Students. Don't ya just love 'em! Spend years studying and then.... Whereas most sociology, philosophy or art history students eventually end up working in banks, call centres or become King of England; the situation with design students is somewhat more complicated. You don't study design just for the sake of getting a qualification; you study design so that you can work as a designer. Ideally an independent, freelance designer, controlling the entire process and developing your own
read moreWe used to love flying. But after Lufthansa's decision to send us on unwanted world tour rather than directly from Frankfurt to Edinburgh we're getting a bit sick of the sight of boarding gates. And so as we flew pointlessly around Northern Europe we found ourselves pinning for Alexander Girard. Although principally remembered as one of the worlds leading authorities on folk art, Alexander Girard was also one of the first "corporate graphic designers"; and undoubtedly his most aesthetic
read moreIn conjunction with the current exhibition "The Essence of Things. Design and the Art of Reduction" the Vitra Design Museum are running a series of summer workshops. "The Essence of Things. Design and the Art of Reduction" deals, as the name implies, with "reduction" in design: principally the reasons for reduction in design - be they technical, aesthetic or philosophical. Using this as the basis, the workshops encourage participants to think "reduced" and for all to create useful products
read moreYesterday the (smow)blog team left the office early to collectively visit the opening evening of the 2010 Kurzsuechtig short film festival in the Plagwitz Schaubühne. From a mixed programme that wonderfully highlighted the rich spectrum of animation techniques, the major winner was without doubt "Laufende Geschäfte" which collected both the audience prize and second place from the jury. The film from Burg Gebichenstein Halle graduate Falk Schuster is a bitter, bitter, bitter dark comedy about
read moreOn Thursday April 29th the exhibition "gute aussichten - junge deutsche fotografie 2009/2010" opens at the Haus der Photographie, Hamburg. Established in 2004 as a platform for supporting young, talented photographers gute aussichten has developed into one of Germany's most important and respected contemporary photography prizes. This years exhibition features the work of the 8 artists - Georg Brückmann (HGB Leipzig); Philipp Dorl, (FH Bielefeld); Sonja Kälberer, (HGB Leipzig); Ute Klein,
read moreNoise isn't something that we here in Leipzig's Lower-East Plagwitz Village have to worry too much about. The loudest it gets here being when the frogs sing their morning chorus around the lake. However, within the (smow)office, as with in all offices, it can get loud - telephones, typing, coffee machines, Eames House Birds, laptop coolers. All the normal office noises that conspire to create a background wall of sound. Whereas long-term exposure to such background office noise is
read moreNo, we don't handle the PR for Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec. We would like to. But we don't. It's just the Brothers are not only among the most assiduous contemporary designers, but they also keep producing work that needs to be presented. For one reason or another. Such as Lianes, a lamp that forms part of their new show at Galerie Kreo in Paris. Galerie Kreo has in a way become a sort of "Haute couture" stomping ground for Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec. Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec's first
read moreOn account of the horrendous hotel prices demanded during design week the (smow)blog team camp in Milan. And that despite last years near-drowning episode. This year the decision was a real blessing. Spared the torment of those trapped by Eyjafjallajokull at Milan Airport our return journey this year took us via Weil am Rhein, Vitra and the VitraHaus. What a difference the weather makes! When we were there for the opening in February architect Jacques Herzog commented, somewhat solemnly,
read moreLast week we vented our spleen on the ridiculous hotel prices in Milan during design week. And against an international design industry that blindly accepts such as part of the annual fun. We owe James Irvine an apology. James Irvine is obviously a man of principle who is prepared to raise his voice against the Milan hotel industry. And so thank you James Irvine! Hopefully the rest of the furniture industry will follow your lead and in a couple of years we can all tweet #Bologna2012 or
read moreBecause the design world is incredibly vain, supercilious and conceited, Milan is a often a lot more about showing off than showing new products. And this year if you don’t have an iPhone with all the latest Milan design week Apps, you might as well stay at home. We don’t posses anything made by Apple, nor can we imagine a time when we will, we are however not immune to the vagaries of the design world and so over the course of the next few days will introduce you to the most important iPhone
read moreWorking as a furniture designer is a lot like working as a musician or an author. You establish a reputation and then hope to attract someone to publish/produce your work. However, whereas authors and musicians tend to work exclusively with one publisher/label for prolonged periods, furniture designers generally develop products for numerous producers simultaneously. Or at least the leading ones do. In Milan we caught up with Ronan Bouroullec and here he briefly decribes what he enjoys about
read moreBecause the design world is incredibly vain, supercilious and conceited, Milan is a often a lot more about showing off than showing new products. And this year if you don't have an iPhone with all the latest Milan design week Apps, you might as well stay at home. We don't posses anything made by Apple, nor can we imagine a time when we will, we are however not immune to the vagaries of the design world and so over the course of the next few days will introduce you to the most important iPhone
read moreWhile we are in Milan enriching the good and fair minded hoteliers of the north-Italian Metropolis; life here in Germany will continue in its normal, non-bloodsucking, non-money grabbing way. Oh yes, we're bitter. And we don't believe that all the other Milan attendees find the hotel prices fair. Just they are too cowardly to publicly complain. Milan Design Week is a rip off and everybody knows it. Just know one dare speak it..... However, back to the topic in hand. Thursday 15th April
read moreWe don't have to go to Milan to visit Moormann. We can just go to Aschau. But we do enjoy visiting Moormann in Milan, because they always make that little more effort. After Moormann's 2009 Saloni Milano stand with Liesmichl, Strammer Max, Steckling et al, 2010 is looking a little more reserved. That said Else is already promising to be one of the highlights of Milan 2010 for us. Else is not a Moormann employee, lovely as they all are, but a new shelving concept by Werner Gasser. As you
read moreThe undisputed highlight of the Kartell stand at Saloni Milano 2009 was the cat and mouse game with the special forces Kartell had hired to prevent visitors taking photographs. Despite the Kartell stand taking up an area half the size of Lombardy, the highly trained troops proved particularly efficient and we, for example, were forced to camp out overnight in a disused fox hole just to get a quick snap shot of the Dr NOs. Judging by the pre-Saloni press, this year is going to be even more fun.
