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The Early Years. Mart Stam, the Institute and the Collection of Industrial Design, the Werkbundarchiv Museum der Dinge, Berlin
Bauhaus | 04.06.2021

The Early Years. Mart Stam, the Institute and the Collection of Industrial Design at the Werkbundarchiv - Museum der Dinge, Berlin

In 1950 the Dutch architect and designer Mart Stam told a conference in Leipzig, "when I speak here for a group of individuals active in industry about the problem of industrial design, I do so because I believe that it is necessary for us to concern ourselves in detail with the question of industrial design, and also because I believe that through intensive work and cooperation in this field we can contribute to increasing the cultural quality of our goods."1,2 With the exhibition The Early

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for June 2021

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it is always June", ponders Anne Shirley in Lucy Maud Montgomery's 1915 novel Anne of the Island. "You'd get tired of it", sighs her adoptive mother Marilla Cuthbert by way of reply. "I daresay", responds Anne, "but just now I feel that it would take me a long time to get tired of it..." Thoughts we very much concur with as we survey and contemplate the varied profusion of new architecture and design exhibitions sprouting forth in June

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Clara Porset (1895 - 1981) (photo CC BY-SA 4.0, courtesy Archivo Clara Porset Dumas)
Architecture | 25.05.2021

smow Blog Design Calendar: May 25th 1895 – Happy Birthday Clara Porset!

"¿Qué es diseño?" asked Clara Porset in 1949. What is design?1 Not because she didn't know. Far from it. Over the course of the preceding two decades Clara Porset had ably demonstrated her considered, critical and responsive understandings of design; understandings that saw her develop into one of the most important, interesting and informative furniture designers in Mexico, understandings that saw her develop into one of the more important, interesting and informative protagonists in the

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School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Designer | 17.05.2021

School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg

"What would it mean to live life as lightly as possible?" asks the exhibition School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, "what would it mean to live life in a way that had as small an impact as possible?" What indeed...... School of No Consequences. Exercises for a New Life at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg Initiated by Friedrich von Borries and staged by the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in cooperation with Hamburg's

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A coffee table book with its own coffee table....Gio Ponti on the Planchart Coffee Table
Architecture | 11.05.2021

TASCHEN Verlag presents Gio Ponti: A coffee table book that comes with its own coffee table

In 1935 George Nelson opined that "the history of art in Italy presents the astonishing spectacle of a series of men who knew no boundaries between the arts"; a history, a tradition, Nelson saw continued into 1930s Italy through "the cheering example of Gio Ponti, who found early in life that no one profession was sufficient to use up his energy or exhaust his interests, and added others with the nonchalance of a small boy increasing his collection of marbles".1 A borderless, inexhaustible

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for May 2021

According to Germanic folklore Mairegen bringt Segen, Rain in May brings blessings. It also brings an excellent excuse to visit an architecture and/or design exhibition. Our five recommended shelters from the showers in May 2021 can be found in Ulm, Stockholm, Baruth, Zürich and Hasselt...... "HfG Ulm: Exhibition Fever" at the HfG-Archiv, Ulm, Germany. Although only existent between 1953 and 1968 the Hochschule für Gestaltung, HfG, Ulm has a near mythical place in the (hi)story of post-War

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The Polder Sofa by Hella Jongerius for Vitra.... Proof, were it needed that Hella Jongerius doesn't have a favourite colour.....

Design. Colour. Theory.: Hella Jongerius - I don't have a favourite colour

As the title of Hella Jongerius's 2016 book I don't have a favourite colour succinctly explains, Hella Jongerius doesn't have a favourite colour. Not that Hella Jongerius is indifferent about colours. Far from it. And in explaining why colours are important to her, and why she doesn't have a favourite colour, Hella Jongerius helps one approach a better understanding not only of colours, nor only of our relationships with and to colours, but also helps one approach a better understanding of

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Radio smow A Le Corbusier Playlist 2021
Radio smow | 17.04.2021

Radio smow: A Le Corbusier Playlist…….

