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Slatted-Armchair, Lattenstuhl by Marcel Breuer, 1924 (Photo ©/ courtesy of HEICKMANN KG, Chemnitz)
Bauhaus | 26.02.2016

smow Blog Interview: Ansgar B. Heickmann, Auktionshaus Heickmann, Chemnitz ... Or, How One Sells a Marcel Breuer Chair for Euro 55,000...

"The starting point for the chair was the problem of comfortable seating combined with a simple construction. A problem which led to the defining of the following requirements: a) Elastic seat and backrest, but no upholstery, which is heavy, expensive and gathers dust b) Inclination of the seat so as to support the upper leg along its full length without the pressure that arises with a flat seating surface c) An angled position for the upper body d) Freedom of the spine because each and very

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Bookrest from Ruppelwerk Gotha (ca 1930), as seen at Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual,Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Bauhaus | 20.11.2015

Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig presents Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual - Reprise

The inclusion of a sheet steel bookend amongst our photos from the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts exhibition “Art Déco: Smart, Precious, Sensual” resulted in one or the other queried look in our direction, enquiries after our health and even questions as to if all our other photos were so unusable that, in our desperation, we had been reduced to using a shot of a piece of understatedly painted bent sheet steel. No, no we replied, all was good. As were the rest of our photos. That bookend

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WA 24 Bauhaus Lamp by Wilhelm Wagenfeld Tecnolumen
Bauhaus | 12.10.2015

smow blog Interview: Walter Schnepel, Tecnolumen - It is the reduction of a lamp to its basic elements that fascinates me most about the Wilhelm Wagenfeld Lamp.

The WA 24 table lamp by Wilhelm Wagenfeld is without question one of the most instantly recognisable pieces of Bauhaus design, so much so that it is often referred to as simply "the Bauhaus Lamp". Designed by Wilhelm Wagenfeld in 1923 the WA 24 was quickly followed by a series of variations on the theme, yet all maintaining the same pared-down grace and uncomplicated functional elegance of the original. Characteristics which can just as easily be applied to Bauhaus itself as to Wagenfeld's

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Bauhaus Glossary, as seen at, The Bauhaus #itsalldesign, Vitra Design Museum
Architecture | 27.09.2015

Vitra Design Museum: The Bauhaus #itsalldesign

One of the biggest problems with Modernism is the name. It was unquestionably modern. Which is why it became known as "Modernism". However, having become Modernism, it remained Modernism, and consequently "Modernism" came to imply something static. Rather than something, well, modern. Nowhere is this problem more visible than in discussions around Bauhaus. Established in Weimar in 1919 Bauhaus would go on to play a central role in shaping those new ideas about art, architecture and design

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Manifesto. Works by Students and Graduates of the Studio of Glass in Prague at the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Dresden, Germany

5 New Design Exhibitions for September 2015

As old Mother Goose, allegedly, once claimed: Thirty days hath September, and the following five enticing new design and architecture exhibitions which are probably well worth checking out if you get the chance....... "Piet Mondrian. The Line" at the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany Just as those architects who were to lead the move to modernism in the first decades of the 20th century generally began working in more classic styles before being seduced by the reduced charm of modernism,

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X MediaArchitecture presentation as seen at Summaery 2015, Bauhaus University Weimar
Bauhaus | 11.07.2015

Bauhaus University Weimar: Summaery 2015

On the evening of Thursday June 9th Bauhaus University Weimar formally opened the 2015 edition of their annual Summaery end of year exhibition; thus, and equally formally, launching our 2015 summer tour of student showcases. For all in or near Weimar this weekend, Summaery 2015 runs at the Bauhaus University Weimar, and at locations throughout the town, until 6pm on Sunday July 12th, full details can be found at, and here three design projects which particularly

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Burg Giebichenstein Halle
Bauhaus | 01.07.2015

smow blog Design Calendar: July 1st 1915 – Paul Thiersch appointed Director of the Handwerkerschule Halle

"I intend to run the institution such that in terms of craftsmanship the best possible is achieved, and to foster it so that from an artistic perspective it meets all the requirements of modern conceptions of art"1, so wrote the architect Paul Thiersch in his 1914 application for the vacant post of Director of the Handwerkerschule in Halle, Germany. An argument which clearly found favour with the Hallesche selection panel, for on July 1st 1915 Paul Thiersch was selected ahead of the 74 other

