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Designer | 06.08.2009

George Nelson Ceramic Clocks

Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B minor. The Trial by Franz Kafka. Madonna and Child with St John and Angels by Michelangelo. Although there are always ethical and stylistic questions concerning the completion of unfinished works, in principle it is always a joy to see someone who cares as much as the original artist complete a project. And so hats off to the Vitra Design Museum for it's decision to finally bring George Nelson's Ceramic Clocks onto the market. In 1945 George Nelson

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Designer | 05.08.2009

DSR, RAR, DAW, ETC... The plastic chairs of Charles and Ray Eames

Eames DSR from Vitra On a recent trip we discovered a genuine Herman Miller Eames fibreglass chair bench at an airport. Being a relatively small airport - in fact so small that the word "airport" appears optimistic in describing it's capabilities - our frenzied photographing of the chairs and the Herman Miller stickers caused quite a lot of amusement. And that among individuals who spend their spare time photographing aircraft!!! Anyway, once we'd calmed down a little we started reflecting a

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Designer | 04.08.2009

Ron Arad: No Discipline

Since Saturday the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) in New York has been showing their new exhibition Ron Arad: No Discipline. Until October 19th visitors have the opportunity to view a varied selection of Arad's work. Or in the organisers words: "...celebrate the designer’s interdisciplinary and “no-disciplinary” spirit. Physical concepts are traced through works in different materials and scales, and objects are grouped in families based on a shared form, material, technique, or structural

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Awards | 30.07.2009

Giorgio by Peter Horn for Richard Lampert

Giorgio by Peter Horn is the chair that almost never was. Having commissioned Horn to create a stackable multi-function chair, the finished design lay for two years in the archive of Stuttgart based designer furniture producer Richard Lampert - in short, although convinced of the quality of the chair, Lampert saw that particular market segment as too crowded. After all how many chair designs does the world need? And so the story would have ended had not one day a request for help not been

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Designer | 29.07.2009

Light up your life ...

It's Dumfries Show on Saturday. That won't mean much to the most people, but for us it is a sure sign. Winter is coming. We know, we know. Barely have we got use to remembering to take our sunglasses to work, buying ice-creams for lunch or waking up at 5 am because we forgot to shut the curtains - again - than the Dumfries Agricultural Society hold their annual show. And after the Dumfries show the evenings get shorter with increasing rapidity and before you know it the ground will be brown

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Designer | 24.07.2009

new at smow: Eileen Gray

As we stood looking at some mighty fine, but horribly over-carved, wooden furniture at the Salone in Milan a female colleague confided in us that all she needs is some leather straps and a few bits of bent metal. Trying not to show our horror at this outburst of candour, we asked if she had a meeting with El Presidente that evening. "No, no" replied our erstwhile colleague, "Bauhaus. That's my idea of good design" Eileen Gray (1878 -1976) We recite this tale here principally to amuse

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AC 4 by Antonio Citterio for Vitra - now available from smow
Designer | 14.07.2009

new at smow: Vitra AC4 by Antonio Citterio

Now that it is finally online we did want to write at great lengths about the AC4 by Antonio Citterio for Vitra. But you know what. We're not going to. On the one hand; we already have: Red Dot Winner 2009 54% Recyclede, 91% Recyclable Heirloom Design Net'n'Nest And on the other Vitra have produced such a delightful promo video: We're impressed - especially by the three zone lumbar support and the constant eyeline tipping system - and we genuinely don't say that about all office

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Designer | 09.07.2009

new at smow: Thonet outdoor

Although the rumour persists that we only travel to trade fairs and exhibitions so that we can impress people in bars with phrases such as "Last week in New York..." or "For me the real beauty of Milan is...", in truth we do do a little work. And the fruits of that work can be seen, for example, in the ever expanding (smow)collection. And punctually to the start of The Ashes season we can now offer the extended Thonet outdoor range; quite possibly the most stylish furniture for sitting in the

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Designer | 07.07.2009

TED Talks: The design genius of Charles + Ray Eames

If we're honest we've never understood TED ... and probably never will. Which is cool. And regradless of, and in how far, we comprehend why TED exists, they do offer some wonderful short films and lectures... and the newly released 2007 talk by Eames Demetrios, grandson of Charles and Ray Eames, is no exception. Occasionaly it wanders into the realms of "whatever!", but on the whole is a lovely little introduction to Charles and Ray Eames and for all their philosophy and approach to design.

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Foldable cardboard chair by Stuart Miller at deignersblock, Milan
Designer | 30.06.2009

smow design spring Top 5: Chairs

The Top 5 chairs from the smow design spring. In no particular order. We lie: there is a slight order. First up is our favourite chair from the smow design spring: Stuart Miller's unnamed foldable cardboard chair from the designersblock showcase in Milan. Over the course of the smow design spring we didn't see any thing that even came to close to capturing Stuart's simple, practical and comfortable chair. We've sadly lost sight of the project a little, and lack the requisite degree in

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Liesmichl by Nils Holger Moormann for Moormann - available from smow
Designer | 30.06.2009

new at smow: Liesmichl by Moormann

Just in time for the official start of the balcony reading season in Northern Europe, (smow) is proud to announce the arrival of Liesmichl by Nils Holger Moorman. Without a doubt one of the freshest and most inventive reading/side table design of late, Liesmichl is also an expression of Nils Holger Moormann's love affair with the written word. And a rare excursion by the southern German firm away from 100% wood furniture. The genius of Liesmichl is not the wonderful holder on the top where

