In the early 1980s, Scottish Indie jingle-janglers Orange Juice advised us all to "Rip it up and start again".1 Which has also been the prevailing credo of European architecture and urban planning for much of the past two centuries: less a case of what goes up must come down, as what goes up will come down as soon as a new use is demanded or a new spatial concept developed or a new political ideology comes to the fore. But should it? Must it? And if didn't? Questions that in recent decades
read moreThe (hi)story of architecture and design is a rich, vibrant, complex smörgåsbord, albeit one that for decades has been popularly reduced to a simplified, formalised, ultra-processed ready meal. Something to re-heat and consume without enjoyment. A most unhappy, and unhealthy, state of affairs we feel it is our duty to respond to by serving you up some titbits and morsels from that original smörgåsbord, not so that you can go around showing off on social media, please don't, but by way of
read moreThe cover of Walter Gropius's 1919 Bauhaus Manifesto, that rallying call for what would become the three Bauhauses, is famously graced by Lyonel Feininger's woodcutting Kathedrale, an ideogram for the "Wundertat der gotischen Kathedrale"1, the 'miracle of the Gothic cathedral', that archetype Gropius borrowed from John Ruskin to explain what good architecture is, why it is, how it arises, and thereby to visualise the path to the 'building of the future' via a 'new guild of craftsmen'2 Gropius
read moreThe month of March takes its name from the Roman month of Martius which in turn takes its name from the Roman God of War, Mārs. As does the planet Mars which a small group of individuals appear phenomenally keen to get to as quickly as possible. Ideally quicker. If that is because they suspect the presence of rare earths, are looking for new regions to fight over by way of honouring Mārs, or simply read far too many comics as children and believe it is the unavoidable fate of humans to visit
read moreMuseums are popularly associated with Pasts. In their current exhibition the Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig, concern themselves with Futures, specifically with the Material and Design of Tomorrow....... Futures. Material and Design of Tomorrow, Grassi Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig There can be little argument, OK given the contemporary state of what passes for global discourse there can be an awful lot of very virulent argument, backed up with aggressive online trolling
read moreIn Fortnight, a tale of the solitary suffering of impossible love, a tale involving some truly unnecessary violent fantasies that don't seem to fit easily with friendship bracelets, glitter and rainbows, Taylor Swift laments, "All my mornings are Mondays, stuck in an endless February". If only that February were February 2025 Taylor!!! For then the wealth of new architecture and design exhibitions opening would not only lift your spirits, but through the stimulation and exploration thereby
read moreIn the fickle and vainglorious world of cinema January is a so-called Dump Month, a month when all those films studios have lost faith in get released en mass without publicity in the hope that no-one will see them. Far less remember them. Which is not only extremely arrogant, a belief that just because you don't appreciate something no-one else will, but an outrageously decadent waste of a month when, certainly in the northern hemisphere, most people are looking for spaces in which to not
read moreUntil the introduction of the Julian calender in 45 BCE December had but 29 days, meaning two less days to explore, challenge and enjoy architecture and design exhibitions. Imagine! How horrible!! We don't say it often, but Thank You Julius Caesar!!!" Our locations for taking advantage of all 31 glorious days of December 2024 can be found in Herford, Philadelphia, Bratislava, Berlin and Caesar's native Rome....... "Luigi Colani – Shapes of the Future" at Marta Herford, Germany While never
read moreThere is an old saying that whoever has visions should consult a doctor.1 With Building Worlds. Visionary Architecture in the 20th Century the Archiv der Avantgarden – Egidio Marzona, Dresden, employ the visions of 20th century architecture as the basis for a probing examination of both the built environment and the condition of contemporary architecture....... Building Worlds. Visionary Architecture in the 20th Century, Archiv der Avantgarden - Egidio Marzona, Dresden Formally opened in
read moreAs the, then, still plain Walter Scott, so nearly opined in 1806: "November's sky is chill and drear, November's leaf is red and sear: Late, gazing down the steepy linn That hems our little garden in, I thought, what an excellent month to visit an architecture or design exhibition."1 Our five retreats from the chill and drear of November 2024 can be found in Chemnitz, Brussels, Winterthur, Krefeld and New York....... "Reform of Life" at the Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz, Chemnitz, Germany
read moreThe music by Peter Scherer, and music design by Daniel Hobi, play an important role in the film E.1027 - Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea; play an important role in enabling Beatrice Minger and Christoph Schaub's film to allow us all to approach the differentiated and more probable appreciation of Eileen Gray E.1027 - Eileen Gray and the House by the Sea admonishes we all need must approach. But can exploring Eileen Gray via music also allow one to approach that differentiated and more
read more"J'ai toujours aimé l'architecture. Plus que tout" reflected Eileen Gray in 1973, 'I've always loved architecture. More than anything", continuing, 'but I didn't think I was capable of it'.1 A capability her first major project, the villa E.1027 at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin on France's Côte d’Azur, tended and tends to underscore she needn't have doubted. If a capability that over the decades has oft been as concealed and inaccessible as E.1027. With the film E.1027 – Eileen Gray and the House by