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bauhaus re use @ Bauhaus Archive Berlin
Architecture | 27.05.2015

smow blog compact: bauhaus re use @ Bauhaus Archiv Berlin

Given that Bauhaus is often perceived as having been an incubator for the creative talents of the 1920s, it is perhaps fitting that windows salvaged from Bauhaus Dessau should have been upcycled into a greenhouse for the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin. Or at least into a greenhouse-esque structure for the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin. Conceived, planned and realised by Berlin architectural practice zukunftsgeraeusche GbR together with the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin, Technischen Universität Berlin and Wagner

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Ivan Argote Time is Money

5 New Design Exhibitions for May 2015

The biggest, and certainly highest budget, new architecture and design exhibition open in May 2015 is without question the World Expo 2015 in Milan which begins on May 1st. Staged under the central theme of "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" Expo Milan 2015 will feature presentations from some 140 countries in an equal or greater number of pavilions by some of the world's leading architectural practices, and promises to present an unrivalled exploration of future strategies for feeding an

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DIY. All Tomorrow's Parties? by Varinka Schreurs, as seen at 2.5.0.Object is Meditation and Poetry, Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig
Bauhaus | 02.04.2015

smow blog compact: 2.5.0. – Object is Meditation and Poetry. Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig at the Grassi Museum for Applied Arts Leipzig

The (hi)story of applied arts is, we believe it's not too impetuous to claim, very closely connected with that of all other visual artistic forms. Therefore it is only logical that the (hi)story of the Grassi Museum of Applied Arts in Leipzig is very closely connected with that of the town's Academy of Visual Arts - the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, HGB And so to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the later the former has invited students and graduates of the HGB to disrupt the Museum

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Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Villa Tugendhat Brno
Architecture | 27.03.2015

smow blog Design Calendar: March 27th 1886 – Happy Birthday Ludwig Mies van der Rohe!

How to celebrate the birthday of a man all celebrate? What words can one find to honour the birthday of the German architect, designer and ex-Bauhaus Director Ludwig Mies van der Rohe? When in doubt we invariably turn to the man who has words for every occasion, George Nelson. Following his graduation from Yale University George Nelson won the so-called "Rome Prize", a fellowship awarded by the American Academy in Rome for particularly talented individuals from across a range of disciplines

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Bauhaus Archiv Berlin Sammlung Bauhaus Werner Jackson puppets
Architecture | 17.03.2015

Bauhaus Archiv Berlin: Sammlung Bauhaus & 100 New Objects

Following the necessary disruption of their permanent exhibition to accommodate the recently ended exhibition Sensing the Future: László Moholy-Nagy, die Medien und die Künste, the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin have taken the opportunity afforded to redesign their exhibition concept. And in doing so have allowed a very welcome fresh wind to blow through their museum. Bauhaus Archiv Berlin: Sammlung Bauhaus Presented under the title Sammlung Bauhaus - The Bauhaus Collection - the new permanent

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VKhUTEMAS A Russian Laboratory of Modernity Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin
Architecture | 04.01.2015

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: December

With ever more of our fellow train passengers displaying acute symptoms of over exposure to cheap Glühwein it can only mean that December is upon us. And the end of one the genuinely more enjoyable smow blog years. Indeed its fair to say 2014 was one of those years that makes you consider if its not time to hang up the old travelling socks and seek a more sedate, sedentary, existence. A fitting moment perhaps, but the correct decision? We've a couple of days to decide. And to accompany us

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Schrill Bizarr Brachial Das Neue Deutsche Design der 80er Jahre Bröhan Museum Berlin Jasper Morrison Handlebar Table
Architecture | 02.01.2015

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: October

......and continued over Budapest and on to Berlin - where amongst other delights we partook of the exhibitions Sensing the Future: László Moholy-Nagy, die Medien und die Künste at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin and Schrill Bizarr Brachial. Das Neue Deutsche Design der 80er Jahre at the Bröhan Museum - and onto Cologne for the Orgatec office furniture trade fair.

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Fritz Haller Architect and Researcher Swiss Architecture Museum Basel
Architecture | 26.12.2014

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: May

May may have been slow in the past. May. For aside from DMY Berlin, Fritz Haller in Basel, Niek van der Heijden in Berlin, and Wilhelm Wagenfeld in Bremen we also got to visit Nürnberg and the new archaeology museum in Chemnitz. And so all things considered May 2014 may go down as one of our busiest months ever.....

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Bauhaus Archiv Berlin New Architecture Modern Architecture in Images and Books Erich Dieckmann
Architecture | 24.12.2014

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: March

According to our pictorial review of March 2013 it was "a month of travelling: Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Weimar, Dessau….. its amazing we found time to actually write anything……." March was 2014 was the same. Just replace "Stuttgart, Chemnitz, Weimar, Dessau" with "Frankfurt, Münsingen, Berlin, Weil am Rhein" It also explains the large number of half-finished drafts from March. Obviously we didn't find time to write everything!

