As we all know life isn't fair.
But imagine, just for a minute, it was.
Over the past 12 months we've found numerous items that in a fair and just world we would find under our tree on Christmas morning.....
Endless by Jason Miller for Roll & Hill
Spotted at Roll & Hill's Milan debut back in April Endless by Jason Miller is a modular lighting system that can not only be extended and shaped to fit any space... but positively cries out to be allowed to do just that. In the Roll & Hill shop there are only very short versions offered for sale. Our advice - bypass those and get yourself a custom system that passes right through your house. Upstairs and down!
Zoom Bass Drum System by Rockstroh Drums
There is admittedly no-one on the (smow)blog team who can play drums. But we're all experts at battering things remorselessly until fatigue gives way to exhaustion. Which we believe is similar.
The Zoom bass drum system by Leipzig based Rockstroh drums didn't just appeal to us because it is an innovative approach to bass drum design - but also because of its wonderful optic. As a drum kit the proportions and details fit wonderfully to create an object that is both visually and aurally desirable.
Fragile Future Chandelier 3.1 by Lonneke Gordijn & Ralph Nauta
Our first trip to Design Miami Basel and we come back all loved up in a €65,000 lamp made out of dandelion seeds. That's the last time the (smow)boss will let us go to Basel on our own!