read moreBreaking the Glass Ceiling by Tina Marković and Karla Bastalić, as seen at Zagreb Design Week 2024 As previously noted, the theme of Zagreb Design Week 2024 was Breaking the Glass Ceiling, a theme that the organisers neatly, and pleasingly, expanded away from its conventional understanding in terms of gender parity and towards a demand for a design practice and design industry, or perhaps more accurately, a demand for a design practice and design industry in Europe, more inclusive that that
read moreDespite what you may have have been led to believe, Oktoberfest isn't in October. Or is barely in October. It's primarily in September, ends on the first Sunday in October. Meaning in 2024 it's all over on the 6th of October. Leaving you the rest of the month to over-consume in reasonably-priced architecture and design museums rather than over-consuming in over-priced beer tents. Our five locations for a party of the spirit, intellect, soul and for improving your understanding of the world
read more"Das Unbehagen an unseren Städten ist ziemlich allgemein"1 opined the German architecture and design theoretician Hans Eckstein in 1972, 'discontent with our cities is fairly universal', continuing 'it is growing day by day. Accusations and indignation are heard everywhere. It is almost impossible to ignore the amount of literature about the miserable condition of our cities.' Yet despite the apparent, certainly for Eckstein, urgency and ubiquity of the discontent, he laments that 'there are
read moreThe word on the wind was that Tsuyoshi Tane’s Garden House was to be the last addition to the Vitra Campus, Weil am Rhein. The wind appears to have been ill-informed, thankfully, for with the project Khudi Bari by Marina Tabassum the Vitra Campus has a new addition that expands and extends it more than just physically....... Khudi Bari by Marina Tabassum, Vitra Campus, Weil am Rhein Developed in 2020 by Dhaka, Bangladesh, born and based architect Marina Tabassum as a project for "the
read moreAcross the northern hemisphere September generally marks the start of the academic year, be that in primary, secondary, tertiary or quaternary education contexts, as students at all levels return to their studies after the long summer break. And while quinary education may not need an official start, or indeed a structured year, there is not only something appropriate in opening a new chapter in your studies alongside that of your fellow students, but for all the number and variety of new
read moreTimon and Melchior Grau with their Fire lamp (photo courtesy GRAU) There is an argument to be made, one indeed we've often have made in these dispatches, that the (hi)story of human society, essentially, begins with the harnessing of fire, a harnessing that conceptually someone had to arrive at and which poses important questions as to how 'primitive' 'primitive' societies actually were: could you conceive harnessing fire, and then work out how to? We couldn't. A harnessing of fire that was
read moreIn 1998 the then, German President, and native of Bavaria, Roman Herzog opined, "In München sind Lederhose und Laptop eine Symbiose eingegangen", 'In Munich, lederhose and laptops have entered into a symbiosis'. One of innumerable partisan puffs for the Freistaat over the decades by Bavarian politicians; but also a very neat political statement implying that the popular image of Bavaria as being all about mountains, forests, lakes, rivers and rugged herders on livestock dense alms, was no
read more"A bútortörténet az általános művészettörténet és a művelődéstörténet egyik speciális ága" opined the Hungarian interior designer, furniture designer, editor and educator Kaesz Gyula in 1962, 'furniture history is a special branch of general art history and cultural history', continuing that 'its task is to acquaint you with the part of human creative work that creates the human environment and means of use. Through the individual objects, we get to know the age, the production and social
read moreHuman society's fascination with leaving behind the limitations and fragilities and vagaries of the human being, and of the planet we all call home, is almost as old as human society, and is inextricably linked with developments in technology, science, engineering and human society's understandings of itself and its environments; amongst the earliest descriptions, for example, of flying to the moon being Francis Godwin’s 1638 book The Man in the Moone, an account of a journey, and of the beings
read moreAugust 2024 is Olympics, or at least the first half is. And while, yes, you could stay home and watch events in Paris unfold from the comfort of your sofa and fridge, you could also undertake a little cerebral, contemplative, conceptual, fencing, judo, weightlifting, skateboarding, and/or gymnastics of your own. Go for that inner gold!!! Seek to become a new personal best!!! Our five recommended cultural sporting venues for August 2024 can be found, not in Paris, or at least not directly,
read more"The word 'document' which in the last few generations stood, and in many regards still stands for, papers relating to legal matters, such as deeds, contracts, affidavits and certificates, has in present-day professional usage reverted to its original meaning as derived from its Latin origin", opined Lucia Moholy in 1948, "and now applies to spoken, written, printed and other materials, produced and distributed for the purpose of imparting knowledge".1 With Lucia Moholy: Exposures Kunsthalle
read moreAs an (apparent) unending forest criss-crossed by visual axes and dotted with meadows, Park Sanssouci in Potsdam stands proxy for the garden design, the garden architecture, of 18th and 19th century Europe. As an (apparent) unending forest criss-crossed by visual axes and dotted with meadows, Park Sanssouci in Potsdam stands proxy for the power and wealth and pomp and glory of 18th and 19th century Prussia. According to the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, who
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