DESIGN Berlin, Expertimental Design
Designer | 21.09.2018

Berlin Design Week 2018: state of DESIGN Berlin. Expertimental Design

In our post from the state of DESIGN Berlin curated exhibition VICIS. Always Change a Running System during Munich Creative Business Week 2018 we opined that there was something biographical in the title. Similarly Expertimental Design has overtones of self-reflection. And for all of an unyielding belief in the value, logic, necessity of experimentation in design. Something also reflected in the 2018 state of DESIGN Berlin showcase. state of DESIGN Berlin, Expertimental Design Berlin Design

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Plateau Lamp by Ferréol Babin for Daniel, as seen during Paris Design Week 2018
Designer | 20.09.2018

Paris Design Week 2018 Compact: Plateau Lamp by Ferréol Babin for Daniel

It is a universal rule of life that some of the most pleasing things occur unplanned, and that is certainly the case when visiting a design week, events where the disappointment that invariably arises visiting shows you intended to, is quickly offset by something you stumble across per chance. So too was it as we turned into the Rue des Coutures-Saint-Gervais, our thoughts less concerned with where we were or where we were going as with where we had been and for all why we'd been where we'd

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Münster School of Design @ Parcours 2018
Designer | 16.09.2018

#campustour 2018: Parcours, Münster School of Design, Münster, Germany

As we regularly note in our #campustour posts, what students produce is largely irrelevant, alone important in how the student got there, including how they responded to a given brief, posed their initial question, the logic in the decisions they made, the lessons learned from their mistakes, the lessons learned from others, the impulses received from contemporary discourses, etc, and how through the course of all such their understanding of and relationship to design evolved...... The Münster

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Buy Now, Pay Later. Everything should be Ecodesign at MAD Brussels

Design September Brussels 2018 Compact: Buy Now, Pay Later at MAD Brussels

Everything should be Ecodesign, opines the tag line to MAD Brussels' exhibition Buy Now, Pay Later. And while we are, arguably, (at least a little) further advanced in terms of ecological, sustainable, design thinking than we were a generation ago, we still have a long way to go. Buy Now, Pay Later highlights some of the areas where we could do better....... Buy Now, Pay Later. Everything should be Ecodesign at MAD Brussels In 1972 the Club or Rome report "Limits of Growth", warned that

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Friche au pied du ballot umbrella stand-flower box by Benjamin Helle through Aequo Edition, as seen at Paris Design Week 2018
Designer | 12.09.2018

Paris Design Week 2018 Compact: Aequo Edition

The advantage the autumn edition of Maison et Objet has over the spring edition is Paris Design Week, a chance to not only explore French creativity in a wider context than can be found in the trade fair halls, but also to explore the French capital without the distraction of the city's history. A central component of Paris Design Week is Le Off, a platform for young designers and which for its 2018 edition was based in the Ground Control event and creative centre, tucked away behind Gare du

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Bauhaus University Weimar, Summaery 2018Bauhaus University Weimar, Summaery 2018
Bauhaus | 11.09.2018

#campustour 2018: Summaery, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany

We doubt we will be able to visit the 2019 Summaery exhibition at Bauhaus University Weimar, as we suspect the town will be too full of visitors celebrating the centenary of Bauhaus Weimar. Or perhaps better put, full of confused visitors wondering where all the steel tube furniture is..... Wrong Bauhaus people. Consequently we attempted to extract as much as we could from Summaery 2018. Bauhaus University Weimar @ Summaery 2018 Bauhaus University Weimar Summaery 2018 Although the

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