read moreFor us one of the true highlights of Saloni Milano 2009 was the kkaarrlls showcase from students at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Not least because in comparison to many of the student shows at Milan 2009, the kkaarrlls show displayed some real potential. And talent. And so excellent to see the project rolling on again for Milan 2010. As ever we'll have to wait until we've actually seen the items before deciding. However from the photos we like the look of "Screw
read moreHaving sold everything, including our kidneys and the neighbours cat, we can finally afford to pay for a hotel in Milan. "Is it really worth it?" ask the pensioners, students and lawyers who gather in front of the (smow)blog flat every March to buy our possessions and so help us finance the life of luxury enjoyed by that special class of bloodsucker that is the Milanese hotelier. "No" answer we. "But what are we to do?" And indeed what are we to do. One need only look at the press photos
read moreCongratulations to Vial, Patrick Frey and Polymerpark for winning a 2010 iF Matrial Award At the moment we can't actually say any more - because details of exactly what they have won is top secret until the official prize ceremony in Hannover on April 20th. But well done. More details can be found at Nook by Patrick Frey for Vial or at the (smow) Nook page.
read moreFor people who spend most of their working lives sat at desks, publishers and authors have a frightening disregard for comfort when it comes to chairs. Or at least they do if the furniture we saw at the 2010 Leipzig Buchmesse was a measure of the industry norm. Cheap folding chairs, cheap copies of designer furniture classics being presented as originals and general cheap tat as far as the eye could see. Fortunately one or two of the exhibitors seemed better informed. Below a few snapshots
read moreA garden is for relaxing in on a summers evening. For growing vegetables. For having a cheeky cigarette when you're supposed to be finishing the accounts. A garden is also a metaphor for growing up, maturing. Getting older. In the final (smow)liest event for the 2010 Leipzig Buchmesse, journalist and author Gerhard Matzig presented his own personal tale of the journey from carefree urban youth to responsible suburban middle age. And to a garden. In front of a potentially illegally
read moreFor us Switzerland means three things. USM Haller Tax avoidance. Phil Collins. With the evening "Neue Stimmen from Switzerland", organised by SWIPS - Swiss Independent Publishers - and supported by Pro Helvetia, the (smow)room in Leipzig hosted the second (smow)liest event during the 2010 Leipzig Buchmesse. And proved that the Alpine Republic, does have more to offer. A lot more. Roman Graf opened proceedings with his debut novel "Herr Blanc". As a young man Herr Blanc left possibly
read moreOn Saturday 20.03.2010 the latest Vitra Design Museum exhibition "The Essence of Things. Design and the Art of Reduction" officially opens. An exhibition very much after our own hearts. "The Essence of Things. Design and the Art of Reduction" explores the logic that "it is in the nature of human beings to seek the simplest solution" Although admittedly this is a logic that - despite its logic - all too many designers somehow manage to ignore, there are thankfully enough examples of good,
read moreIt's not easy being German. It really isn't. Fortunately, it can be highly entertaining; as Philipp Kohlhöfer more than eloquently demonstrated to a full house at the opening event of (smow)liest 2010 in the (smow)room in Leipzig. From David Hasselhoff karoake with South-Central LA gangsters to dinner with Nelly Furtado via the moral dilemmas of associating oneself with childless individuals, Philipp Kohlhöfer led the audience through an amusing, and at times highly poetic, evening of
read moreIn the past we have often talked about airports, airport design and airport furniture. And not just because we want to demonstrate how much we travel and how often we are in airports. But because we find it just as important that high-quality furniture is available in public spaces as in the home or office. If you think your office furniture is well used - imagine the stress your average airport chair is put under. From March 23rd until March 25th Europe's largest airport terminal
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