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usm window handle
Bauhaus | 23.12.2014

smow blog 2014. A pictorial review: February

Cold as February 2014 unquestionably was, we managed to warm ourselves with exhibitions looking at the 1920s medial representation of Bauhaus Dessau, the life and works of Marianne Brandt and the work of Berlin based designer Birgit Severin. And got all excited by some USM window fittings!

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The Urburb Patterns of contemporary living at the Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ Berlin
Architecture | 08.12.2014

The Urburb - Patterns of contemporary living at the Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ, Berlin

Until February 8th 2015 the Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, DAZ, in Berlin is presenting the exhibition "The Urburb: patterns of contemporary living" Developed by Ori Scialom, Dr. Roy Brand and Keren Yaela Golan The Urburb was Israel's contribution to the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale and aims to place the current state of urban planning and architecture in Israel in context of historical developments. To this end The Urburb features four so-called sand printers - industrial plotting

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VKhUTEMAS A Russian Laboratory of Modernity Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin Nikolai Sokolov Spa Hotel 1928
Architecture | 05.12.2014

VKhUTEMAS – A Russian Laboratory of Modernity, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin

Just as it seems that the press conference ahead of the opening of the Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin's new exhibition, "VKhUTEMAS – A Russian Laboratory of Modernity", is approaching its end, yet another, final, question is posed. Martin-Gropius-Bau Director Gereon Sievernich smiles warmly and responds with a very good natured "My, have you all got a lot of questions today!" Yes. Unsurprisingly. Exhibitions, or indeed any form of academic presentation, about the Russian art school VKhUTEMAS

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Tom Vack Tom Vac

5 New Design Exhibitions for November 2014

It's now been twelve months since we decided to start recommending upcoming architecture and design exhibitions based on nothing more substantial and reliable than a press release or a PR agency text. A year in which we have recommended 60 exhibitions which sounded good, sounded worth visiting, sounded entertaining. Most of those that we subsequently visited were. A fact that has encouraged us to continue. And so to celebrate "5 New Design Exhibitions" first birthday, 5 New Design Exhibitions

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Sensing the Future Lászlo Moholy-Nagy die Medien und die Künste at Bauhaus Archiv Berlin
Bauhaus | 08.10.2014

Sensing the Future: László Moholy-Nagy, die Medien und die Künste at the Bauhaus Archiv Berlin

In his 1936 film "Modern Times" Charlie Chaplin is famously swallowed by the wheels of progress in a short yet cutting critique on the problems and challenges technological and social change were bringing for the common man. Over a decade earlier the Hungarian artist and author László Moholy-Nagy had also began to approach and study the problems and challenges of modernity, of increasing technological innovation and the associated flood of new sensory experiences, and in their winter 2014/15

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Bauhaus Die Kunst der Schüler Werke aus der Sammlung der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Bauhaus | 06.10.2014

(smow) blog compact: Bauhaus. The Art of the Students. Works from the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Collection

Although it is probably fair to say that today Bauhaus is best remembered for its architects and designers, art played a central role in the institution's programme. Albeit a central role which today is often over shadowed by the legacy of those artists who taught at Bauhaus. To rectify this situation the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau are presenting "Bauhaus. The Art of the Student", an exhibition which explores both Bauhaus' importance as an art college and also looks beyond the likes of Lyonel

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weissenhofsiedlung stuttgart mart stam
Architecture | 31.08.2014

(smow) blog compact: aed Stuttgart present Zukunftslabor Weißenhofsiedlung

Erected in 1927 in context of the Deutscher Werkbund exhibition "Die Wohnung" the Weißenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart aimed to achieve "…. a reduction in house construction and running costs, in addition to a simplification of housework and a general improvement in living standards" But did it? Or is it just a collection of buildings by Max Taut, Hans Poelzig, Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Mart Stam, Peter Behrens and their ilk? A chance for a close connected group of modernists to show off?

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The best Berlin can do for the site of Bauhaus Berlin, or at least a site close to the site....
Bauhaus | 19.07.2014

(smow) blog Design Calendar: July 19th 1933 – Bauhaus Closes. For ever.

"Herr Mies van der Rohe proposed to close Bauhaus. The proposition was unanimously approved".1 With this sober protocol dated July 20th 1933, but referring to a meeting held on July 19th 1933, the closing of Bauhaus Berlin, and so the end of the Bauhaus story, is formally confirmed. Present at the meeting on July 19th, and so unified in their responsibility for the decision were, in addition to Mies van der Rohe, Josef Albers, Ludwig Hilberseimer, Wassily Kandinsky, Walter Peterhans, Lilly

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