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Designer | 26.06.2009

Joe Colombo: Understanding The Future

The influence that our industrial society is exerting at a high technological level could lead to a global transformation of our ecological balance Joe Colombo

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Designer | 26.06.2009

Joe Colombo: Predicting The Future

In agreement with the predictions of futurologists, we see the house as an instrument of life that can satisfy a number of precisely defined needs Joe Colombo

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Designer | 25.06.2009

Joe Colombo: Inventing the Future

The possibilities presented by the extraordinary development of audiovisual processes are enormous…… Distances will no longer have much importance; no longer will there be any justification for the 'megalopolis'….Furnishings will disappear…the habitat will be everywhere... Now, if the elements necessary to human existence could be planned with the sole requirements of maneuverability and flexibility...,then we would create an inhabitable system that could be adapted to any situation in space

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Designer | 24.06.2009

smow design spring Top 5: Lamps

The Top 5 Lamps from the smow design spring. In no particular order. Kete by David Turnbridge. One of the first lamps we saw in Milan, and probably that which left the greatest impression on us. And not merely on account of its size. For us the principle beauty of Kete is the atmosphere it can create in a room with it 7W LED element. And despite their overproprtionality Kete doesn't domiante the room. Honest. Kete. Anything but dull. moooi. Beach Ball Lamps by TOBYhouse. When we first

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Designer | 23.06.2009

smow design spring Top 5: Tables

Lets get the tricky one out the way first. The Top 5 Tables from the smow design spring. In no particular order. Liesmichl by Nils Holger Moormann for Moormann. If there's one thing Moormann excel at it's producing book friendly furniture. From the outrageous Bookinist over the classically overtoned Bookstabler and onto the book-friendly desk Kant, the Allgauer always seem to have readers at the forefront of their thoughts. And Liesmichl is no exception; space for books your going to read, a

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Designer | 12.06.2009

(smow)abseits: Gangsta Lean by Matt Braun

Sometimes we really do ask why we invest so much time and effort travelling to design shows, when all we need to do is sit in front of our computer with a good Brooklyn Lager and bag of crisps. Saves money, saves the environment and potentially saves us from drowning. Such questions mainly arise when we find products such as Gangsta Lean by Matt Braun. As we will never tire of saying, for us an important element of good design is does the phrase: Took a problem, analysed it, solved it

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Designer | 26.05.2009

(smow)offline: Bouroullec's design new Kvadrat showroom

Good news for all of you in Copenhagen, or who are planning visiting the Danish capital. Perpetual smow favourites Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec were recently commissioned to design the new Kvadrat showroom in Copenhagen, and the result of the work has now been unveiled. It may not look like they have done very much for their opulent fee; but ain't that the secret in good design ;) But what they undoubtedly have created, is a space that allows the wonderful Kvadrat fabrics to shine and take

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Designer | 20.05.2009

(smow)offline: Eames Aluminium Chair

youtube contains a lot more than trampolining bears, illegal music videos and "ooh so clever" advertising virals. It can also be useful and informative. Honest. Among the youtube channels we like - and one of the few we actively follow - is that from Vitra. Recently a new film appeared on the Vitra youtube channel; a short review and history of the Aluminium Chairs by Charles and Ray Eames. Not only is the film a wonderful introduction to the Aluminium Chairs, but also allows a rare

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Designer | 17.05.2009

The saintly Vernon Panton

It's an oldie, but still a goodie and a story we want to quickly share with all who don't know it. Before we head off to New York. Back in 2006 Czech designers Jakub Berdych and Maxim Velcovsky from Qubus Design Studio, Prague redesigned the St. Bartholomew’s Church in Chodovice. Now, while re-designing a small church in a remote Czech village may not sound like the stuff designers dreams are made off; such contracts do offer up rare opportunities. Godsends one could say. Carving

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Designer | 12.05.2009

smow in Milan: Philippe Starck on Kartell and democtratic design

One of the principle advantages of trade fairs such as Salone or ICFF is the unrivalled access to producers, products and for all designers. Whereas furniture producers like to strut around, boldly announcing news of their latest coups; designers are generally typified by a preference for quiet isolated studios, and a reluctance to leave their natural habitat. At trade fairs, however, the designers appear, blinking and staring into the spotlight. And are generally remarkably friendly and

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Designer | 26.04.2009

smow in Milan: Unnamed Foldable Cardboard Chair

In our entry on the designersblock showcase we mentioned a foldable cardboard chair that had caught our attention. Now we know as well as everyone else that are our heads are readily turned by free beer and bagpipes (thanks Calum) - and if you throw in some dub and finest Italian ska and we would lie for you in court. And so we thought we had better wait a day or two before saying anything more about Stuart Miller's fine folding cardboard chair. In case we found something better. We thought we

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Designer | 26.04.2009

smow in Milan: Moormann

As our old snowboard buddy used to say "Beaten tracks are for beaten men". And as everyone who deliberately strays from the conventional path knows sometimes you push it too far, take too many risks, lose control, break several limbs, are out of action for months and must begin all over again. Or if you know what you are doing, the conditions are right, you have the talent and just that pinch of luck you might just have the ride of your life - a ride that leaves you longing for the same,

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