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Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat, treat your home office to a new s(e)at

Bosses are without doubt the best reason to set up your own business. Bosses, however, buy your office chair when you work for them. Set up on your own and you are forced to buy your own seat. And for far too many of us the first steps in an independent working life lead us to a supplier of cheap mass-produced furniture. The normal reason given is cost: well made and intelligently designed furniture costs more than a generic piece loosely based on the form of the well made and

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smow | 15.12.2009

new at (smow): MAXintheBOX from perludi

We know. We know. It looks like our MAXintheBOX designersopen post was simply advertising for (smow) Yet ironically it wasn't. We were at the designersopen press launch on the Friday- and the (smow)boss was there on the Saturday. And by the time we saw the (smow)boss on the Tuesday, the deal was in the sack and MAXintheBOX was in the (smow)catalogue. And that genuinely should be a lesson to all young designers out there - such design shows can bring success, if your project is immediately

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Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat ... don't waste your money on illegal tat

Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Save for a company from South Tirol, In hopes that unwary Christmas shoppers would buy their illegal unlicensed copies of Bauhaus classics In a lesser known version of his 1822 classic “A Visit from St. Nicholas", Clement Clarke Moore eerily predicted events some 180 years later whereby, as part of a Christmas sales promotion, a "known" producer of unlicensed copies of Bauhaus classics

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smow | 10.12.2009

(smow)abseits: Vitra photographs by Bart van Bussel

From experience we can confirm that photographing furniture is not the easiest job in the world. And getting a picture that captures the spirit and functionality of the object is a true art. And so we were all the more impressed when we stumbled across a series of photos of Vitra miniatures by Dutch photographer Bart van Bussel. All we know about Bart is that he is a photographer, lives in Amsterdam and has more facebook friends than we do. But we do know quite a lot about the chairs he has

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DMY Berlin | 09.12.2009

DMY Berlin 2010 : Applications Open and Dates Confirmed

The organisers of the 2010 DMY Berlin are now accepting applications for all DMY Youngsters, DMY Allstars and DMY Extended. We're hoping to enter a couple of projects ourselves; so watch this space. And for all who simply want to enjoy the best and freshest in contemproary design, the festival will take place deom June 9-13 at the new venue tresor.m, a formerpower staion in Berlin-Mitte All details can be found at DMY Berlin

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Design Tourism | 09.12.2009

(smow)offline: design(ing) hotels

It all started with "boutique" hotels. which, if one is brutally honest, were simply small hotels. Or guest houses as we used to call them. Back in the day. Then slowly, ever so slowly the term "design hotels" emerged and today - whether used to describe a hotel where each room has it's own "identity" or an establishment furnished with designer furniture - design hotels represent an important part of the accommodation repertoire, and tourist marketing concept, of all major cities. As with so

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Christmas TIME...

...and the mistletoe and wine will almost certainly be in abundance - so why not give someone the gift of time this Christmas. Puns, we love 'em One of the true greats of clock design was former Herman Miller design director George Nelson and his classic 1950s clock designs are a gift that one can always give with confidence. A new addition to the range is the three Ceramic Clocks; designed in the early 1950s but which never entered production. On the basis of drawings and other technical

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design in sachsen | 25.11.2009

Sachsen Design Prize: 2 second places, no winner - and one loser: Design in Sachsen.

The "Product Design" category of the 2009 Sachsen Design Prize, as announced in Dresden Wednesday evening, produced a somewhat curious result: no winner but two second places. Which aside from being ridiculous is a real slap in the face for the product design community in Sachsen. For those who don't know we live in Sachsen,; learned our trade here; took the knocks, got back up and tried again here. The region is branded on every part of our bodies and our souls. And we now where the

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Hang it All by Charles and Ray Eames through Vitra... an object which could jave been developed to an Eames lamp.....?

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat... vitra dsr, eames lounge chair and elefat

In the world of designer furniture there are few designers for who "home" and "family" played such a central role as Charles and Ray Eames. From the design of their "Eames House" as a combined living and working space for a young family and on through their many works for and with children, Charles and Ray Eames always presented themselves as "domestic" rather than "industrial" designers. And so it is little wonder that so many of their designs can be so easily recommended as Christmas gifts.

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Producer | 17.11.2009

The curious film career of USM Haller

A few weeks ago we premiered our new film featuring USM Haller in the leading role. This however was not our stars first major film role. In 2001 USM Haller starred alongside John Travolta, Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry in the film "Swordfish". And just as during our production USM Haller also proved to be real diva on the "Swordfish" set and was responsible for various delays during the filming. Most notably in the famous scene when a Hummer breaks through a plate glass window. The script

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Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.... liesmichl and other assorted gift ideas

As traditional as roasted chestnuts and corked sherry, gift recommendations are what make Christmas for us. This year, however, we start with a friendly warning. The lead times for many of our suppliers are creeping upwards - and although we have a well stocked and bountiful warehouse; should you want to order something extra special as a gift for a loved one, and we have to order it - it's getting tight. The "traffic light system" in the (smow)shop provides an instant guide to availability;

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Producer | 10.11.2009

new at smow: Ball Chair by Eero Aarnio

Students. We love em! But slightly better than students are poor graduates. For just as a man alone in a forest at night must rely on all his wit and inventiveness to find warmth and food, so must a designer taking his first tentative freelance steps rely on all his talents and intuition as a designer not to freeze to death. Or starve. So, or at least similar, is how we like to imagine Eero Aarnio developing probably his most defining design: the Ball Chair Helsinki. 1962. The young Eero

