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Stuhlprobe by Jan Emde as seen at the Kunsthochschule Kassel Rundgang 2016
Designer | 19.07.2016

Kunsthochschule Kassel - Rundgang 2016

For reasons which we believe are in some form or other closely related to Ley Lines, or similar, all long distance trains in Germany pass through the station Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe. It's not a situation over which Deutsche Bahn have any control, is rather a natural phenomenon, or as Louis H. Sullivan would no doubt phrase it, "This is the law" Thus we have passed through Kassel a lot. Without ever having visited the city. A situation we rectified this year with a visit to the Rundgang end of term

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Limerick Chair by Tom Newhouse for Herman Miller (Photo © and courtesy Herman Miller)
Designer | 14.07.2016

smow Blog Interview: Tom Newhouse - aesthetics, sustainability, ergonomics and economy must be in equilibrium, if they aren't the design isn't finished

Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a town famous for some 150 years as a, if not the, centre of American furniture production, it is perhaps not surprising that Tom Newhouse choose to pursue a career in furniture design. Upon graduating in 1972 from the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Tom Newhouse took up a position as a staff designer with Herman Miller, a situation he himself refers to as a "marvellous beginning", before in 1978 he established his

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The Youhutseymatic Table Top by Richard Hutten, as seen at Friends + Design, Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden
Designer | 11.07.2016

Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden present Friends + Design

Tulga Beyerle, Director of the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden, once gave us a piece of advice, the context of which we've long since forgotten, but not the content "only work with people you like" Much as we have tried to follow Tulga's sage advice, such are the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune under which we suffer, we haven't; unlike, we presume, Tulga who has now gone one step further and transformed the premise into the exhibition Friends + Design. Friends + Design at the

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Design European Championship 2016 Final - Starting line-up Portugal
smow | 10.07.2016

Design European Championship 2016: Review and Preview

After four weeks of competition at venues throughout France the 2016 Design EM prepares to bid adieu, au revoir and a heartfelt merci....and thus an opportune moment to reflect. Whereas the first few days were more notable for off-field activities than on-field, and for all those off-field activities of design fans from Russia and England, Design 2016 slowly developed into, if not a classic tournament, then certainly an honest and realistic reflection of contemporary European design. And also

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New Perspective Mirror by Alain Gilles for Bonaldo (Photos © and courtesy Alain Gilles)
Designer | 04.07.2016

smow blog Interview: Alain Gilles - For me the benchmark is never to lose the functionality, I like to create works which have a very graphic character, but they need to work as intended and to work well

Whereas the careers of most product and furniture designers follow a very similar path and pattern over apprenticeship, internships and college, Belgian designer Alain Gilles took a "somewhat" different route: a degree in political science being followed by five years working in the Brussels' office of international finance concern J P Morgan, before, aged 32, he began to study product design. And that with a fair degree of success. Since establishing his own studio in 2007 Alain Gilles has

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Friends + Design at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden (Photo Marco Cappelletti © DSL Studio, Courtesy Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden)

5 New Design Exhibitions for July 2016

Inaugurated in July 212 BC* the Ludi Apollinares were Roman games staged in honour of Apollo and featuring a mix of chariot racing, plays, dances and ritual sacrifice. The following five new exhibitions opening in July 2016 may lack the excitement of the chariot race, but in many respects are much more appropriate means by which to celebrate the Greco-Roman God of the arts, poetry, music and knowledge. And no gilded ox, goat or heifer need suffer. "Fast Forward: The Architecture of William

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Ursa Table Lamp by McKenzie & Keim, as seen at Guerrilla Truck Show, NeoCon Chicago 2016
Designer | 23.06.2016

smow blog compact: Ursa by McKenzie & Keim

Being principally an office furniture fair NeoCon doesn't really attract "fringe events" the way home furnishing focussed trade fairs do; office furniture, allegedly, lacking much of the flair, emotion and excitement of its domestic relatives. In the past however the so-called Guerrilla Truck Show did attempt to provide an alternative, more independent, take on design, than the sanitised corporate vision presented at NeoCon. Staged during NeoCon week in Chicago's Fulton Market district the

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Hangout Hula-Hoop & Wall Bar by Proof of Guilt @ Salone Satellite Milan 2016
Designer | 22.06.2016

smow blog compact: Hangout by Proof of Guilt

In our recent conversation with Birgit Severin and Guillaume Neu-Rinaudo about their Heimat Lamp project they told us that the lamp was not only their first joint project but in many ways a test joint project to see how well they cooperated. Or perhaps better put, if they could cooperate. And was a test which they obviously both passed, for at Salone Satellite 2016 in Milan Birgit and Guillaume presented new, joint, projects, and a new, joint, venture, the design studio "Proof of Guilt" For us

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Presto by Thorsten Franck for Wilkhahn, as seen at NeoCon Chicago 2016
Designer | 16.06.2016

NeoCon Chicago 2016: High Five!!

