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DMY Berlin | 08.06.2009

DMY Youngsters: My Own Super Studio

The International Design Festival Berlin is over, but the pleasing afterglow remains. In particular through joys such as that presented by Portugese designer My Own Super Studio. At designer furniture shows one sees a lot of furniture, but not much that genuinely excites on account of its genuine innovation. Fiss Family by my own super studio is one of the rarities. Fiss Family is essentially a set of 4 colour coded - Big Blue, Small Yellow, Long Green and Fat Orange - lamps. Or better put

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DMY Berlin | 08.06.2009

DMY Berlin: be Berlin(4)

Berlin didn't become the pulsating metropolis its is by blithely doing what everyone else does. Oh no, Berlin became Berlin because it was Berlin. And now so that we all can bathe in wonder of what "Berlin" means, the city marketing authorities have started an education programme, "be Berlin", in which they instruct us all how we too can be like them. And in conjunction with the DMY design festival, (smow)blog can exclusively reveal a few secrets as to how you too can "be Berlin" be Berlin

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DMY Berlin | 07.06.2009

DMY Allstars: Design Apparat

What first attracted us to the work of Jason Miller at ICFF was the fact it was dirty. Obviously not pysically grubby, but dirty. As in a get down, funky, sort of dirty. Downtown Manhattan circa 1976 dirty. And we liked that. A lot. A similar emmotion grabbed us here at DMY Berlin as we walked past the stand from Design Apparat. The furniture was filthy. Again not in a grubby, don't sit down you'll ruin your jacket sort of way; rather in a "did you find that in Warsaw Pact appartment

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DMY Berlin | 07.06.2009

DMY Berlin: be Berlin(3)

Berlin didn't become the pulsating metropolis its is by blithely doing what everyone else does. Oh no, Berlin became Berlin because it was Berlin. And now so that we all can bathe in wonder of what "Berlin" means, the city marketing authorities have started an education programme, "be Berlin", in which they instruct us all how we too can be like them. And in conjunction with the DMY design festival, (smow)blog can exclusively reveal a few secrets as to how you too can "be Berlin" be Berlin

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smow | 06.06.2009

Vote smow

As a Europe-wide active business we at smow take Europe very seriously. We must, it is our home. And naturally for us the European elections are an important event for which we are more than happy to sacrifice a couple of hours of our time in which to go voting. But don't you also agree that polling stations are frightfully dull locations? We're not snobs, but, you know, one could at least try to, you know, make a little effort. So smow spoke to the responsible authorities in Leipzig and

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DMY Berlin | 06.06.2009

DMY Berlin: be Berlin(2)

Berlin didn't become the pulsating metropolis its is by blithely doing what everyone else does. Oh no, Berlin became Berlin because it was Berlin. And now so that we all can bathe in wonder of what "Berlin" means, the city marketing authorities have started an education programme, "be Berlin", in which they instruct us all how we too can be like them. And in conjunction with the DMY design festival, (smow)blog can exclusively reveal a few secrets as to how you too can "be Berlin" be Berlin

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DMY Berlin | 06.06.2009

DMY Youngsters: Burg Giebichenstein

In the past few months we've had the privilege and misfortune of viewing several student showcases. These have ranged from the wonderful, such as the kkrraalls show in Milan from the students of the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, over the disappointing (Cranbrook College in New York) and not especially good (Weimar Uni. Milan and Berlin) onto the outright pointless - in particular we think on the show in Milan by a nameless north European-based college. The show from the

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DMY Berlin | 05.06.2009

DMY Berlin: Youngsters

While the "big name" designers show their wares at the IMA Village, the future stars are grouped together as DMY:Youngsters in the Treptower Park Arena Admittedly the classification is based on the organisers own perception and marketing concept - why, for example should the students from Bauhaus Uni Weimar be considered "Allstars" while those from Burg Giebichenstein in Halle are classed as "youngsters"? It makes no sense. Especially given that the Burg Giebichenstein show considerably

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DMY Berlin | 05.06.2009

DMY Berlin: be Berlin(1)

Berlin didn't become the pulsating metropolis its is by blithely doing what everyone else does. Oh no, Berlin became Berlin because it was Berlin. And now so that we all can bathe in wonder of what "Berlin" means, the city marketing authorities have started an education programme, "be Berlin", in which they instruct us all how we too can be like them. And in conjunction with the DMY design festival, (smow)blog can exclusively reveal a few secrets as to how you too can "be Berlin" be Berlin

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DMY Berlin | 04.06.2009

DMY Berlin: Allstars

The good news is that there are plenty of tables in the press room. And some excellent stuff on show from ETH Zürich, Fischerundfritze and Design Apparat, among others. More information and photos will follow soon. And Bauhaus University Weimar are here again with their "my bauhaus is better than yours" exhibition. It still isn't, but "their birdhaus maybe better than yours"

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Awards | 02.06.2009

Artemide "Best design brand Home and Living 2009"

Dioscuri Tavolo by Huub Ubbens und Michele De Lucchi for Artemide Although we'll probably always have problems with design and branding Awards, we do appreciate the value and importance that many of them represent. And so congratulations from us to Italian lighting designer and (smow)partner Artemide for first place in the category "Design Brand Home and Living" at the 2009 German "best brand" awards. The "best brand" awards assess not only the market position of a brand but much more the

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Design Competition | 28.05.2009

Montana Design Challenge

In the world of designer furniture the word "individual" is regularly used; with everyone conveniently forgetting that if we all buy the same furniture, nothing is individual. Unless that is we all furnish our homes and offices with products from Danish producer, and smow partner, Montana. According to the good folks over there at Montana there are 5 billion possible combinations of their products - we've not counted, and we're not going to count, but you can check for yourself in the

