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Architecture | 27.09.2013

With Nils Holger Moormann at the Leipzig Baumwollspinnerei Spring Rundgang 2013

As we noted in our designer barbecue post "... summer is bidding its final farewells" And with autumn's impudent chill invading ever more our pastoral calm the time for our hibernation approaches. And so we're currently exploring accommodation options. Fortunately it's been a bit of a "small house year" in these pages with, for example, Renzo Piano Building Workshop and Vitra's Diogene or Jean Prouve's Maison des Jours Meilleurs occupying our thoughts. Our first contact with reduced room

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Triennale der Moderne 2013
Architecture | 18.09.2013

Triennale der Moderne 2013

In 2019 the Staatlichen Bauhaus Weimar celebrates the 100th anniversary of its founding. And so, in effect, we can all celebrate 100 years of European Modernism as an important, tangible, unignorable and ever challenging movement. As part of the build-up to the anniversary the three Bauhaus locations - Berlin, Dessau, Weimar - have combined forces to instigate the Triennale der Moderne A Triennale with a triangular concept: Every three years each of the three locations will host three days

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Stuttgart Architecture Weissenhofsiedlung Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Architecture | 16.09.2013

Talking Stuttgart Architecture

Enter "Stuttgart architecture" into a well known search engine and you''ll get an awful lot of responses relating to the Stuttgart 21 Central Train Station redevelopment project. A situation which, in our opinion, does the city and its architecture a great disservice. For Stuttgart's architecture tradition is perhaps richer and more interesting than anywhere else in Europe. And yes we're talking about modern, 20th century architecture. What happened before the flushing toilet and

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Between Time A Curated Showcase of Fine Furnishings and Art in Berlin
Architecture | 30.08.2013

Between Time: A Curated Showcase of Fine Furnishings and Art in Berlin.

Much as we bemoan our annual trip to Milan, we do generally return enriched in some form or another. And, secretly, glad that we went. 2011's epiphany came when we were introduced to the Milanese producer Azucena. The introduction coming via Konstantin Grcic and his Entre-Deux "screen/divider/barricade", an object that was/is the start of a longer term cooperation between Grcic and Azucena. A continuation of which we are patiently awaiting. Until then we are whetting our Azucena appetite

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Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne Ex Libris Ex Loco with Volkwin Marg and Hartmut Frank
Architecture | 24.08.2013

Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne: Ex Libris - Ex Loco with Volkwin Marg and Hartmut Frank.

On September 3rd the Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne present the latest edition of their Ex Libris series. This time Ex Loco. In Bremen. As we noted in a previous Ex Libris post, "... much as the Internet is full of spam until you start looking for something, so to is a library just a lot of old paper until you read the books". And in this sense the Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft Cologne regularly invite architecture luminaries to select a work from the archive's

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