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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for November 2021

"November's night is dark and drear, The dullest month of all the year", opined Letitia Elizabeth Landon in 1836, however, 'twas not all doom and gloom, for, as she continues, "the November evening now closing in round Mrs. Cameron's house was of a very cheerful nature."* A cheerfulness in Mrs. Cameron's house/school occasioned by the gaiety associated with the rapidly approaching annual school prize-giving and ball; and a cheerfulness to banish the dreary darkness of a November evening that

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Le Corbusier's 1957 Tapisserie L'étrange oiseau et le taureau, as seen at Le Corbusier and Colour at the Museum für Gestaltung, Pavillon Le Corbusier, Zürich
Architecture | 13.10.2021

Le Corbusier and Color at the Museum für Gestaltung, Pavillon Le Corbusier, Zürich

One could be forgiven for thinking that little would be as pointless as a Le Corbusier colouring-in book. So singularly achromatic is the popular understanding of Le Corbusier, a lack of colour reinforced by the dour, austere, round bespectacled, persona which so universally defines Le Corbusier: what, one asks oneself, could there possibly be to colour in a Le Corbusier colouring-in book? Yet in contrast to the popular Le Corbusier image, Le Corbusier's career was one undertaken in colour. A

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Verner Panton - Colouring a New World, Trapholt, Kolding
Architecture | 08.10.2021

Verner Panton – Colouring a New World at Trapholt, Kolding

"Space and form are important elements in the creation of the [interior] environment", opined the Danish architect, artist and designer Verner Panton in 1969, however, he continues, "colours are even more important". And no-one, even those with but the briefest familiarity with Verner Panton, can oversee the colour in Verner Panton's work. Yet important as colour and space and form were for Panton, "in the creation of the [interior] environment", "l'homme reste l'élément central", man remains

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for October 2021

In days of yore October was known in Germanic lands as Weinmonat, Wine Month, Month of Wine, whereby thoughts were, unquestionably, less with the drink as with the grape and the harvest, and thus the promise of the new wine. And in many regards our exhibition recommendations can be considered a monthly harvest of the new crop of architecture and design exhibitions; specifically, and staying in Germanic registers, an Auslese, a considered selection of those well ripened concepts and premises it

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Here We Are! Women in Design 1900 - Today, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
Architecture | 26.09.2021

Here We Are! Women in Design 1900 – Today at the Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein

In her 1929 essay A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf, as a component of her reflections on the myriad subjects of 'women and fiction', reads her way, chronologically, through a bookcase of works written by women from across the centuries. Here We Are! Women in Design 1900 – Today at the Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, has the feeling of Virginia Woolf's bookcase, allowing as it does for reflections on, and a critical questioning of, the myriad subjects of 'women and design'....... Here

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Downtown Eisenhüttenstadt largely in Plaspi and..... Sugar, as seen in Endless Beginning. The Transformation of the Socialist City, Museum Utopie und Alltag, Eisenhüttenstadt
Architecture | 17.09.2021

Endless Beginning. The Transformation of the Socialist City at the Museum Utopie und Alltag, Eisenhüttenstadt

In September 1951 the East German newspaper Neue Zeit informed its readers that, "whomever travels to Fürstenberg sees the beginnings of the new city, a city planned according to the "Principles of Urban Development".1 Whomever travels to Fürstenberg today arrives in Eisenhüttenstadt, the planned city that arose from those "beginnings"; and a city which, arguably, more than any other, stands proxy for the rise and fall of East Germany. With the exhibition Endless Beginning. The Transformation

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for September 2021

According to the 6th century CE antiquarian John the Lydian, "the oracle recommends drinking milk for the sake of good health all through the month of September".1 And while milk may have advantages in terms of your physical health, for your spiritual and intellectual health, we'd recommend the following quintet of new architecture, design and art exhibitions opening in September 2021. Whereby, exhibitions and milk aren't mutually exclusive, you can partake of both if you so wish......