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New York Tales | 27.05.2009

New York Ta(b)les: Crescendo C2 maximus by stilvoll

When not jetting off around the world, sharpening our sarcasm at international designer furniture trade fairs, the (smow)blog team undertake other, non(smow), contracts. To help us relax and unwind. Some of us design graffiti templates, some translate classic music manuscripts and others undertake copy-editing and proofreading jobs. Varied as they are, all these tasks are related in that sometimes you want to sit, sometimes you want to stand and regardless of whether sitting or standing

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Designer | 26.05.2009

(smow)offline: Bouroullec's design new Kvadrat showroom

Good news for all of you in Copenhagen, or who are planning visiting the Danish capital. Perpetual smow favourites Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec were recently commissioned to design the new Kvadrat showroom in Copenhagen, and the result of the work has now been unveiled. It may not look like they have done very much for their opulent fee; but ain't that the secret in good design ;) But what they undoubtedly have created, is a space that allows the wonderful Kvadrat fabrics to shine and take

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Designer | 20.05.2009

(smow)offline: Eames Aluminium Chair

youtube contains a lot more than trampolining bears, illegal music videos and "ooh so clever" advertising virals. It can also be useful and informative. Honest. Among the youtube channels we like - and one of the few we actively follow - is that from Vitra. Recently a new film appeared on the Vitra youtube channel; a short review and history of the Aluminium Chairs by Charles and Ray Eames. Not only is the film a wonderful introduction to the Aluminium Chairs, but also allows a rare

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New York Tales | 20.05.2009

New York Tales: See ya!

Americans, no sense of humour (or humor as they would have it...... )

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New York Tales | 20.05.2009

New York Tales: Jason Miller

For us one of the discoveries of the ICFF was Brooklyn based designer Jason Miller. Miller's design contains undeniable elements of contemporary European design, albeit effortlessly combined with, for our opinion, classic European stereotypes of retro-NYC style. We promised a text on post-colonialism in US design ... and like all at smow we always keep our promises. Miller's Duct Tape Chair, for example, is more than a wonderfully comfortable armchair. Reminiscent in many ways of Easy

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New York Tales | 19.05.2009

New York Ta(b)les: Part 2

We came, we saw, we sat on the floor... But it needn't have been so..... Once again the Europeans show the Americans how it should be done. One of the largest stands in New York was that from the Saloni Milano -a mix of the finest Italian designers: And they brought their own press room. No electricity, no Internet...but tables. And coffee. How fondly we look back on April.... Although greatly impressed by the typewriter, we also liked Desk 51 by American producer bludot as a desk.

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New York Tales | 19.05.2009

New York Tales: How ya doin’

Not good As everyone know everything in America is bigger. Everything. From bagels the size of Jupiter to the level of manipulation undertaken to justify invading Iraq. Everything in America exists on a larger scale than you thought possible. Except furniture trade shows. In Milan, Artemide's stand, for example, was so big it was not only dissected by a time zone, but in the north east corner biologists found two previously unknown primate species. Meanwhile Kartell, following the

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New York Tales | 18.05.2009

New York Tales: Table Fights

...lets fight some tables... You couldn't make up. Before we departed for NYC one of those events that was already written in heavy ink in our diaries was the second annual Table Fights at Magnan Galleries. Honest. Even as we sat in Leipzig blithly assuming tables would be freely available in NYC, we were planning watching tables fight. In many ways the inevitable consequence of too many childish "my table is better than yours" arguments between drunken first year design students, Table

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New York Tales | 18.05.2009

New York Tales: Sought after art

One of the advantages of the time delay is that by mid-afternoon New York time the (smow)boss is at home and so we can go out and enjoy New York City. On Friday we took the opportunity for a stroll through Manhattan ... and like every other tourist spent most of the time taking photos of skyscrapers. Regardless how often you take such a photo, the next view seems even better. And don't even get us started on the next..... However, to truly capture the majesty you need much better equipment

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Designer | 17.05.2009

The saintly Vernon Panton

It's an oldie, but still a goodie and a story we want to quickly share with all who don't know it. Before we head off to New York. Back in 2006 Czech designers Jakub Berdych and Maxim Velcovsky from Qubus Design Studio, Prague redesigned the St. Bartholomew’s Church in Chodovice. Now, while re-designing a small church in a remote Czech village may not sound like the stuff designers dreams are made off; such contracts do offer up rare opportunities. Godsends one could say. Carving

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New York Tales | 17.05.2009

New York Ta(b)les. Part 1

There may be no tables in the press room, but there are plenty to be found at ICFF... Eiermann 1 by Egon Eiermann from Lampert....ahhhhh, if only, if only if only. Polished chrome AND a place to rest your feet at hip level. Hhhhmmmmmm, perfection at work Oh my God, a table with its own integrated book holder. Every proofreaders dream. And height adjustable so you can stand or sit to work ... Crescendo C2 maximus from stilvoll where have you been since Saturday at 10... Particularly

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New York Tales | 16.05.2009

New York Tales: Greene Street Tales

In local parlance Greene Street, NYC is known as "West smow", on account of the prevalence of high-quality designer furniture producers who have their flagship stores there. The Artemide store, for example, is a couple of doors down from USM Haller, across the road from USM Haller is Kartell - it really is uncannily like the navigation bar at Indeed as we strolled down West smow on Friday morning we couldn't help thinking that only Moormann failed. Then we spotted number 75.

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