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Roll and Hill Lighting

Published on 15.05.2010
The Stature of Liberty, New York ...

We're not in New York for ICFF this year.

Last year was just toooooo traumatic...

Which is a shame because our inbox is full of the most wonderful shows and products - not least the lamp collection from "the new American lighting company" Roll and Hill.

In many ways a vehicle for Brooklyn designer - and our personal highlight from last years ICFF - Jason Miller, Roll and Hill carries a wide range of lighting from contemporary US designers including Lindsey Adams Adelman, Paul Loebach, Sarah Cihat and Michael Miller as well as the design collective Rich Brilliant Willing.

Lighting is one of those complex design fields; whereas choosing seating or storage units is normally a decision based around functionality.

Lamps illuminate.

True technical innovation such as with Richard Sappers Tizio for Artemide or aesthetic innovation such as Nils Holger Moormann's Pin Coat Pin Light being rare exceptions; many producers simply assume the consumer doesn't care, as long as the light illuminates.

With the Roll and Hill collection, however, the lamp is undoubted the star.

And that's a good thing as it acts as a check on the uniterrupted flow of tat being produced on the basis that no really cares.

Our personal favourite remains Jason Miller's Modo Chandelier, a product of such dignified elegance it truly blow us away last year in New York.

The complete Roll and Hill collection can be viewed at

Modo Chandelier by Jason Miller through Roll and Hill


#Artemide #Jason Miller #Moormann #Nils Holger Moormann #Pin Coat Pin Light #Richard Sapper #Tizio