At the risk of getting political, the term "neoconservative"/"neocon" hasn't always had the best reputation, especially not in Europe where its connotations of American supremacy through military force has long made it a subject for suspicion, intrigue and popular rejection. Thus for us it is all the more amusing that one of America's main contemporary furniture trade fairs should be "NeoCon". The imagery the name conjures up easily keeping us amused for the duration of a transatlantic

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Workaround by Sofie Aschan Eriksson, Lund University School of Industrial Design. As seen at DMY Berlin 2016
smow | 05.06.2016

DMY Berlin 2016: High Five!!

We're not going to claim that DMY Berlin 2016 was a vintage year, for us the 14th edition of the international design festival featured too little of substance, too much superficial, too little original, too much that was too obvious and far, far, far too many intricate filigree light bulbs. And nothing says "lifestyle", or winds us up, more than an intricate, filigree light bulb. However our impression may have been partially clouded by the distraction caused by the large amount of open space

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S32 by Marcel Breuer for Thonet (Artistic Copyright since 1932, Mart Stam)
Design Calendar | 01.06.2016

smow blog Design Calendar: June 1st 1932 - Mart Stam Awarded Artistic Copyright for the Cubic Cantilever Chair

"...the strict, logical lines which avoid anything unnecessary and which with the sleekest form and through the simplest means embodies the modern objectivity"1, with this, glowing, description of his design the Supreme Court of the German Reich in Leipzig awarded on June 1st 1932 Mart Stam the artistic copyright of the cubic, quadratic, cantilever chair, and thus settled arguably the very first legal dispute over the copyright of the form of a piece of furniture intended for industrial mass

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Stuttgart reißt sich ab Architekturgalerie am Weissenhof, Stuttgart

5 New Design Exhibitions for June 2016

Our five recommendations for new design and architecture exhibitions opening in June 2016 feature four in Germany and one in Holland. That's not our fault. That is the honest result of our open minded search through the programmes' of numerous global architecture and design museums. The following are for us the best five. We know the decision is subjective. But are sticking with our five. And thereby accepting the suspicion that we have specially selected them on account of where they are being

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Outseaters by Yvonne Fehling & Jennie Peiz @ HTW Berlin, State of Design 2016
Architecture | 05.05.2016

State of Design Berlin 2016

The clearest sign that that things are changing in Berlin-Oberschöneweide is without question the new vegan Vietnamese restaurant on the corner of Edisonstrasse and Wilhelminenhofstrasse.* For all unfamiliar with Oberschöneweide, which we presume is everyone, the district in south eastern Berlin was never a particularly happy vegan hunting ground; yet as much as being a new culinary alternative the vegan Vietnamese restaurant is much more a sign that a new clientèle is active in the area, that

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Studio Daphna Laurens present Prototipi @ Salone Satellite Milan 2016
Designer | 03.05.2016

smow blog compact Milan 2016 special: Studio Daphna Laurens - Prototipi

Unbelievably, Eindhoven based design studio Daphna Laurens have never, ever, participated at Salone Satellite, that section of the Milan furniture fair devoted to young design talents. Unbelievably because they are unquestionably talented, and are equally unquestionably young. Even if the works displayed in Milan suggested a maturity beyond their years. Studio Daphna Laurens present Prototipi @ Salone Satellite Milan 2016 Presented under the title Prototipi Daphna Isaacs and Laurens

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A stroll through 30 years design history. Germany versus France. The Struggle over Style 1900-1930 at the Bröhan Museum Berlin
Architecture | 01.05.2016

Germany versus France. The Struggle over Style 1900-1930 at the Bröhan Museum Berlin

As with contemporary football the story of contemporary architecture and design begins on the British Isles; and as with football it didn't take long before the British nations were replaced at the forefront of the art(s) by their European neighbours. In both cases Germany and France moving with notable speed, diligence and grace past the UK. Inspired by this coming summer's EURO 2016 European Football Championships in France, the Bröhan Museum Berlin are celebrating the creative rivalry which

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Pleasureground am Bad from Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau's book, Andeutungen über Landschaftsgärtnerei 1834 (Courtesy of the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn)

5 New Design Exhibitions for May 2016

Whereas April showers tend to make you wet, grumpy and late, May showers are much more agreeable - or more precisely, the Eta Aquarids meteor showers are much more agreeable: a celestial showcase which reach their peak in early May and which, and in a wonderful example of the democracy of nature, are visible from anywhere on the planet. For all who prefer to do their star gazing in the comfort of a museum or gallery, and without having to scan the evening sky for Aquarius, here our