In 1956 the Dutch electronics conglomerate Phillips asked Le Corbusier if he would be interested in designing their pavilion for the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels. Le Corbusier was. Albeit, "je ne ferai pas de pavillon; je ferai un Poème électronique avec la bouteille qui contiendra", "I will not create a pavilion; I will create a Poème électronique with the bottle to contain it."1 And a pavilion/bottle/Poème électronique which offers an apposite starting point to approaching a

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Designer | 09.04.2021

The Historia Supellexalis: "D" for Denmark

Denmark A Peninsula; An Archipelago; A Context Situated in the middle of the European continent Denmark was long considered evidence of the existence of the lands of Scandi, a fabled commonwealth comparable with Thomas More's Utopia, albeit rather than one where the form and operation of society has become perfected, one where the forming and production of furniture has become perfected; however, more recent research has convincingly both disproved the existence of Scandi, demonstrating that

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for April 2021

As the 19th century English poet Robert Browning so very, very, nearly phrased it: Oh, to be in Berlin, Vienna, Chemnitz, 's-Hertogenbosch, or Berlin (again), Now that April's there, And whoever wakes in Berlin, Vienna, Chemnitz, 's-Hertogenbosch, or Berlin (again), Sees, some morning a most interesting, entertaining and instructive sounding architecture and/or design exhibition, While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough...... "Hella Jongerius: Woven Cosmos" at the Gropius Bau, Berlin,

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German Design 1949–1989. Two Countries, One History, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
Designer | 30.03.2021

German Design 1949–1989. Two Countries, One History at the Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein

In the final decades of the 19th century the lands of the, then, German Empire, established themselves amongst the leading protagonists in the developments of contemporary applied arts as they moved towards that which we today term design. A leading position which, in certain regards, became a European dominance in the course of the 1900s, 1910s and 1920s through the contributions made to the evolving practices, processes, expressions and understandings of the period by institutions such as,

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Peter Gustaf Dorén. Interior Design in Hamburg circa 1900 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Designer | 18.03.2021

Peter Gustaf Dorén. Interior Design in Hamburg circa 1900 at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg

"Conservative Hamburg only permits white paint for its ceilings, doors and windows, and, at most, economical gilding", remonstrated once the decorative painter Peter Gustaf Dorén.1 And set about rectifying that, set about bringing more colour to Hamburg...... Peter Gustaf Dorén. Interior Design in Hamburg circa 1900 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg Born on September 21st 1857 in Sireköpinge, southern Sweden, as Peter Gustaf Andersson, the "Dorén", we learn in the exhibition, being

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The Panton Chair by Verner Panton for Vitra .... but on which one would you sit most comfortably......?

Design. Colour. Theory.: Verner Panton - Lidt om Farver/Notes on Colour

"One sits more comfortably on a colour that one likes" declares Verner Panton in his 1997 book Lidt om Farver/Notes on Colour.1 A succinct expression of an understanding of colour as more than just a decorative element, and one of many reflections on the function and relevance of colour beyond the merely decorative which, in a myriad guises, pervade the history of furniture and product design. And contrasting, if at times complementary, reflections, pun intended, we will consider in the

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The Historia Supellexalis C for Cranbrook Academy of Art Michigan
Designer | 05.03.2021

The Historia Supellexalis: "C" for Cranbrook

Cranbrook An Alma Mater; An Academy of Art; A colony of experimentation Cranbrook Academy of Art arose on the Cranbrook Estate, a private fiefdom nestling quietly in a forest glade to the north of the contemporary Detroit ruled by the Booth dynasty; and a fiefdom which in the Age of George and Ellen of Booth developed from an agrarian farm into a garden of creativity. As the Cranbrook Scrolls record, George of Booth was a devotee of The Artsandcrafts, a movement most popularly embodied by

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5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for March 2021

5 New Architecture & Design Exhibitions for March 2021

Following the declaration of the French Republic in 1792 a new calendar was introduced in the realms of France: the Revolution had washed away France past and the Republic marked the start of a new reality for mankind, one of universal Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, and therefore demanded a resetting of the collective clock, a new measuring of time, and thus out went the Gregorian calendar and its historic associations with church and state, and in came le calendrier républicain, the French

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Charles and Ray Eames: Often bright, but also illuminating......?
Designer | 27.02.2021

Eames Lighting Design... Or, A search for light in the Eames Universe...

Wandering aimlessly through the digital Marcel Breuer Archive one afternoon, we stumbled across a letter dated July 25th 1950 from Peter M Fraser, one of Breuer's employees, to the Eames Office, enquiring about a lighting design by Charles and Ray that Breuer was interested in using in one of his architectural projects, and requesting... ..."a lighting design by Charles and Ray"??? Eames lighting??? Eames furniture ✔ Eames toys ✔ Eames exhibitions ✔ Eames textiles ✔ Eames films ✔ Eames

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Luigi Colani and Art Nouveau at the Bröhan-Museum, Berlin ... Ich spreche doch mit den Ulmern nicht!
Bauhaus | 19.02.2021