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A model of Archigram’s 1964 Walking City as part of a discussion on literray and architectural ideal cities, as seen as, Die Stadt Between Skyline and Latrine, smac - Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
Architecture | 20.08.2021

Die Stadt. Between Skyline and Latrine at the smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz

Globally some 2 billion of us live in a city of more than 500,000 inhabitants.1 A number that is progressively growing. But what does "city" mean? Not lexicographically, but physically, culturally, socially, politically, economically, morally, etc, etc, etc? With the exhibition Die Stadt. Between Skyline and Latrine the smac – Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz attempt to approach possible answers...... A model of Archigram’s 1964 Walking City as part of a discussion on literary

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32 new-ish Architecture & Design Exhibitions for August 2021

We published our first exhibition recommendations list in November 2013, and have diligently, and joyfully, ended every month since with a list of five architecture and design related exhibitions opening in the coming month that appear worthy of a recommendation. A tradition we very much planned to continue in July 2021 for August 2021. And would have; however, having undertaken our regular tour through our database of international museums and galleries, we can find but two exhibitions

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Chairs. For children only!, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig
Designer | 27.07.2021

Chairs. For children only! at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig

What is a chair? You sure? With the exhibition Chairs. For children only! the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig, explore the (hi)story of and developments in children's seating, and in doing so not only allow for insights into an all too often undervalued, underappreciated, ignored, genre of furniture, but also forces you to reconsider your response to what you thought was a very, very straightforward question... Chairs. For children only!, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst,

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Memphis: 40 Years of Kitsch and Elegance Vitra Design Museum Gallery
Bauhaus | 23.07.2021

Memphis: 40 Years of Kitsch and Elegance at the Vitra Design Museum Gallery, Weil am Rhein

Much as with "Bauhaus", "Memphis" is all too often popularly reduced to a "style", something one can "recreate". As with "Bauhaus" that it is not only disingenuous, and erroneous, but hinders development of understandings of the (hi)story of design, understandings of the path taken to our contemporary design that are important for considerations on where we are and how best to progress. With the showcase Memphis: 40 Years of Kitsch and Elegance the Vitra Design Museum Gallery issue an

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Braun 100, Bröhan-Museum, Berlin
Designer | 20.07.2021

Braun 100 at the Bröhan-Museum, Berlin

Braun occupy a special, ¿unique?, position not only in the mythology of product design but also in the (hi)story of West Germany; arguably no brand is as closely related with and to West Germany as Braun. With the exhibition Braun 100 the Bröhan-Museum, Berlin, explore the development of design at Braun in the post-War decades and in doing so help one approach differentiated understandings of not only Braun and Braun design, but also of the relationships between Braun, design and West

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Simson Diamant Erika. Formgestaltung von Karl Clauss Dietel, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz
Chemnitz Creative | 13.07.2021

Simson, Diamant, Erika. Formgestaltung von Karl Clauss Dietel at the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz

"In his work the designer seeks to find the constancy of the good", wrote Karl Clauss Dietel in 1973, a lightly articulated yet not so straightforward task for, as he continues, not only is the assessment of such dependent on a myriad varying factors, but "the search for what defines design, what it grows from, where it comes from and where it wants to go, takes on new dimensions against the background of our cultural upheaval".1 With the exhibition Simson, Diamant, Erika. Formgestaltung von

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Anything Goes? Berlin Architecture in the 1980s, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
Architecture | 09.07.2021

Anything Goes? Berlin Architecture in the 1980s at the Berlinische Galerie, Berlin

As the worldline of architecture's spacetime continuum moves through the 1970s and ever further into the 1980s it becomes increasingly blurry, indistinct, harder to confidently follow: established conventions and systems, acknowledged fundamental and/or necessary rules of architecture become increasingly difficult to locate. Indeed were there rules in 1980s architecture? With the exhibition Anything Goes? Berlin Architecture in the 1980s the Berlinische Galerie explore the architectural

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for July 2021

We go in withering July, To ply the hard incessant hoe; Panting beneath the brazen sky, We sweat and grumble, but we go.....1 .....alternatively, skip the panting, sweating and grumbling with a visit to an air-conditioned museum. Our recommendations for escaping the brazen sky of withering July 2021 can be found in Munich, Aalborg, Eisenhüttenstadt, Wrocław and Karlsruhe. And as ever in these times, if you are planning visiting any exhibition please familiarise yourself in advance with the

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Cultural Affairs. Art without Borders Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig
Designer | 21.06.2021

Cultural Affairs. Art without Borders at the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig