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Low Chair and Stool by Kaspar Hamacher with Tannerie Radermecker, on the wall Bag on Wall by Mathias van de Walle with Ralph Baggeley, as seen at Belgian Matters, Milan 2016
Designer | 26.04.2016

smow blog compact Milan 2016 special: Belgian Matters

As we believe is now traditional at this time of year..... ..... every year at Milan Design Week the Belgian Design authorities proclaim that Belgium is Design. And every year we respond, that it isn't. But is a country with an awful lot of very talented designers......... The "Belgium is Design" claim is however the principle reason we decided to investigate contemporary Belgian creativity in a little more detail, to investigate as it were how much truth stood behind it, and to be able to

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Modular bicycle bag/briefcase by Silvio Rebholz and Louis Michel, from the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart project Più di Pegoretti (Photo courtesy AKB Stuttgart)
Designer | 25.04.2016

smow blog compact Milan 2016 special: Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart present Più di Pegoretti

Every time we are in Milan, be it for the Design Week or simply to enjoy the city without the inconvenience of the Design Week, we invariably find ourselves strolling past the Rossignoli bicycle shop on the Corso Garibaldi. An emporium with a history stretching back to 1900, and which positively oozes such, the Rossignoli store has long fascinated us, long fired our imaginations, and yet remains an address we have somehow never managed to enter: this year the perfect excuse was delivered by

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State of Design Berlin 2016 (Design: Bureau Mirko Borsche, München. Courtesy of State of Design)
Designer | 23.04.2016

State of Design Berlin 2016

From May 4th and until May 8th 2016 Berlin will host the inaugural edition of the festival State of Design. Initiated by the Belgian design critic, author and curator Max Borka and the German Communications Designer Alexandra Klatt, State of Design promises a series of exhibitions, events and discussions which, in the words of the organisers, will "question the tyranny of what is all too often still proclaimed to be good design: slick, glamorous, luxurious, good looking and highly seductive, or

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Design is 10 Years Old - Lamp/Side Table by Clemens Lauer, as seen at kkaarrlls 2016, Milan
Designer | 20.04.2016

smow blog compact Milan 2016 special: kkaarrlls

It's been a good long while since we last posted about the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe's kkaarrlls collection, and thus ambling down Milan's Via Palermo towards the kkaarrlls 2016 Edition showcase we inevitably found ourselves querying why that should be....... Not least because ever since we stumbled by chance across the first kkaarrlls showcase at Milan 2009 it has been a project we have liked, enjoyed and followed. If latterly only from afar. Given how much we admire kkaarrlls, we

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New Order by Stefan Diez for HAY, as seen at Milan Design Week 2016
Designer | 18.04.2016

smow blog compact Milan 2016 special: HAY

Established in 2002 Danish label HAY have quickly risen to become an important player in the European furniture and home accessories market, and in many ways have also served as the archetype for the innumerable new labels that have sprung up across the continent in the last five to six years. Yet to judge by the scale, breadth and obvious cost of their presentation at Milan 2016 HAY are clearly not planning resting on their laurels any time soon: here is brand, we were informed, moving up a

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Ulisse Daybed by Konstantin Grcic for ClassiCon, as seen at Milan Furniture Fair 2016
Designer | 17.04.2016

Milan Furniture Fair 2016: High Five!

To the casual observer selecting five outstanding products from the Milan Furniture Fair is a neigh on impossible task, so great is the number of potential candidates. "How", asks our casual observer, "are you going to select just five?!?!" For the seasoned attendee selecting five outstanding products from the Milan Furniture Fair is a neigh on impossible task, because the vast majority of articles on show are anything but outstanding. And those which are are invariably older, established

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Offspring @ GALERIE Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg
Chemnitz Creative | 12.04.2016

Chemnitz Creative: Offspring @ GALERIE Angewandte Kunst Schneeberg

The Faculty of Applied Arts Schneeberg is by no stretch of the imagination Germany's largest design school; however, that in context of design education size is less important than how creativity is nurtured, supported and encouraged can currently be explored in the exhibition "Offspring – Graduates of Schneeberg present furniture and product design" at the GALERIE Rüdiger SchaackAngewandte Kunst Schneeberg in Schloss Lichtenwalde. Presenting works by eleven graduates from Schneeberg's Wood

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Vis-a-vis by Glen Oliver Löw & Antonio Citterio for Vitra
Designer | 10.04.2016

smow Blog Interview: Glen Oliver Löw - I have always been of the opinion that design begins with a problem.

Born in Leverkusen Glen Oliver Löw initially studied Industrial Design at the University of Wuppertal before moving to Milan in 1986 where he completed a Masters degree at the Domus Academy. Following his graduation from the Domus Academy Glen Oliver Löw remained in Milan where he took up a position with Antonio Citterio, becoming a partner in the practice in 1990, and developing a wide range of projects for companies as varied as, amongst others, Vitra, Kartell and Flos. In 2000 Glen Oliver

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