Luigi Colani and Art Nouveau at the Bröhan-Museum, Berlin. Reprise.... Or, Luigi Colani and the HfG Ulm

In context of the exhibition Luigi Colani and Art Nouveau, the Bröhan-Museum Berlin's staircase is emblazoned with a long quote from Colani, a long and typically outspoken quote, in which Luigi Colani denigrates the Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm, that design school which has such a prominent and pre-eminent position in popular understandings of design in post-War West Germany; and who for Luigi Colani were "defrauders of the German creative spirituality of the twenties and thirties! Imbecilic

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Generation Köln x CIAV Meisenthal
Cologne Creative | 16.02.2021

Generation Köln x CIAV Meisenthal - The Film

For popularly understood reasons not only did the 2021 edition of the IMM Cologne furniture trade fair not take place as planned in mid-January, neither did the 2021 edition of Cologne's Passagen Interior Design Week..... ....which doesn't mean that fresh contemporary design wasn't to be found in Cologne in mid-January. In an offline realised and online presented exhibition the assemblage Generation Köln introduced the results of their collaborations with the CIAV Meisenthal glassworks; a

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The Historia Supellexalis: "B" for Bouroullec
Artek | 12.02.2021

The Historia Supellexalis: "B" for Bouroullec

Bouroullec A Ronan; An Erwan; An unassuming, poetic, connection. The contemporary Bouroullec can be traced back to the Old Breton boureller, a saddler, an upholsterer, and largely owes its contemporary definition to the work of the brothers Ronan le Renard and Erwan le Porc-épic who greatly expanded and developed not only the crafts of saddling and upholstering but also popular understandings of the role and function of saddlery and upholstery in both private and public spaces, so much so

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Studio B Severin - Cleaning against the Dictatorship of Efficiency, feldfünf, Berlin
Designer | 05.02.2021

studio b severin - Cleaning against the Dictatorship of Efficiency at feldfünf, Berlin

Cleaning is a chore. If only we could get through life without the necessity of dusting, sweeping, washing, polishing et al....... With the project Cleaning against the Dictatorship of Efficiency Birgit Severin and Guillaume Neu-Rinaudo a.k.a. studio b severin explore cleaning, its rituals, contexts, symbolism, functions, psychology, and in doing so enable differentiated perspectives on both that ubiquitous chore and the necessity in the necessity of dusting, sweeping, washing, polishing et

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5 (New) Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2021

5 (New) Architecture & Design Exhibitions for February 2021

Alongside the Chinese and Korean New Year celebrations one of the most popular observances in any given February is, arguably, the Feast Day of Saint Valentine on February 14th; St Valentine famously being the patron saint of greetings card manufacturers, lovers, but less famously, if just as importantly, also offering protection from the plague. Now while the misanthropes amongst you will query whether love and plague aren't synonyms, and a pox upon you for that; this February 14th we could

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Aino Aalto (1894 - 1949)
Architecture | 25.01.2021

smow Blog Design Calendar: January 25th 1894 – Happy Birthday Aino Aalto!

In 1936 Aino Aalto opined that "homes can be given interior design in other ways than before - not by buying expensive complete suites of furniture, but by concentrating on low-cost furnishings which can be used - with the aid of flowers, carpets, drapery and colours - to create hitherto more practical and more comfortable homes."1 A break not only with the understandings, the ways, of generations long past in terms of what constitutes appropriate furniture; but also a break with the ways of

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5 (New) Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2021

5 (New) Architecture & Design Exhibitions for January 2021

The only certainty as 2020 flows into 2021 is the ongoing uncertainty. An uncertainty that is increasingly being understood as an ongoing certainty and thereby turning ever more "plans" into "options". And also causing a great many global architecture and design museums to skip over the first quarter of 2021 as if weren't there, and to move their new exhibition openings to April and beyond. A state of affairs which on the one hand means there are currently fewer lonelier locations than any

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Gertrud Kleinhempel (1875 - 1948)
Designer | 25.12.2020

smow Blog Design Calendar: December 25th 1875 – Happy Birthday Gertrud Kleinhempel!

The so-called Bielefeld Conspiracy asserts that the German city of Bielefeld doesn't exist. Have you ever been to Bielefeld?, it asks. Do you know anyone who has ever been to Bielefeld? Do you know anyone from Bielefeld? If your answer to all three questions is no........ how do you know Bielefeld exists? A similar conspiracy could be built around Gertrud Kleinhempel, one of Germany's first professional furniture designers and who for the greater part of her career was active in Bielefeld.

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