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smow offline | 09.11.2009

World Usability Day 2009

Today is World Usability Day. We do admit to be being more than a touch sceptical about the motivations that lead people to establish events such as "Global Avocado Day", "Bulgarian Aramaic Appreciation Week", or indeed "World Usability Day", but we can't help agreeing with the preamble to their charter. (Without endorsing the charter, per se): Human error is a misnomer. Technology today is too hard to use. A cell phone should be as easy-to-use as a doorknob. In order to humanize a world that

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Designers Open | 03.11.2009

Designers' Open 2009: MAXintheBOX from Perludi

After several months searching we finally got our hands on MAXintheBOX from Graz based producer Perludi. MAXintheBOX is probably best described as a box. Which of course can barely begin to describe the beauty of the creation. But is at least a start. Crafted from birch plywood each MAXintheBOX set consists of two modular elements that can be combined in many different ways; as chair, table, desk ... or hiding place. Although principally intended for children, MAXintheBOX is strong enough

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Designers Open | 02.11.2009

Designers' Open 2009: diefabrik

Its a little known fact, but the printer in (smow)HQ sits atop a "Block" by Frank Gehry. And indeed in general we at (smow)blog are long standing fans of corrugated cardboard furniture; and not only since introducing the world to Stuart Miller during the 2009 Saloni. Shelf 114/115 from Leipzig based diefabrik didn't quite set our hearts ablaze as much as Stuarts nameless chair, but did make us very happy. It is a truly, truly ridiculous concept. Oval cardboard forms with exaggerated teeth

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Designers Open | 01.11.2009

Designers' Open 2009: Nido by Eva Marguerre

Barely were we through the doors Designers Open doors, than we stumbled into an old friend. Nido by Eva Marguerre We first saw Nido at the kkaarrllss in Milan, a showcase featuring works from students at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe. And were greatly taken by it. A couple of weeks later and up it popped again at DMY Berlin. And we suspect, though at this moment can't prove, that Eva Marguerre and her Nido have also been in London, Brussels and Copenhagen of late.

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Designers Open | 26.10.2009

Designers Open 2009:9002 nepO srengiseD

The fifth Leipzig Designers Open is well ... Open. For the next three days over 150 international exhibitors will be presenting their furniture, fashion, jewellery and product/communication designs and concepts in the unique atmosphere of the Merkurhaus. We're old enough that we can recall numerous Merkurhaus tenants, but none that offered such a varied and high quality selection as at this years Designers Open. Which is proabably why they all stopped trading and while Designers Open grows

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smow offline | 20.10.2009

(smow)offline: Uses for old T-shirts

Those of you who know us know that we have little time or interest in fakers, copyists and other charlatans who undermine the work, talent and investment of furniture designers. However, we're also great admirers of inspired time wasting disguised as work and so it's a big (smow)blog hats off to the boys and girls at the spreadshirt blog for their attempt at a Rag Chair. That the spreadshirt blog team have such a big box of textiles is to be explained by the numbers of shirts required for the

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(smow) congratulates: 20 Years Vitra Design Museum

On 03.11.1989 the Vitra Design Museum opened. On 09.11.1989 the Berlin Wall "fell". Coincidence? Almost certainly. But while the Vitra Design Museum may not be able to claim responsibility for the end of the DDR, it can look back on a remarkable 20 year history and proudly profess to have helped popularise designer furniture and furniture designers. Initially established as a location where Vitra chairman Rolf Fehlbaum could display his extensive collection of contemporary designer

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Designers Open | 19.10.2009

Designers' Open 2009

Our new flash has arrived .... and that just in the nick of time. (As the name tends to imply ;) ) For this coming Friday the 2009 Designers' Open will once again present the finest selection in contemporary design from 150 international designers. And that right here in Leipzig. In addition, a series of lectures, workshops, discussions and "hands on" events will not only wonderfully complement the exhibition, but, hopefully, invigorate, motivate and illuminate both industry professionals and

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iglooplay at ICFF - and the closest we got to a table all week....
New York Tales | 15.10.2009

ICFF 2010 : Call for entries

With the clocks all across Europe preparing to be turned back an hour and so cast us all into that unlit world so beloved of poets, painters and cat burglars; a ray of light comes from the US of A. The organisers of the 2010 ICFF have issued a call for entries for the ICFF Studio and ICFF Design School. We had a fantastic time at ICFF in 2009 and are thoroughly looking forward to returning to the Big Apple in May 2010. And so, by way of supporting and helping the organisers of ICFF we would

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Designer | 14.10.2009

new at smow: Rag Chair by droog

One of the most exciting moments of our trip to the ICFF, New York was our visit to the droog flagship store in SoHo. For those who don't know droog, firstly forget everything you accept about the separation between art and furniture design. And then having convinced yourself there is no divide imagine your Dutch and design something. OK droog also have some fantastic "normal" designs - but their real strength is pushing the borders of absurd until they become the most obvious thing ever.

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DOK Leipzig | 12.10.2009

USM (smow)blog and DOK Leipzig .... sadly no happy end

Sadly we must report that our critically acclaimed short animated film “usm_highboard_m_rubinrot” will not be featured in the 2009 DOK Leipzig. Apparently entries closed months ago and it would be unfair to allow our film into the competition at this late stage. Those who have chosen a creative route through life, know that the road is long, hard and winds its way through valley's of despair. But that's why we do it. And so we go undaunted forward and our next USM Haller work is already

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DOK Leipzig | 08.10.2009

(smow)blog and usm_highboard_m_rubinrot ... soon at DOK Leipzig?

(click to play) As a few you have noticed (and thanks for the mails by the way, always appreciated) we've been a bit quiet of late. The reason for our absence was the development of our new short animated film: "usm_highboard_m_rubinrot" Initially conceived as a simple animated tribute to the the role of the trouser press in the social history of lower-middle class England since 1067, the work proved to be little more complicated than first envisaged. As one should really expect wth such a

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