Although cultures very often arose in splendid isolation, only very few remained splendidly isolated for very long. For much like a young child who having learned to walk intuitively understands what a powerful tool mobility is/can be and seeks to exploit it to the fullness of their abilities, so too did our youthful human civilisations very quickly understand that there was, in all probability, a world beyond their own, and began wandering, at first in their immediate vicinity but

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The Early Years. Mart Stam, the Institute and the Collection of Industrial Design, the Werkbundarchiv Museum der Dinge, Berlin
Bauhaus | 04.06.2021

The Early Years. Mart Stam, the Institute and the Collection of Industrial Design at the Werkbundarchiv - Museum der Dinge, Berlin

In 1950 the Dutch architect and designer Mart Stam told a conference in Leipzig, "when I speak here for a group of individuals active in industry about the problem of industrial design, I do so because I believe that it is necessary for us to concern ourselves in detail with the question of industrial design, and also because I believe that through intensive work and cooperation in this field we can contribute to increasing the cultural quality of our goods."1,2 With the exhibition The Early

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2021

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it is always June", ponders Anne Shirley in Lucy Maud Montgomery's 1915 novel Anne of the Island. "You'd get tired of it", sighs her adoptive mother Marilla Cuthbert by way of reply. "I daresay", responds Anne, "but just now I feel that it would take me a long time to get tired of it..." Thoughts we very much concur with as we survey and contemplate the varied profusion of new architecture and design exhibitions sprouting forth in June

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School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Designer | 17.05.2021

School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg

"What would it mean to live life as lightly as possible?" asks the exhibition School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, "what would it mean to live life in a way that had as small an impact as possible?" What indeed...... School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg Initiated by Friedrich von Borries and staged by the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in cooperation with Hamburg's

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Boundless Communication, as seen at Back to Future. Technology visions between fiction and reality, the Museum für Kommunikation, Frankfurt

Back to Future. Technology visions between fiction and reality at the Museum für Kommunikation, Frankfurt

How did previous generations imagine daily life in our contemporary age?, the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt asked itself. Specifically, how did previous generations imagine technology integrating into and assisting daily life in our contemporary age? A question which naturally leads into questions of how we imagine technology integrating into and assisting daily life in our contemporary age? How does our contemporary age imagine technology integrating into and assisting daily life in

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2021

According to Germanic folklore Mairegen bringt Segen, Rain in May brings blessings. It also brings an excellent excuse to visit an architecture and/or design exhibition. Our five recommended shelters from the showers in May 2021 can be found in Ulm, Stockholm, Baruth, Zürich and Hasselt...... "HfG Ulm: Exhibition Fever" at the HfG-Archiv, Ulm, Germany. Although only existent between 1953 and 1968 the Hochschule für Gestaltung, HfG, Ulm has a near mythical place in the (hi)story of post-War

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2021

As the 19th century English poet Robert Browning so very, very, nearly phrased it: Oh, to be in Berlin, Vienna, Chemnitz, 's-Hertogenbosch, or Berlin (again), Now that April's there, And whoever wakes in Berlin, Vienna, Chemnitz, 's-Hertogenbosch, or Berlin (again), Sees, some morning a most interesting, entertaining and instructive sounding architecture and/or design exhibition, While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough...... "Hella Jongerius: Woven Cosmos" at the Gropius Bau, Berlin,

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German Design 1949–1989. Two Countries, One History, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
Designer | 30.03.2021

German Design 1949–1989. Two Countries, One History at the Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein

In the final decades of the 19th century the lands of the, then, German Empire, established themselves amongst the leading protagonists in the developments of contemporary applied arts as they moved towards that which we today term design. A leading position which, in certain regards, became a European dominance in the course of the 1900s, 1910s and 1920s through the contributions made to the evolving practices, processes, expressions and understandings of the period by institutions such as,

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Caring for what already exists. Ten Architectural Strategies, Deutsche Architektur Zentrum, Berlin
Architecture | 26.03.2021

Caring for what already exists. Ten Architectural Strategies at the Deutsche Architektur Zentrum, Berlin

With the 2021 Pritzker Architecture Prize being awarded to Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal international attention has become focused on architectural strategies geared towards maintaining existing buildings in the face of evolving economic, social, demographic, et al, realities rather than demolishing and erecting new ones by way of a response; and also of the value, the economic, the social, the cultural and the environmental value, of reusing, remodelling and reimagining that which

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